Slide 3 - Oracle Talent Management Cloud for Midsize (TBE) Release 16B1
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Hello, my name is Kathy. Welcome to training for Release 16B1. In this session we will talk about the new Onboard enhancements in Oracle Talent Management Cloud for Midsize—Taleo Business Edition.
Slide 4 - Agenda
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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use these features, and what business value they brings.
Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.
Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.
Slide 5 - Enhancement Overview
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Today we are going to talk about the Onboard enhancements included in this release, both within Taleo Onboard and from the Talent Center, which is our new version of the employee website.
These enhancements include: a way to set the due dates for multiple activities at once; the ability to delete active packets; a new type of onboarding activity type called the Employee Task, and a new type of widget on the Talent Center that allows employees to upload attachments of many types.
Slide 6 - Setting Due Dates for Multiple Activities
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The first new feature allows you to set the due dates for multiple activities at once.
When you create activity templates you can set a date based on the start or hire date, but also allow this date to be changed at the time the activity is assigned. But some activities are set up so that the date cannot be changed. So this feature works on any activities where the date can be set or changed upon assignment.
Here you see that several activities have been assigned, and there is a new column with checkmarks on the left. You can select a few or select the checkbox at the top to select all. But note here that this Email Account activity is grayed out because the date is already set and cannot be changed. For all others, you can set a date from this new calendar at the top and click the Set button.
Slide 7 - Setting Due Dates for Multiple Activities
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At that point, you can unselect them and perhaps select one or two and change the date again just for this smaller set of activities. You then need to save the packet to set the date.
Please note that you cannot change the date for already assigned activities—you are only given the option when you first assign them.
Slide 8 - Deleting Active Packets
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This next onboarding enhancement allows you to delete active packets the same as you can draft or completed packets. This is useful when the employee changes his or her mind and never shows up for work, or if perhaps two packets were assigned to the same employee in error. So the entire packet can now be deleted at once instead of deleting each activity in the packet one at a time, saving your users time. In this example here I have selected a single active packet to delete and the warning is given that this will remove all the activities and data associated with it.
Slide 9 - Deleting Active Packets in Mass
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You can also select multiple packets from the list view and select Delete, and if there are any active packets, these will be noted specifically just so you are aware of it.
Slide 10 - Deleting a packet when Terminating a Single Employee
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When you are terminating a single employee, if the employee has any active packets, you will be given the option to delete these packets. You do need to save the employee record as well, so if you say yes to deleting the packet, but then do not save the record, the employee will not be terminated and the packet will not be deleted.
Slide 11 - Deleting a packet when Terminating Multiple Employee
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When you terminate the status of multiple employees at once from the list view, if at least one employee has an active packet, you will also see a new option, which will NOT be selected by default. If you select this option, all active packets will be deleted.
Slide 12 - Packet Enhancements for Onboard
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What is the business value for these two features?
Being able to set multiple due dates can save your users time and reduce the chance of user error. Being able to delete active packets that will not be completed because they were either assigned in error or the employee never showed up for work allows users to easily clean up extra packets in one step instead of having to delete items one at a time
Both of these features save the user time and therefore provide a better overall experience with Onboard.
Slide 13 - Employee Tasks
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The next feature we will discuss is a new type of onboarding activity called an employee task. This activity type allows you to provide simple instructions to the employee to complete a task but not one that requires completing a PDF form which needs to be signed by the employee.
Because the instructions to the employee can include HTML, you can link to external sites if needed. Please note that this activity type can only be used on the Talent Center, not on the legacy Employee Website.
Slide 14 - Employee Tasks
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When users set up activity templates, they will see that the types of activities are now presented in a drop-down, and there is a new type called Employee Task. The rest of this page, where restrictions are set up, has not changed.
Slide 15 - Employee Tasks
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There is a new Instructions field where users can enter instructions to the employee detailing what must be done to complete this task. The instructions can include links to documents on your intranet as well as external links, if certain forms need to be downloaded from other sites and then reviewed or uploaded.
Slide 16 - Employee Tasks
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Here are a few examples of employee tasks, including some HTML text to help the important text in your instructions stand out. You can refer to videos to watch, forms to download, etc.
Slide 17 - Employee Tasks
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When employees go to the Talent Center, these assigned tasks will appear in the Onboard/Offboard list view. Again, they will only be available on the Talent Center.
Employees will then click the View button, review the instructions, and then click the Pencil icon to update the status of the task.
Slide 18 - Attachments Widget – Talent Center
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• With our next enhancement, Employees can upload, edit, view and delete attachments on My Info page of their Talent Center
• All the attachments uploaded within the Attachments Widget will be available for users under the Attachment section within an employee record
Slide 19 - Attachments Widget
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The Attachments widget is a List View widget where employees can upload attachments of various types, such as an image of a current driver’s license or certification. Employees are notified if the attachment is too large or an unsupported file type.
Slide 20 - Attachments Widget
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Employees can upload various attachments, which will then be visible in the Employee record in the Attachments table. If an employee then deletes an attachment, the attachment will be removed from the employee record.
Employees can also view and download the attachments. The Edit button allows the employee to either change the description or upload another attachment to replace the original one. The History Log in the Employee record tracks all changes made by an employee within the Attachments widget. Administrators and HR Administrators can view and delete an attachment in the Attachments table of an Employee record, which will then delete the attachment from the Attachments Widget.
Slide 21 - Attachments/Employee Task Enhancements
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What is the business value for these two features?
These last two enhancements work together to provide a fuller set of functionality on Onboard. You can now assign tasks to employees other than PDF forms that they need to complete. These tasks can be simple instructions, and if needed can involve the employee uploading an attachment so that the employee has access to it.
Slide 24 - Implementation Advice
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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.
Slide 25 - Feature Impact Guidelines
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The first two features we talked about today are automatically available for users to start using. They enhance the previously existing functionality and should improve the user experience without needing any setup. Users can simply start setting due dates in mass if desired, and they can also delete active packets, either one at a time or in mass.
There is no administrator configuration required to start using Employee tasks, but either an administrator or an HR Administrator will need to create the activity templates based on your company’s onboarding requirements. Whether you have already started using the Talent Center or are still in the planning stages, you can start to define the onboarding activities that will work best as tasks rather than PDF forms, and then users can start assigning those once the templates are set up.
The last feature, the employee attachments widget, does require the administrator to add and configure this widget on the Talent Center before employees can use it. We will take a closer look now.
Slide 26 - Activity Tasks
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Customers should decide which type of ‘task’ activities they want to require from their employees. These new activity templates can be created by Administrator and HR Administrator users. Once they are created, users can start assigning these activities to employees when they add or edit packets. At this point, they will be available for employees when they log into the Talent Center.
Slide 27 - Employee Attachments Widget
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You must be logged in as an administrator whose User record is linked to an Employee record any time you configure the Talent Center.
Next, from the Customize Onboard page, you Edit Pages for the Talent Center where you need to use the attachments widget.
This will bring you to the Talent Center. Then you must click on the My Info page, and click to add a new widget, selecting the Attachments widget.
Then finally the administrator will need to Save & Publish.
Slide 30 - Business Process Information
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The business process associated with these new capabilities covered in this training is defining which attachments you want to require from new hires as well as your existing employees. The Administrator would need to add the Attachments widget to the Talent Center, and then test this as an employee, verifying that the placement of the widget looks good, and that the attachments can be added correctly. Finally, admins or HR Admins would then to create the onboarding activities which require that employees upload these attachments, and then these activities can start being assigned to employees going forward.
This concludes this presentation. Thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.
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