Day 1. 15th December 2013

Hop on a Qantas flight Qf2021 from Armidale to Sydney at 9:50 to arrive at 11:05 am. Then hop on another Qantas flight Qf926 from Sydney to Cairns. From there you will hop off the plane and meet the crew and gather your belongings from the airport to board the luxurious Fred, the cruise boat to head off towards the Great Barrier Reef for 3 nights. On the way you will be able to relax on the deck with entertainment and drinks available. You will also have a nature brief from a marine biologist containing what kind animals and marine life you will see whilst diving and snorkeling. Passengers will have lots of time to chat and mingle while looking onto the beautiful sunset over the coral sea. Then dinner is served on the deck including a delicious seafood platter. The evening is then free to socialise as you please.

Day 2. 16th December 2013

Wake up and arrive at the GBR and anchor down at the designated spot just next to Green island reef. Then you can have a snorkel around the boat and have a look at the extraordinary scenery. After that, bacon and eggs are served for breakfast on the deck. The rest of the morning is then free to do as you please. A barbecue lunch is then served with steak, sausages and many more things. After lunch, a safety brief for diving will be held and then the rest of the afternoon will be spent diving as a group around the Great Barrier Reef. After an afternoon diving (1:00pm until 4:00pm) you will be free to relax on the boat until a special dinner on the beach of Green island. This is roughly a 9 km ride on the smaller speed boat onto the beach where we will have a camp fire which we will cook sausages and steak and some marshmallows.

After the dinner we will come back to the main boat and the rest of the night is free to do as you desire.

Day 3. 17th December 2013

Wake up and a breakfast of assorted cereal and fresh fruit and toast is served. After breakfast there is a glass bottom boat tour with a marine guide. After the tour there will be a seafood lunch on the boat. Once lunch has finished there will be free time to: snorkel, swim, kayak, relax etc. then there will be a special dinner with dancing and entertainment. This will be a 3 course meal that will last the rest of the night.

Day 4. 18th December 2013

Wake up and have breakfast which is pancakes and cereal. Then you will pack up your gear and the boat will start heading back. When you get back to cairns you will hop on jet star flight Jq681 at 6:45 am from Cairns to Sydney and then another Qantas flight QF2022 from Sydney to Armidale at 12:10 pm. From Armidale you will hop off the plane gather your belongings to head home!

By Henry smith