Form 2A



2530 Crawford Avenue, Suite 115

Evanston, IL 60201

Child and Adolescent / Client Information Form

Client Name:______

In order to most efficiently use your face-to-face time with your therapist, please complete this form. This information will enable your therapist to better understand you and help you. If there are any questions you do not wish to answer, please draw a line through them, and initial the item(s).

Name of client: ______Sex: _____ DOB: ______Provider: ______

Evaluation date: ______Form filled out by: ______

Referred by: ______Persons present for evaluation: ______

Briefly describe the events that led to this appointment:




What concerns you most about your child? ______



What are your goals for the evaluation?




Have you seen other professional about these problems? If yes, list these contacts and approximate dates of evaluation and treatment (include hospitalization dates).




Please list past and current medications and approximate doses and dates of treatment.

Medication(s)Doses Dates of Treatment




Section 1 - Developmental History


Were there any complications with the pregnancy or your child’s delivery (i.e. medications, prematurity, fetal distress, low Apgars, C-section)? Were there any medical problems in the first two years of life?




Developmental milestones and concerns:

Did/does your child have problems with the following developmental milestones?

Please note the dates you had concerns about the problem.

Feeding concerns?______Breast Fed? How long? ______Physical growth problems? ______Colic? ______Sleep habits? ______Sleep through the night? ______Sleeping alone? ______Age of walking? ______Clumsiness? ______

Age of first words, first sentence?______

Other language concerns? ______Age of bowel training? Current soiling? ______

Age of bladder training? Current wetting?______

Hygiene concerns? ______

Problems separating from parents?______

Past and current peer relations? ______

What do you see as your child’s strengths and weaknesses? ______


Section 2- School History

What is your child’s grade and school? ______

What other schools has he/she attended? ______



Has your child been in special education? Have there been learning problems?

Please give details of problems and supports.



Do you have concerns about the school problem?______

Has there been psychological testing? When? Results? Please bring documents to the evaluation, if available.




What is your child’s attitude toward school? ______



What are your hopes for your child’s educational attainment and vocational future? ______



Section 3 - Social History

List the names, ages, and occupations/grades of family members in the current household.







List immediate relatives (biological or relatives by marriage, parents, or siblings) or other primary caretakers (sitters, day care) of the child outside the primary home. Has there been any significant history of problems with caretakers, such as abuse or neglect? ______



Are there any particular stressors or recent changes in the family such as job changes, financial problems, school changes, health problems, marriage or divorce, violence, or substance abuse? ______


Who is responsible for disciplining? What methods work or haven’t worked? Do caregivers/parents agree on discipline? ______


How well does your child get along:

With siblings?______

With peers?______

With parents? ______

By himself/herself? ______

What are family activities or mealtimes like? Does your child have other activities or hobbies?

Favorite TV or movies? ______


Section 4 - Medical History

Child’s local physician: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______

Date of last physical exam: ______

Has your child seen a specialist, such as neurologist, etc? Please list names, approximate dates, and reasons for consultation. ______


Allergies (environmental, food, and/or medication relates): ______


Current medicines, or any medicine ever taken over 6 months duration (include over the counter or “natural” medicines):

Medication(s)Doses Dates of Treatment




Medical concerns (give details if applicable):

□ Asthma or breathing problems______

□ Headaches______

□ Gastrointestinal concerns______

□ Head injury history______

□ Seizures______

□ Ear infections ______

□ Frequent or recent strep infection______

□ Heart murmur or problems ______

□ Hospitalizations or surgeries______

□ Hearing loss (testing done?) ______

□ Vision problems______

□ Onset of puberty or menses______

□ Sexual activity______

□ Other medical concerns______

Section 5 - Family History

Please identify if there is a history of the following problems in the child’s genetic or natural family, and indicate briefly the problem and relative (for example, seizures in a maternal aunt):




Alcohol and/or drug problems in family members: ______



Eating problems in family members?______

ADHD or school behavior problems in family members: ______

Conduct problems or court involvement in family members: ______

Mental retardation, learning, disabilities, or other developmental problems: ______

Mood problems (suicide, depression, or manic-depressive illness) treated or untreated in family members:___


Anxiety and panic problems in family members: ______

Schizophrenia in family members: ______

Neurologic problems such as seizures, or migraines: ______

Tics or Tourette disorder: ______

Thyroid problems in family members: ______

Genetic syndromes in family members: ______

Cardiac or other medical problems in family members: ______


□ careless/poor attention to details ______

□ difficulty sustaining attention ______

□ doesn’t listen______

□ doesn’t follow through with requests______

□ difficulty organizing______

□ avoids effortful tasks______

□ loses necessary things______

□ easily distracted______

□ forgetful in daily activities______

□ fidgets______

□ leaves seat ______

□ runs about/subjectively restless ______

□ difficulty playing quietly______

□ “On the go” / “motor driven” ______

□ excessive talk ______

□ blurts out answers______

□ difficulty waiting turn ______

□ interrupts/ intrudes______

Where are these problems present? In the home, in the school, or other settings? Comments: ______



Stealing in the home or out of home?______

Lying ?______


Violence in the family?______

Violence at school?______

Violence in the community?______

Fire setting or fire play?______

Cruelty to animals?______

Legal involvement with juvenile services?______

Inappropriate sexual interests and behavior?______

Lack of conscience?______

Threats of violence ?______

Exceptional negativity to rules?______



Alcohol use?______

Cigarette use?______

Marijuana use? ______

Other substance use?______




Expresses depression or hopelessness or low self esteem?



Can be irritable or giddy or elated inappropriately? ______

Hypersexual or loss of other inhibitions? ______

Mood swings (circle period of change MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, or MONTHS)______

Moods change without reason? ______

Lack of interest in friends or normal activities? ______

Poor sleep or excessive sleep?______

Poor eating or excessive eating or concerns over weight changes or dieting ?______

Binging with or without purging (self induced vomiting)? ______

Suicidal talk or acts of self-harm or mutilation?______



School refusal or excessive absences?______

Anxiety at bedtime or in the night / refusal to sleep alone ?______

Fears of harm to family members? ______

Complaints of physical symptoms such as headache or stomach ache?______

Specific phobias (heights, spiders. etc.)?______

Sudden feelings of panic? ______

Refusal to speak in public, or refusal to go out in public ?______

History of trauma (abuse, accident, etc.) ?______

Nail biting, thumb sucking, teeth grinding, hair pulling, skin picking? ______

Over concern regarding germs, illnesses, contamination by dirt, or other obsessive thoughts? ______

Overly perfectionist ?______



Tics or twitches of the mouth, eyes, facial muscles, or arms and legs?______

Head banging or rocking?______

Other repetitive movements such as jumping or arm/hand flapping or spinning?______

Lack of affection (doesn’t seek out or provide comfort)?______

Little need for reassurance in a strange situation, or little stranger anxiety?______

Poor peer relations / no real friends?______

Problems understanding feelings of others during interactions?______

Distress over change in routine?______

Unusual toy or play interests (collections, string, line up or take apart toys rather than play)?______

Restricted conversational interests (dinosaurs or specific topics to the exclusion of other topics)?______

Hoarding food or other objects?______



Odd thinking or peculiar ideas?______

Difficulty discerning what is real vs. normal fantasy play?______

Paranoid thinking?______

Hearing voices?______

Seeing things not there?______

Periods of odd sensations or loss of memory for a period of time?______



