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Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)

Comprehensive Childhood Diabetes Center

4650 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027 Mailstop #61

DIABETES HOTLINE (323) 669-2311

Student Information


PHYSICAL CONDITION: c Diabetes Type1 c Diabetes Type2 c Secondary Diabetes

PATIENT IS CAPABLE OF independent self-management (Ind), self-management with supervision (supv) or total care (total) for the following:

Blood glucose testing c Ind c supv c total Give insulin by injection c Ind c supv c total

Carbohydrate management c Ind c supv c total Give insulin by insulin pen c Ind c supv c total

Carbohydrate counting c Ind c supv c total Give insulin by insulin pump c Ind c supv c total

Blood Glucose Monitoring

Target range of blood glucose: c 70-100 c 70-120 c 70-150 c 70-180 c 100-200 c Other

Check blood glucose with meter brought from home or additional meter left at school. c Student may carry meter

Check blood glucose: Before lunch and if student exhibits signs/symptoms of high or low blood glucose

Times to do additional blood glucose checks (check all that apply):

c before snacks c before exercise c before getting on bus

c other c after exercise

Hypoglycemia ( Treatment of low blood glucose)

1.  Treatment is given for low blood glucose less than 70mg/dl.

2.  Treat with one of the following: 4 ounces any type of juice, 4 oz. regular soda, 3 glucose tablets, 15 grams glucose gel, 1 tablespoon sugar in water.

3.  If blood sugar is less than 50 retest in 15 minutes and repeat step 2 if blood sugar is still below 70. Also repeat step 2 if symptoms persist.

4.  If lunch or snack is more than one hour away give one of the following 10 minutes after the juice:

c 3 – 3” graham crackers or 6 saltines or 1 piece of bread or 8 oz milk or other 15 gram CHO choice per parent

c 1½ - 3” graham crackers or 3 saltines or ½ slice bread or 4 oz milk or other 7-8gram CHO choice per parent

5.  Whenever possible the school nurse or trained personnel should administer glucagon if child begins to lose consciousness, is having a seizure or is unable to swallow. This is called a severe low blood glucose event and it is a medical emergency. Glucagon can be given subcutaneously or IM in the arm or thigh.

6.  Dosage of Glucagon: c 0.5 mg = ½ cc c 1 mg = 1 cc If it is not possible to give glucagon, call 911

After a treatment for a severe low blood glucose event the parent and the medical team should be informed.

Hyperglycemia (Treatment of high blood glucose) c See Insulin Pump section

1.  Send notification of blood glucose levels to parents weekly unless patient is capable of self-management.

2.  Call parents or Diabetes Hotline to inform if blood sugar is greater than 450mg/dL.

3.  Have child wash and dry hands thoroughly and repeat blood sugar test if blood sugar is greater than 300mg/dL.

4.  Check urine for ketones if blood sugar is greater than 300 more than 3 hours after last meal. Do not allow student to exercise if ketones are present. Encourage water. Call Hotline if ketones are moderate to large.

5.  Insulin correction can be given: c before AM snack c before lunch c other ______

6.  Insulin for correction OR as determined and given by parent:

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 150-200 Do not give correction insulin more

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 201-250 frequently than every ______hours

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 251-300

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 301-350 Do not give correction insulin if ______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 351-400 food was eaten within 2 hours.

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 401-450

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 451-500 *For those using the Freestyle Flash meter:

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 501-550 “HI” is greater than 500mg/dL. Use the

______unit Humalog/Novolog if blood glucose 551-“HI” correction dose amount for the 501-550 mg/dL range.


7. Insulin therapy in case of disaster: Check blood glucose every 4 hours and give insulin using scale above to keep child from developing ketoacidosis.

c Insulin at school for this student is for disaster only.


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Childrens Hospital Los Angeles

Student Name ______

Date of Birth______

Students with Insulin Pumps c N/A

(Technical support: call pump company number on back of pump. Clinical support: call Diabetes Hotline)

Basal rates can change often. These can be reviewed in the pump or written down by parents.

Insulin/carbohydrate ratio. One unit of insulin will cover ______grams CHO

Correction/Sensitivity factor: one unit of insulin will decrease blood glucose ______mg/dL

Student c programs dose manually

c uses bolus wizard/calculator

Insulin therapy in case of disaster for students on pump: Maintain basal rates as above with meal and corrections boluses as needed.

If unable to administer insulin by the pump check blood glucose every 4 hours and give correction according to the correction protocol above in addition to insulin for carbohydrates.

Students on Basal Bolus Insulin Regime with Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) c N/A

On this regimen, students need to take insulin every time carbohydrates are eaten!

Type of basal insulin: ______dose:______time:______(Usually taken at home/given by parent)

Type of bolus insulin: Novolog Humalog

Insulin/carbohydrate ratio: ______units per ______grams CHO. Correction insulin: See Hyperglycemia

Insulin therapy in case of disaster for students on MDI: Check blood glucose every 4 hours and give correction according to the hyperglycemia protocol above in addition to insulin for carbohydrates.

Students on Fixed Regime c N/A

c Student is on a fixed meal plan with the following amount of carbohydrate (CHO):

Breakfast______AM snack ______Lunch ______PM snack ______Dinner _____ Bedtime _____

c Student can take insulin for additional carbohydrates: ______units per ______grams CHO


Avoid the following:[ ] regular soda [ ] juices [ ] other:______

Exercise and Sports

The student may participate in sports: c Yes c No

Activity Restrictions: c None c Other:______

Fast-acting carbohydrate should be readily available at all times for low blood glucose symptoms.

Student should not exercise if urine ketones are present or if blood glucose is less than 70mg/dL.

Supplies to be Kept at School: ITEMS NEEDED AT SCHOOL:

Blood glucose monitoring materials Humalog/Novolog insulin

Urine ketone strips ______Insulin syringes

______Insulin Pump and Supplies ______Insulin pen and pen needles

______Fast-acting source of glucose ______Glucagon emergency kit

______Carbohydrate containing snack ______Other: ______

CHLA Diabetes Team

Dr. Francine Kaufman; Dr. Lynda Fisher; Dr. Pisit Pitukcheewanont; Dr. Debra Jeandron; Dr. Daina Dreimane; Dr. Kevin Kaiserman; Dr. Roshanak Monzavi; Mary Halvorson, MSN/ CDE; Sue Carpenter RN/CDE; Nancy Chang MSN/FNP/CDE; Eulalia Carcelen BSN; Mary McCarthy RN/CDE; Linda Burkett MSN/CDE; Barbara Hollen MPH/RN/CDE; Louise Brancale, MSN/ CDE; Mayu Yamamoto BSN; Sharon Braun RD/CDE; Katie Klier RD; Shannon Duffy RD; Patrice Yasuda, PhD

Signature Physician:______Date:______

Signature of Diabetes Care Manager:______Date:______

I give permission to the school nurse, trained diabetes personnel and other designated staff members to perform and carry out the diabetes care tasks outlined in this form. I also consent to the release of the information contained in this plan to all staff members and other adults who have custodial care of my child and who may need to know this information to maintain my child's health and safety.


Parent/Guardian Date

Shared/Endo/Forms August 2006