February 19, 2018
February 20, 2018
- If you have done or are currently in theatre and want points toward becoming an International Thespian, see Lauren Walther or Ms. Ettinger ASAP.
- Applications to join the 2018-2019 journalism staff are now available in Room 426. If you are interested in being a member of our newspaper and website, The Thunderbeat, or our yearbook and video yearbook, pick up an application today. If you have any questions, see Ms. Rowse or Mr. Stueve.
- Attention students: The Thunderette dance team is looking for new members for the 2018 - 2019season. Clinics and auditions areMarch 19th through March23rd. If you are Interested, please pick up a tryout packet fromMrs. Jaros,located in the athletic office. Hope to see you at tryouts!
- We now have less than 200 yearbooks available for purchase. They are $70. You can purchase a copy from Mr. Stueve in room 426 before and after school and during 3rd and 5th periods. We take cash, check, and credit. You can also order online atyearbookforever.com.
- Interested in joining the Bellevue West Cheerleading team? Tryout packets are now available! Stop down in the office and see Mrs. Jaros or Mrs. Klug in rm. 155 to pick up a packet. Tryouts are the week after spring break (April 3rd-April 6th). No experience necessary!
- If you are planning on trying out for girl’s tennis and you did not try out last year, please meet in the commons after school startingTuesday, February 20th. Not the 19th.
- The one actThe Real Inspector Houndby Tom Stoppard,a murder mystery reviewed by theatre critics who suddenly become a part of the action, is holding auditionsTuesday, February 20during GPS. You do not need to prepare anything--just come to the auditorium and show us your acting chops! This play is student directed by the Performance Studies class.
- Attention all wrestlers there will be a meeting nextWednesday Feb. 21st. I expect to see everyone there. We need to clean up the room and make plans for the banquet. If you can't make it see Coach Schumacher in room 243.
- This month we have a unique and exciting opportunity to meet the author of our Book Club book! OnMonday, February 26thduring GPS, we will meet in the library to discuss the book Red Cell with the author, John Kalkowski. If you'd like to join us, please stop in the library to pick up a copy of the book!
- Congratulations to the Bellevue West Air Force JROTC Silent Sentry Drill Team for their 3rd place finish in Unarmed ExhibitionSaturdayat the 13th Annual Smith-Cotton High School Junior ROTC Drill Meet in Sedalia, Missouri. Kaciee Swierenga also placed 6th overall in the Individual Drill Down category.
- Attention Baseball Players: There will be a tryout meeting onWednesday, February 21stimmediately after school in Room #341. Please plan on attending. If you are unable to attend please see Coach Shockey or Coach Tracy.
- Art Club will meet in the art room on Wednesday, February 21st from 3:30 to 5.
February 21, 2018
- Sign Language Club will meet today after school in room 154.
- Congratulations to the Bellevue West Cheerleading team for getting Runner-Up in the Tumbling A Division at State Cheer! Interested in trying out for the cheer team? Tryouts will be 4/3-4/6 no experience is necessary. Come join the growing tradition of Bellevue West Cheer!! Stop by Coach Klug's room in 155 or coach Procopio’s room 136 for a packet. Packets are also available online. See Coach Klug if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!
- If you have done or are currently in theatre and want points toward becoming an International Thespian, see Lauren Walther or Ms. Ettinger ASAP.
- Applications to join the 2018-2019 journalism staff are now available in Room 426. If you are interested in being a member of our newspaper and website, The Thunderbeat, or our yearbook and video yearbook, pick up an application today. If you have any questions, see Ms. Rowse or Mr. Stueve.
- Attention students: The Thunderette dance team is looking for new members for the 2018 - 2019season. Clinics and auditions areMarch 19th through March23rd. If you are Interested, please pick up a tryout packet fromMrs. Jaros,located in the athletic office. Hope to see you at tryouts!
- We now have less than 200 yearbooks available for purchase. They are $70. You can purchase a copy from Mr. Stueve in room 426 before and after school and during 3rd and 5th periods. We take cash, check, and credit. You can also order online atyearbookforever.com.
