Name______Period ______

AP World History Ch 29 #2 P. 714-727 and Chapter 30 #1 P. 729-733 & 748-751



Borrowed from Mr. Walker

·  Morley Minto Reforms

·  Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

·  Rowlat Act

·  Gandhi

·  Effendi

·  Dinshwai

·  Mustafa Kemal(Ataturk)

·  Zionist

·  Balfour Declaration

·  Wafd Party

·  Pan-African

·  Negritude

·  Great Depression

·  Popular Front

·  New Deal


Borrowed from Mr. Walker

1.  What ‘spectacle’ was provided to the colonized and subjugated people of Africa and Asia by WWI? How did this undermine the European claim to be the most “fit race” to rule the globe? Pg. 715

Document: Lesson for the Colonized from the Slaughter in the Trenches, Pg. 715-716

2.  On the basis of this sample, what aspects of the West’s claims to superiority would you say were called into question by the suicidal conflict of the leading powers within European Civilization? (Reading, Pg. 715-716)

3.  Which two parts of the British Empire were home to pre and post WWI resistance to the empire? Pg. 716

4.  Why did the British allow the National Congress to be formed and to operate? Pg. 717

5.  How did it become the nucleus of an Indian independence movement? Pg. 717

6.  How did B.G. Tilak appeal to Hindu religious beliefs in his quest for Indian nationalism? Pg. 718

7.  How did the Morley-Minto reforms expand involvement of Indians in their own governance? Pg. 718

8.  How did the Mantagu-Chelmsford reforms & the Rowlatt Act send mixed messages to India? Pg. 719

9.  Who emerged as a champion of Indian independence during this time? Why was he so popular? Pg. 719

10.  How did British occupation of Egypt lead the natives to feel a form of “double colonization”? Pg. 719-720

11.  What groups benefitted most from Lord Cromer’s administration in Egypt? Pg. 720

12.  Who were the effendi? Pg. 720

13.  What group made up the leadership of the nationalist movement in Egypt? Pg. 720

14.  What happened in the Dinshwai Incident? Pg. 720

15.  How did Mustafa Kemal rise to prominence in Turkey? Pg. 721

16.  List some of the reforms of the great Mustafa Kemal AKA Ataturk (Ataturk = Father of the Turks). Pg. 721-722

17.  What is Zionism? Why were Zionists encouraged by the Balfour Declaration? Pg. 722

18.  What specific shocking event led Theodor Herzl to believe that Zionism was the only viable option for European Jews? Pg. 722

19.  How were the Zionists seen as unfair to Arabs currently living in Palestine? Pg. 722

20.  What was Britain’s top priority in Egypt during WWI? Pg. 723

21.  What was the Wafd Party? What did they want? Pg. 723

22.  How did Egyptian politicians view public office? Pg. 724

23.  List some of the deplorable conditions in semi-autonomous Egypt. Pg. 723-725

24.  Which American political figures influenced the beginnings of the liberation struggle in Africa? Pg. 726

25.  What was the purpose of the negritude literary movement among French-speaking Africans? Pg. 726

Chapter 30 #1 P. 729-733 & 748-751

1. What three problems challenged the potential success of the government owned Universal Stores? Pg. 729-730

2. What happened to customer complaints in these state owned department stores? Pg. 730

Timeline, Pg. 731

3. When did Russia experience two revolutions? ______

4. When did Mussolini take power in Italy? ______

5. What is the year of the stock market crash? ______

6. When did Hitler take power in Germany? ______

7. When did Civil War break out in Spain? ______

8. When did Hitler invade Poland? ______

9. What new artistic movement became well-known after WWI? Who led it? (Pg. 731)

10. Which countries led the way in woman suffrage (right to vote)? Pg. 732

11. What 3 nations known as ‘Dominions’ play an important role in the WWI British War effort? Pg. 732-733

12. Describe the innovations of US auto manufacturer, Henry Ford. Pg. 733

13. Why didn’t the United States join the League of Nations? Pg. 733

14. What is isolationism? Pg. 733

15. In what ways did Japan enter a ‘new phase of industrialization’ in the 1920s? Pg. 733

16. What were the causes of The Great Depression? Pg. 748

17. How was European prosperity “fragile”? Pg. 748

18. How did protectionism make matters worse? Pg. 748-749

19. What were the outcomes of the New York stock market crash of 1929? Pg. 749

20. What were some of the negative impacts of the Great Depression? Pg.749-750

21. In what ways was the Great Depression ‘a truly international collapse’? Pg. 749-750

22. What two possibilities were faced by parliamentary governments dealing with the Great Depression? Pg. 750

23. What was the Popular Front in France? Pg. 750

24. What was the New Deal in the US? Who brought it about? Did it actually solve the Great Depression? Pg. 751


Borrowed from Mr. Walker