County of Surrey Archery Association

Spring Longbow Meeting 2018

Date:Saturday 7th May 20182-Way Western round (BL-BS rules)

Time and Place:1pm, Woking Archery Club, Deers Farm Close, Wisley, Surrey,GU23 6QX

The entry gate must be kept padlocked so on the morning the padlock code will be 1234, on the red padlock. Please close it behind you and scramble the code.

Cost: Seniors £5Juniors £4including Gold Sweep

In line with our safeguarding policy, junior entries will only be accepted if a person with parental responsibility accompanies the junior and no photography of juniors will be permitted.

Sherry will be served at commencement of the meeting. Hot & cold snacks and refreshments will also be available.

Entry via email or by post, payment bank transferto sort code 40-47-19, account number 61056921 (preferred) or by cheque in the post. Closing date for entries/changes 24.4.18.

Entry is limited to 90 archers (50 places reserved for County Archers). If entering late please check by phone.

Refunds will only be given if cancellations are made more than 28 days before the event.

This competition will be governed by the BL-BS rules of shooting. The organiser reserves the right to inspect all equipment, only slight deviations from the norm being accepted.

No target list will be produced for the event but the organisers stipulate the following:

  • no more than 3 archers from the same club may shoot on the same target
  • each target must include archers from at least two different clubs.
  • No archer may record their own score on the scoresheet

Archery GB or BL-BS membership required to compete.Results by email and on the CSAA website.

Veterans Trophy (Surrey Archers only) is awarded annually and will be presented, along with the other CSAA Longbow Trophies, at the AutumnShoot. Please indicate on your entry form if you are eligible. Gents over 65, ladies over 60.

The Visiting Club Pairs Trophy will also be presented at the AutumnShoot


If there are any concerns caused by heavy rain/flooding please check the CSAA website or contact Sue Woodgateon 07786 234371.

CSAA Entry form for Spring Longbow Meeting 2018

Contact Name:Club:County:

Contact Address:Postcode:

Email: Phone Number:

Title / Name of Archer / Archery GB No. / Lady(L)
Gent (G)
Junior Boy (JB) Junior Girl (JG) / Veteran ()(Surrey only) / Junior Boy (JB) or Junior Girl (JG) / Fee
Total / £

Cheques payable to County of Surrey Archery Association.

Or via BACS transfer to sort code 40-47-19 Account No. 61056921, reference LB (followed by your name)

Please advise payment method and forward this form to r post to

Mrs Sue Woodgate, 42 St Nicholas Drive, Shepperton, Middx, TW17 9LD