Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc.
General Meeting of Central Zone on Tuesday 1 April, 2014
At Ross Watts Children’s Hall, Station Street, New Gisborne
Meeting Opened at 8:12 pm by Sue Hollins, Central Zone President
Zone Meetings for 2014Tuesday 4 February, 2014
Tuesday 1 April, 2014 / AGM & Zone Meeting: 7 October, 2014
tuesday 3 June, 2014 / Tuesday 2 December, 2014
Tuesday 5 August, 2014
Central Zone Executive Present:
Zone President: Sue Hollins
Zone Vice President: Ann Bush
Zone Secretary: Karen Lenne
Zone Treasurer: Jenni Waldhauser
Zone Representative: Leonie Lang
Zone Exam Secretary: Aimee Cuthbert
Zone Chief Instructor: Ruth Feltoe (apology)
Minute Taker: Sandra Rowley (apology) Denotes Action Items.
Zone Delegates Present:
Member Club
/ Represented by: /Member Club
/ Represented byBeveridge / Melton / Neil Troon (Apology)
Tracey Troon (Apology)
Glenda Meddings
Broadford / Mark Denton / Oaklands / Renae McKeever (Apology)
Niree Weybury (Apology)
Gary Lenne
Bullengarook / Luke Smallman (Apology)
Fritha Keeble / Riddells Creek / Jenni Waldhauser
Judy Climas
Findon / Pam Kalms
Peter Smith (Apology) / Sunbury / Nick Ednie
Lynden Stannard (Apology)
Gisborne / Leonie Lang
Ann Bush
Sue Hollins
Carol McCoag (Apology) / Trentham / Jacqueline Tisdale
Glenlyon / Truganina-Braybrook / Ronnie Graham
Wendy Buckner
Creina OGrady
Kilmore / Lisa Stewart (Apology)
Tracey Newnham / Tullamarine / Colin Bourke(Apology)
Sue Ivezic(Apology)
Kingston / Nicolle Miller (Apology)
Julie Knights (Apology) / Werribee / Aimee Cuthbert
Wayne Cuthbert (apology)
Kyneton / Lisa Kennedy
Lu Marciniak (Apology) / Whittlesea / Renee Neubauer (apology)
Danielle McBain (apology)
Lancefield / Anne Liersch
Mark Morgan (Apology) / Williamstown / Suzanne Playfoot
Laurimar / Woodend / Ellie Pfeiffer
Helen Breier (Apology)
Macedon / Sue Taylor (Apology)
Fergus Shaw(Apology)
Sue Burke
New Delegates:
Fritha Keeble Bullengarook has offered to be the new events coordinator
Sue Burke Macedon
Minutes of 4 February 2014 confirmed as amended as a true and accurate record.
Moved: / Seconded:
Pam Kalms / Aimee Cuthbert
1.1.1. 6 new large saddle blankets and all tabs have been placed on black saddle blankets free of charge by Mustard Lowdens.
As tabled. See Appendix 1.
Correspondence as tabled be noted and accepted. / Karen Lenne / Anne Liersch
1.2. Business Arising From Correspondence
1.2.1. The Model Rules have been accepted by the Dept of Consumer Affairs
ITEM 2 / TREASURER’S REPORT – Presented by Jenni Waldhauser
See Appendix 2 for Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Expenses Summary.
Expenses as tabled passed for payment. / Jenni W / Judy Climas
Report as tabled – see Appendix 3.
Mobile: 0419 285 560 Phone: 03 5428 5560
No report tabled this month.
item 5 / ZONE EXAMINING SECRETARY – Aimee Cuthbert/ Niree Weybury
Report as tabled – See Appendix 4
Report as tabled – See Appendix 5
· In recess.
8.1 Broadford Pony Club wishes to add a winter jacket and polo top to their uniform. The new uniform items were accepted by the delegates present
8.2 State Horse Trials – Sue is seeking donations of wine, water, food, carrots etc. that can be used at the event. Any clubs who are able to assist please contact Sue
Leonie mentioned that Kevin Watson is seeking plants, shrubs or Christmas tree trimmings that can be used to dress up the X Country jumps. Please contact Kevin directly.
