INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE • Saint Petersburg, 6-8 October 2011


Resolution of participants of the international conference

Business-government relations in culture and education

St.Petersburg, 6-8 October 2011

Oreshek is the fortress of Russian military glory. It has a rich war history, and during all times – in the Middle Ages and the Great Patriotic War – the fortress was the guardian of the frontiers of the Russian state.

Oreshek fortress bears the memory about continuity of Russian military traditions. In addition to that, it is a remarkable example of military architecture that allows examining the construction technology of both medieval Russian and Scandinavian fortresses and defensive works of Peter the Great’s era.

The long history of the fortress, its historical relation to the medieval military centers of the North-Western regions, to the Peter and Paul Fortress, to the heroic defense of Leningrad makes Oreshek an important historical and cultural object.

The present state of the fortress is far from ideal: part of the fortifications is destroyed, another part is severely damaged, and there is no year-round transportation to and from Orekhoviy island.

The participants of the Conference ‘Business-government relations in culture and education believe:

-  the present situation which can lead to the loss of such a significant object as Oreshek Fortress has to be handled immediately;

-  restoration of Oreshek Fortress as an object of history, architecture and military glory is an important task of the State and the society. Implementation of this project can become ground for realization of the principles of collaboration between the government, NGOs and business entities in preservation and use of the objects of cultural heritage;

-  it is necessary to adopt on a state level a normative act about the institutional status of Oreshek Fortress, which would define the status of buildings of the fortress, Oreshek island, status and terms of use of the territories and water areas surrounding the island, and define powers of the main institutions (state organizations, municipal entities, public organizations, NGOs and private capital) in development of this territory and use of the objects situated at it, as well as the principles of collaboration among these institutes,

-  development and adoption of a Federal program on restoration of Oreshek Fortress and creation of the centre and culture and history on this basemant is necessary;

-  development of a relevant conept and the project has to become the priority stage of the restoration of the Fortress;

-  it is important not only to carry out the restoration of the Fortress and organization of exhibition and maintenance of the Fortress, but also provide wide accessibility of the object to the citizens of Russian Federation and foreign countries;

-  an essential element of the development concept must be the plan of development of territories of Kirovsky and Vsevolojsky regions of Leningrad region, creation and development of appropriate infrastructure;

-  taking into account the necessity to create transport and service infrastructure, define the status of the territories due to the presence of different regions which the Fortress, Orekhoviy island, water routes and neighbouring territories belong, the optimal form of implementation is creation of the Park of history and culture

-  such a park could be developed on the basis of the object of federal level ‘Oreshek Fortress’, based on the principles of public-private partnership;

-  project of the Park of history and culture ‘Oreshek Fortress’, initiated by Russian Foundation of culture and education development, will ensure restoration and preservation of the object of state importance such as Oreshek Fortress, development of neigbouiring territories, wide accessibility of the object, will stimulate development of the region and creation of a new vector of development for St.Petersburg – to the source of Neva river and coast of Ladoga lake, and will become the first large-scale project created on the basis of public-private partnership in cultural sphere in Russia.

St. Petersburg, 8 October 2011.