FM031 – Request for Advance

Refer to the Advances policy on the UCT Finance Department web site.

( > Services & Operations > Financial Services > Policies, guidelines and forms)

For purposes of this form, “fieldwork” includes class trips.

Send completed form with attached receipted purchase order to the Faculty/Pass Finance Officer at least two weeks before you require the advance.

Please ensure that ALL relevant signatories complete Section B. The Faculty/PASS Finance Manager must sign off the advance request.

On your return, complete form FM033 – Clearing of Advance. Please retain slips and invoices, as you will be required to submit these to your finance officer, together with a copy of this form.

Advances will be paid directly into the staff/student bank account. Please ensure staff/student vendor # given below.

·  Cash advances should only be requested on exception and are subject to a limit of R5000. The Treasury Cashiers’ Office will require production of a UCT staff/student card.

·  Cash advances greater than R5 000 require motivation from the Faculty/PASS finance manager AND approval from the Head of Treasury, via e-mail, specifying the exact date the cash is required. The e-mail motivation from the Faculty/PASS finance manager must be obtained PRIOR to seeking approval from the Head of Treasury.
The motivation and approval must be attached to the advance documentation.

A Type of Advance required (Please indicate) / Fieldwork □ / Sundry □
Amount of Advance requested / R
Reason for Advance:
Payee: / Dept: / Staff/Student #: / SAP Staff/Student vendor #:
If fieldwork, location of fieldtrip:
Period of trip: / From: / To: / # of Days:
If sundry advance, name of store where purchase is to be made (A quote must be attached):
Fund: / Cost Object:
Purchase Order #: / Goods Receipt #:
I confirm that this request for an advance is for valid UCT business and acknowledge legal responsibility that the money will be spent for the intended purpose. It is my responsibility to clear this advance within 14 days of my return from the trip (fieldwork) or within 14 days from receipt of money (sundry).
Applicant Name: / Signature: / Date:

B Authorisation for Advance

I accept accountability that the money will be spent for the purpose for which it was provided and confirm that it is for official UCT business. I also acknowledge my accountability for ensuring this advance is cleared within the required period.
Fund Holder / Name: / Signature: / Date:
I have checked the details above and approve that this advance be granted.
HOD/Manager / Name: / Signature: / Date:
I have checked the financial details and confirm that this advance be processed for payment.
Faculty/PASS Finance Manager / Name: / Signature: / Date:

·  To clear the advance, complete form FM033 – Clearing of Advance

·  Should the advance not be cleared within stated time limit, the advance will be converted into an allowance. Allowances are fully taxable and will be reflected on the staff member’s IRP5. Tax will be deducted at the marginal rate from the next salary payment. Where the advance is to a student, the fund holder will only be able to apply for further advances once the student’s advance is cleared.

FM031_12 December 2014 Note: No request will be processed unless approved by the authorised signatories. Page 1 of 1