Some clubs are yet to respond to Sue’s email regarding club helpers; she will be contacting those clubs directly to seek helpers names and contact details
8.3 Games, Flat and Musical Zone event – we encourage clubs to enter teams, even if you do not have enough riders to fill a team, please contact Sue Hollins as we can help with finding extra riders from other clubs to make up a composite team.
9.1 Aimee Cuthbert reported that sales of the car raffle tickets raised $181.00. She is happy to oversee the next raffle and encourages clubs to take some books of tickets to sell as CZ receives a portion of the sales. In the past this has helped to purchase CZ saddle blankets etc.
9.2 Lowden debrief – Ronnie Graham suggested we organise some entertainment to use up the time riders need to wait for final results. Sue will look into this for next year
Sunbury have requested to run the Lowden again next year. If we have no other clubs offering to host we will happily accept their offer.
Mark Denton had a query regarding handy mount scoring, the rules were clear on the entry form and it may be a good idea to ensure the Handy Mount judge has a copy of these rules.
Creina O’Grady queried riders doing Turnout in a club polo shirt. Leonie explained that these items of clothing are now acceptable uniform so riders are allowed to compete in them.
9.3 Ronnie Graham asked if CZ will be celebrating their 50 year anniversary. The Anniversary will fall in December. Sue Hollins had started to organise an event but felt the calendar was too busy currently due to the State Horse Trials. She has appealed to clubs for a volunteer to organise this event. Initial polling of clubs found most clubs were keen to attend and the Gisborne area was voted as most convenient.
Ronnie was keen that CZ consider making an event like this an annual event where we could present Award of Merit winners, Life Members and Speed to PCAV currently support coaches to attain their NCAS Accreditation. To ensure that clubs benefit from coaches who are up to date in all areas including risk management and Inclusion it was agreed that from January 1 2015 any Club with a Membership of 20 or more riders must have at least one current NCAS qualified coach at rallies and activities.
9.4 Leonie reminded clubs that Award of merit nominations are due soon so clubs should start to consider if they have any riders eligible.
No other business without notice.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Appendix 1
4/2/14 Resignation of Bernadette Basetti as Williamstown Zone Representative
4/2/14 Yarra Glen PC HT Entry
5/2/14 Information regarding State HT
Lilydale HT Entry
Notification of new DC Williamstown
8/2/14 Notification of cancellation Dressage & CT Day – Oaklands
11/2/14 Fire Relief Link
PCAV offer for 3 small clubs of Dressage arena
12/2/14 Fire relief – Ellie Pfeiffer
13/2/14 Eventing Clinic Lilydale
Official Form for new DC Williamstown
Merchandise logo for State HT – Aimee Cuthbert
17/2/14 Notification re Games entries
Notification new email Glen Rivers
Request for date change CT Day Lancefield PC
18/2/14 Query on State Games – Beveridge PC
Draw State SJ and Dressage
24/2/14 Trade Fair application State HT
28/2/14 Uniform Orders & C Certificate Round 1 2014 – Aimee Cuthbert
6/3/14 Resignation of Bryony Guisti as Sponsorship Co-ordinator State HT
7/3/14 Notification of change of address – Niree Weybury
12/3/14 Speed to Safety entries
13/3/14 Entry Macedon Supercross
18/3/14 Response from Lyndon Urquhart regarding Zone Games
19/3/14 State Games/Flat/Musical Paperwork – PCAV
20/3/14 Entry Form for Interzone HT – PCAV
Entry Riddell’s Creek Easter HT
23/3/14 Notification from Suzanne Playfoot that she has been appointment new Zone Delegate for Williamstown
25/3/14 Apologies for Zone Meeting – Whittlesea HPC
Club Official Notification Form – Whittlesea HPC
Notification of available positions in Yerringberg Clinic
Whittlesea query on changing November dressage day to SJ Day
26/3/14 Notification from Cindy MacKinnon that she is the new Secretary for Findon PC
27/3/14 Notification from Whittlesea that they will change their Dressage Day to SJ Day
Riddells Creek suggestion regarding splitting large classes at Lowden.