- Attention all wrestlers there will be a meeting tomorrow. I expect to see everyone there. We need to clean up the room and make plans for the banquet. If you can't make it see Coach Schumacher in room 243.
- This month we have a unique and exciting opportunity to meet the author of our Book Club book! OnMonday, February 26thduring GPS, we will meet in the library to discuss the book Red Cell with the author, John Kalkowski. If you'd like to join us, please stop in the library to pick up a copy of the book!
- Attention Baseball Players: There will be a tryout meeting today immediately after school in Room 341. Please plan on attending. If you are unable to attend please see Coach Shockey or Coach Tracy.
- Art Club will meet in the art room on Wednesday, February 21st from 3:30 to 5.
- It's Macho Man volleyball time again! The games start during GPSon Tuesday the 27thand concludeWednesday the 28th. Buy a bracelet for $2 at lunch or from a Senior Senate member. The bracelet will serve as your pass out of class and into the game. All proceeds will benefit the American Heart Association.
- Congratulations to AJ Taylor for placing first in the 4th ASMA exam in January and Joshua Welling for placing first in the the ASMA exam in February. The final ASMA exam is scheduled forMarch 8.The current school leader is Jacob Sims, Michael Bean is in 2nd place, Joshua Welling is in third and Melissa Irish is in fourth place.Mrs. Daughtrey would like to thankall the students who have taken the time to challenge themselves and she hopes to see you onMarch 8.
- Congratulations to the Junior ROTC CyberPatriot teams for their accomplishments in the recent Air Force Association-sponsored Nebraska state competition. The team of Bryce Normandin, Gage Rynders, Diego Sainz, Riley Hunt, and Lorenzo Husband took 1st place for Nebraska in the Platinum round, while the freshman team of Andrew Ryckman and Logan Trimpey took the 2nd place Gold Tier Award.
- Bellevue West FBLA will be holding a Canned Food Drive during lunch Wednesday, February 21st to Wednesday, February 28th. Bring any non-perishable food item to The Bird House and be entered into a daily drawing for free T-Bird apparel. All donations will be donated to the Bellevue Food Pantry. Thank you for your support.
February 22, 2018
-Snow Day -
February 23, 2018
- Interested in trying out for the cheer team? Tryouts will be 4/3-4/6 no experience is necessary. Come join the growing tradition of Bellevue West Cheer!! Stop by Coach Klug's room in 155 or coach Procopio’s room 136 for a packet. Packets are also available online. See Coach Klug if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!
- If you have done or are currently in theatre and want points toward becoming an International Thespian, see Lauren Walther or Ms. Ettinger ASAP.
- Applications to join the 2018-2019 journalism staff are now available in Room 426. If you are interested in being a member of our newspaper and website, The Thunderbeat, or our yearbook and video yearbook, pick up an application today. If you have any questions, see Ms. Rowse or Mr. Stueve.
- Attention students: The Thunderette dance team is looking for new members for the 2018 - 2019season. Clinics and auditions areMarch 19th through March23rd. If you are Interested, please pick up a tryout packet fromMrs. Jaros,located in the athletic office. Hope to see you at tryouts!
- We now have less than 200 yearbooks available for purchase. They are $70. You can purchase a copy from Mr. Stueve in room 426 before and after school and during 3rd and 5th periods. We take cash, check, and credit. You can also order online atyearbookforever.com.
- This month we have a unique and exciting opportunity to meet the author of our Book Club book! OnMonday, February 26thduring GPS, we will meet in the library to discuss the book Red Cell with the author, John Kalkowski. If you'd like to join us, please stop in the library to pick up a copy of the book!
- It's Macho Man volleyball time again! The games start during GPSon Tuesday the 27thand concludeWednesday the 28th. Buy a bracelet for $2 at lunch or from a Senior Senate member. The bracelet will serve as your pass out of class and into the game. All proceeds will benefit the American Heart Association.
- Bellevue West FBLA will be holding a Canned Food Drive during lunch until Wednesday, February 28th. Bring any non-perishable food item to The Bird House and be entered into a daily drawing for free T-Bird apparel. All donations will be donated to the Bellevue Food Pantry. Thank you for your support