Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 12th January 2009 at Banks Leisure Centre.

Commenced 19.15

Concluded 21.10

Present: Cllrs. Dr.David Vickers (Chair)

John Baldock

James O'Hare

Charles Evans

Frank Powell

Gwyn Morgan

In attendance 6 members of the public.

Public Participation

Items raised by members of the public included the latest progress on the demolition of the pavilion, the provision of SpIDs, grit bins, and various highway matters which Cllr.Baldock agreed to attend to.

The meeting commenced at 19.25.

200/08 Apologies were received from Cllr.Raj Somaiya (business). The reason for absence was approved by the Council.

201/08 Declarations of interest

Cllr.O'Hare declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 17a (PACT Panel).

202/08 Police Report.

There was no police report.

203/08 Minutes of the previous meetings

The minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2008 were agreed as a correct record.

204/08 Clerk’s progress report.

The Clerk reported that all decisions taken at the meetings of 8 December had now been implemented.

205/08 Matters arising from Minutes 203/08 and 204/08

There were no items under this heading.

206/08 Clerk's report on any urgent decisions taken since the last meeting.

A Fire Risk Assessment for the Link-in Centre had been carried out and urgent action was required to ensure that external security gates were unlocked when the premises were occupied.

207/08 Finance

a) Accounts for payment:-


2497 D.Cannon Wages (December) 454.38

It was noted that the above account had been paid since the last meeting and this was approved.

The following accounts were passed for payment:-

2498 Clerk Wages 613.74

2499 Inland Revenue Nat.Ins/Income Tax 193.64

2500 R.Mannering Wages 173.81

2501 West Lancs.Community

Leisure Ltd Meeting Room 34.95

2502 Trinity Mirror North West

and North Wales Ltd Advertisement 228.39

2503 Master Lock & Safe Link-in Centre 119.03

2504 E-ON Electricity, Aveling Drive 11.40

2505 United Utilities Water plc Water charges, Aveling Drive 46.09

2506 D.Cannon Wages (January) 454.38

2507 HB Computers Maintenance 68.77

The following items of income had been received since the last meeting:-


449 Hoole Utd FC Rental – Aveling Drive 60.00

450 Tarleton PC Photocopying services 11.37

451 North Meols Archers Rental – Aveling Drive 157.50

208/08 Health Care Update

Cllr.Evans gave an update on the following latest information regarding health issues:-

a) The contract to operate the Open Access Centre at Ormskirk Hospital has been awarded to the OWLS organisation. This organisation currently operates the out-of-hours medical service. The commencement date is sometime after April 2009.

b) A female doctor is now at the North Meols surgery on Wednesday mornings.

c) The surgery is now open until 8 pm on Mondays.

d) The practice nurse has undergone additional training so that new clinics can be developed.

e) There is a government-led consultation regarding the use of the 084 telephone numbers in the NHS

f) North Meols Medical Centre now has a website:

g) The practice manager will be pleased to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council.

209/08 Freedom of Information

It was agreed to adopt the Model Approved Publication Scheme together with the details as provided by the Clerk.

210/08 Hoole Lane Car Park

Cllr.Baldock reported that external funding for the refurbishment of the above car park was unlikely and it was therefore agreed that the Parish Council include a provisional sum of £20,000 in the 2009/10 budget. The Clerk to write to St.Stephen's Institute to seek their agreement to carrying out the work.,

211/08 Maintenance of Grounds Contracts

The Clerk reported that expressions of interest had been received from James Forshaw (Grounds Maintenance) and Williamson Engineering to provide services at Hesketh Avenue Open Space, Aveling Drive Sports Ground, and St.Stephen's Churchyard. The specifications were approved and it was agreed that tender documents be sent to both contractors. It was noted that the successful contractor would be asked to produce maintenance records of any machinery he proposed to use, together with proof of his competence to carry out the work involved.

212/08 The Rural Services Network

An invitation had been received to subscribe to the above organisation. It was agreed to decline the invitation.

213/08 Parish Council Allowances

It was agreed that there was no requirement for the Parish Council to amend the current scheme.

214/08 Correspondence for Information

It was noted that the following items of correspondence, for information purposes, had been received since the November meeting and were available for Members to view:-

Tarleton High School – Foundation Trust.

North West Air Ambulance – Financial Assistance.

Communities and Local Government – Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity – Consultation.

WLDC – Parish Council Precept, Council Tax Base.

Blackpool Council – NW England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan Review, Invitation to Stakeholders Forum.

215/08 Councillors' Reports and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr.Morgan reported dog fouling problems on the footpaths leading from Church Road to both Charnley's Lane and Fleetwood Drive.

Cllr.Evans requested an agenda item to discuss the implications of the Spatial Forums Report on the work of the Parish Council.

216/08 Members Representing the Council on Outside Bodies

PACT Panel

Cllr.O'Hare provided the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January, with priorities being speeding and high visibility policing.

217/08 Update from WLDC

Cllr.Baldock reported that the District Council had now acquired Borough status.

218/08 Planning

There were no comments to make on the following applications:-

2008/1216 Formation of 'T' Junction in lieu of mini roundabout junction arrangement approved under pp 2007/0149. Relaxation of Condition No. 6 imposed on pp 2007/0149 to permit commencement of construction of the dwellings prior to work being carried out on the junction arrangements – Land to the East, Aveling Drive.

2008/1243 Siting of portacabin for storage of paperwork – 2D Gravel Lane.

2008/1282 Realignment and landscaping of existing pond – Matthews Farm, Marsh Road (details required).

The following planning decisions had been made since the last meeting:-

2003/1234 Use of first floor for office and document storage – 99 Gravel Lane – pp granted.

2007/1263 Two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension – 40 New Lane, Crossens – pp granted.

2008/1068 Single-storey side extensions with dormer to rear of right side extension – Marshlee, 2 Charnley's Lane – pp granted.

Planning Appeal Decided:

2008/0116 Pediment roof extension – 71 New Lane, Crossens – Dismissed.

219/08 Date of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 9 February 2009 starting at 1915 at Banks Leisure Centre.


(Private & Confidential)

220/08 Exclusion of press and public.

It was agreed that the members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act as in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption under Schedule 12A outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information (employment issues).

221/08 Contract of Employment

A revised Contract of Employment for the Contact Centre worker was approved with minor amendments subject to holiday entitlement being checked. The employment to terminate on 31 March 2009.