The First Tee of Greater San Antonio
LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio
Request for Financial Aid
The First Tee of Greater San Antonio and LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio Programs are open to any child 6 – 17 for (LPGA) or 8 – 18 years of age (not entered in college) for (The First Tee). Participants must meet attendance requirements and follow The First Tee Code of Conduct in order to maintain privileges in either program.
Financial Aid Benefits
Financial aid from The First Tee of Greater San Antonio and / or LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio includes the following. Please check the program that you are requesting aid:
_____The First Tee Season Fee: $75 for 12 weeks
_____LPGA*USGA Girls Golf Season Fee: $75 for 12 weeks
_____ Spring Break Camp/ Summer Camp $299
_____Tiny Tigers $100
The First Tee of Greater San Antonio Scholarship Committee will review each application. If the committee does not approve your application you may still be eligible for partial funding. The amount will be determined by the committee.
General Instructions:
To be considered for financial aid an applicant must:
1. Complete and return this request form in its entirety
2. Submit page 1 and 2 of families’ 1040 tax return for the current year. If not available, submit previous year’s tax form.
Please mail completed application to:
The First Tee of Greater San Antonio
Attn: Scholarships
915 E. Mulberry
San Antonio, TX 78212
All information in this application will be kept strictly confidential and upon receipt, we will notify you as to the amount of financial aid available. The First Tee of Greater San Antonio and LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio financial aid is distributed on a need basis rather than golf ability.
Youth Participant Information:
Choose the program(s) for which you are requesting financial aid:
_____The First Tee of Greater San Antonio _____LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio
Youth Participant Name:______
Street Address:______
Telephone (Day/Evening):______
E-Mail Address:______
Date of Birth:______Grade you will complete in May 2016:______
If you attend a private school, do you receive financial aid? _____Yes _____No
Do you qualify for the Free Lunch Program at your school? _____Yes _____No
Gender: _____Male _____Female
Ethnicity: _____African-American _____Asian-American _____Caucasian _____Hispanic
_____Multi-Racial _____Native-American _____Pacific Islander _____Other
Mother, Step-Mother or Female Guardian Information:
Street Address:______
Telephone (Day/Evening):______
E-mail Address:______
Father, Step-Father or Male Guardian Information:
Street Address:______
Telephone (Day/Evening):______
E-mail Address:______
Check all boxes that apply to the guardians completing this form:
_____Parents Separated or Divorced _____Single Parent _____Father Disabled
_____Mother Disabled _____Mother Deceased _____Father Deceased
_____Other (Please Explain)______
Income Tax Filing Status for Current Year:
_____Single _____Do Not File _____Head of Household _____Married, Joint Return
_____Married, Filing Separately
Does this youth hold a part-time job? _____Yes _____No
Does this youth applicant file a federal tax return for the current year? _____Yes _____No
Youth Supplemental Questions:
In your own words, why do you want to participate in The First Tee of Greater San Antonio and/or LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of San Antonio programs?
Have you had the opportunity to learn or play golf before? Explain in your words below.
Why do you think learning the sport of golf and the values (Respect, Sportsmanship, Integrity, etc…) associated with the game would benefit you?______
Youth Participant Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)
Youth Participant Signature Parent / Guardian Signature