PTO minutes from September 20, 2016

Opening Prayer Lisa Bottom opened the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes The minutes from the May 2016 meeting were read and were approved as written (Marshall Ashby and Monica Freudenberg approved)

Lisa Bottom introduced the new board:

President: Lisa Bottom

Vice President- Robin Veneman

Secretary- Jo Ann Lovensheimer

Treasurer- Marcy Driscoll

We also did introductions of all of the attendees.

Treasurer Report We had a beginning balance of $1,454.10 with an available balance of $920.04. Report will be attached to the minutes.(Monica and Lisa Bottom).

School Report

Mrs. Schweitzer said Tom Ewing with parish council wants to do the mailing again this year. Last year we sent the flyer to approximately 8,000 households. This year we’re thinking of sending a postcard instead of the full flyer. Mrs. Schweitzer said school would review it before it is sent.

She also noted the test scores from last year were all average or above-average. This would qualify us as a blue ribbon school except our school size is too small to be considered. This is a great achievement.

To date, the candy/magazine sale grand total is $8,828. We keep 50% which goes to the general fund for ACUE. The total has earned the students an afternoon of fun. The students will be provided a sweet treat. Panda keychains were purchased for a total of $46 and no need for approval as this is less than $100. The invoice is being sent to Marcy.

This year, Mrs. Schweitzer is planning for the students to attend the Children’s Theater/Wizard of Oz on February 16, 2017 at 9:30AM. This will be the student appreciation event, but it will not occur during Catholic Schools week. Cost is $343 for the show and the bus will be approximately $250. They will need three chaperones, too. (Chris Kapinsky and Kristie Chisenhall approved)

Halloween this year will allow for Halloween attire but no costumes. We will still have a party and treats.

We are considering having 7th/8th grade go to Rose Garden Mission in preparation of Confirmation. They will also be attending Youth 2000 at Notre Dame Academy 10/7-10/9.

Old Business

Forester report-Lisa Faulhaber reminded the group there is an Estate Planning seminar next Tuesday in Fleming Hall. We will also continue skating parties on Sundays this year. Most will take place the first Sunday of each month from 4-6. The initial party will be scheduled for Sunday October 9, 2016.

Rose Mary audited the books and everything is good.

Jo Ann Lovensheimer has ordered the garden stones for Rose Mary Fangmeyer and Theresa Smith through Lewin Monument. Jo Ann will pay for the stones due to the length of time it has taken to locate the vendor and place the order.

A reminder, there will no longer be Skyline Nights. The owners of Skyline have decided to give a check at some point during the school year to the schools they designate.

St. Anthony Gold Star Chili nights are the last Wednesdays of the month. We receive 20% and must have a flyer.

PTO raffle is being held this year. $50 entry fee with the chance to win $100. There will be 9 drawings from September to May. Ticket will be put back into the pot for multiple chances to win.

New Business

Boosters are planning a tailgate party. More details to follow.

St. Anthony is assisting the Food Pantry on September 24 & October 22. We will host a food drive the weeks of 10/10 and 10/17 to collect items such as canned fruit, single serve drinks, diapers and dog food. Monica F. will also ask the Food Pantry if they would like pies to distribute in November or December (and if they will have room to store them)

48 flamingos have been painted yellow/black. PTO will start flocking yards the week of 10/3. Flock-A-Friend fee is $10-$25 depending upon the size. There is a minimum of one dozen per yard up to the extra-large flock of 48. Instructions will be sent with the newsletter. Families can also purchase anti-flocking insurance for $10. Recommended to post pictures to social media.

Halloweenfest will be held Sunday, October 30 from 2-5. This date will be confirmed with Father Matt.

Lisa B. is ordering Spirit wear. Mrs. Schweitzer reminded us that t-shirts are for Cougar pride days and sweatshirts can be worn anytime.


Motion made by Andrea Reinersman to adjourn and seconded by Lisa Faulhaber.