Contemporary American Studies Honors Syllabus - Social Studies

Diligent and focused completion of all reading assignments, as and when assigned, is the foundation for understanding and success in every Social Studies course. Students are responsible for all information in reading assignments and should be aware that not all information in the reading is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student understanding beyond the simple foundation provided for in the reading assignments. Perusal of on-line digital or another student’s notes is not a substitute.

Goal: Students will have a deeper understanding of historical issues in modern America

Textbooks and Resources: US History and Government Second Edition

Course Outline:

  • Unit 1: WWII
  • Unit 2: Cold War
  • Unit 3: 1950’s
  • Unit 4: The Civil Rights Movement
  • Unit 5: 1960’s
  • Unit 6: Vietnam
  • Unit 7: 1970’s
  • Unit 8: 1980’s
  • Unit 9: 1990’s
  • Unit 10: 2000- Present

Grading Policy: I will use whole points in grading. Tests are worth approximately 100 points, quizzes 30- 50 points. Your grade will be comprised of tests, quizzes, homework, projects, reading checks and class participation.

Google Classroom, Calendar, and Power School:

Students are expected to check their gmail, calendar, and google classroom at least once daily as these are the primary modes of disseminating information.

Teacher Availability: I am available every day 1, 2 and 3 during lunch, in room 111. Please let me know if you are planning on stopping by so I can ensure I am present.

Expectations: Students are expected to exhibit respect for themselves, their peers and their instructor at all times. Respect can cover many areas a few examples are: being prepared at all times, speaking in a civilized tone and pushing yourself to reach your greatest potential.

It is also expected that should an issue arise you, the student, come speak to me, in person, about a resolution.


In the case of an excused absence:

  • Students are responsible for making up missed work.
  • Students are expected to make up missed work, including tests and quizzes, on the day they return to school.
  • In the event of field trips, students must make arrangements with the instructor regarding tests and quizzes before the event.
  • Students that are late to school or class will not provided with extra time for work and students that are late to school and miss class should make be prepared to make up work that same day.
  • Exceptions will be made for extended illness or other extenuating circumstances that arise.

In the case of an unexcused absence (Cutting Class):

  • Students who cut class receive no credit for the day and receive a zero on missed work, including tests and quizzes.

Late Assignments:

In general, major assignments, projects, papers will drop one full letter grade (10 points) for every late day.

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:

Cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Assistant Principal. will be used for all major assignments, including, but not limited to papers and powerpoints.

Act with Academic Integrity:

Cheating, copying, plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without citation), falsifying data, and other unauthorized use of materials is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. In this class we will use an honor code similar to that found in many universities. Any major assignments, (not submitted through, quizzes, or tests you turn in must contain the following statement handwritten and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded.

“On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this (test, exam, paper)”


Students will be expected to bring their iPads to class, charged, on a daily basis. Not having your iPad is to be unprepared for the day. Student use of iPads in the classroom is restricted to topics and materials which,per the instructor, further the implementation of the day’s lesson. Students who are off topic with their iPads risk negatively impacting their grade for the assignment and potentially face disciplinary consequences.


The Calendar is where I will be posting all assignments due dates. To add our class calendar to your iPad follow the instructions below. You can also access our calendar in Google Classroom under the “About” section.

Directions for adding the calendar to you iPad:

- Go to Settings

- Mail, Contact, Calendars

- Add Account

- Other

- Add Subscribed Calendar

- Copy and paste link specific to your course (see below)

- Select Next, and complete remaining directions

Block A:

Block E:

Block H:

Google Classroom Codes: Please join our Goggle Classroom

Block A: 0lp4x5c

Block E: zah6um4

Block H: pxdus0