28/3/14 Scratching of two riders Lowden Shield – Kilmore PC
EA Governance Review – PCAV
30/3/14 Macedon PC Zone Games Entry
Trentham PC Clinic
31/3/14 Request for uniform additions – Broadford PC
Apologies Zone Meeting – Wayne Cuthbert
Apologies Zone Meeting - Sandra Rowley
Notification Bill Pearson no longer member Beveridge PC
10/2/14 Invoice Computer Sashes
10/3/14 Department of Justice Consumer Affairs – Approval of Model Rules
4/2/14 Email Derek O’Leary re-State HT
5/2/14 Reminder regarding raffle tickets
9/2/14 Entry for Zone Games, Flat & Musical Ride
10/2/14 Message on Fire situation
12/2/14 PCAV regarding links for position descriptions not working
13/2/14 State Workshop 29th March
Request from Northern Zone for event information from 2013 State HT – Jenni Waldhauser
20/2/14 Request from club for number of riders with disabilities and riders without horses – Ruth Feltoe
24/2/14 Reminder re yards State Dressage & SJ – Lu Marciniak
26/2/14 Final reminder re State Dressage & SJ – Lu Marciniak
3/3/14 Reminder for clubs to response to original request regarding riders with disabilities and RWH.
5/3/14 Approval of date change Lancefield CT
15/3/14 Reply to Jayne Mallon query regarding Zone Games.
25/3/14 Lowden Draw
26/3/14 Reply to query from Broadford regarding state qualifiers Dressage & SJ 2015
Reply to Lyndon Urquhart regarding Zone Games.
Response to Whittlesea regarding Dressage/SJ Day.
Duty Roster Lowden Shield
27/3/14 Reminder re – Zone Meeting 1st April
28/3/14 Update on Lowden Shield group concerns
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Appendix 2
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc
PO Box 455
Kilmore Vic 3764
Balance Sheet
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
5:35:46 PM
Current Assets Cash On
As of February 2014
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Stop Watches (8) / $222.22Saddle Risers x 2 / $222.00
Walkie Talkies (10) / $470.00
Helmut Covers (6) / $120.00
Saddle Blankets (24W & 17B) / $1,234.95
Vacuum Bags (12) saddle blankets / $83.40
CZ Uniforms Polo Tops (16) / $492.25
CZ Uniforms Jackets (9) / $540.36
Safety Cups & Tracking (20 ea) / $729.80
Laptop Acer DX5820T & Ext HD / $877.89
Bunting 300 Metres
Total Equipment Total Fixed Assets / $300.00 / $5,292.87 / $5,292.87
Total Assets / $37,241.82
Trade Creditors / $0.00
Accruals Creditors / $150.00
Prepaid Income / $1,686.98
Total Liabilities / $1,836.98
Net Assets / $35,404.84
Retained Earnings / $35,037.28Current Year Earnings / $367.56
Total Equity / $35,404.84
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc
PO Box 455
Kilmore Vic 3764
Profit & Loss Statement
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
5:37:49 PM
January 2014 through February 2014
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
1 April 2014 Zone Minutes
Zone Annual Fees $451.00
Entries - State Events $650.00
Clinics & Training Days $1,995.00
Zone Merchandise Sales $424.25
Total Income $3,520.25
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit $3,520.25
Expenses - Dressage & Showjump $50.84
Expenses - State Events $1,344.20
Expenses - Fimister Shield $35.00
Expenses - Clinics & Training $1,912.67
Expenses - C Cert Testing $734.80
Zone Expenses $344.45
Zone Merchandise $346.50
PCAV Purchases & Entries $22.90
Total Expenses $4,791.36
Net Profit / (Loss) -$1,271.11
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PO Box 455
Kilmore Vic 3764
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5:29:31 PM
Reconciliation Report
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ID# Date Memo/Payee Deposit Withdrawal
Cheque Account: / 1-1110 / Cheque Account 11-4466Date of Bank Statement: / 28/02/2014
Last Reconciled: / 31/12/2013
Last Reconciled Balance: / $32,882.14
Cleared Cheques
401523 / 27/11/2013 / Consumer Affairs Victoria / $51.40
401526 / 27/11/2013 / Macedon Pony Club / $30.00
401527 / 27/11/2013 / Bullengarook Pony Club / $35.00
401533 / 15/12/2013 / Judy Quinn / $100.00
401536 / 15/12/2013 / Leonie Lang / $521.50
401542 / 7/01/2014 / Computer Sashes Rosettes / $625.10
401544 / 7/01/2014 / Jamie Murray / $1,000.00
401545 / 7/01/2014 / Jenni Waldhauser / $107.08
401548 / 23/01/2014 / Gary & Karen Lenne / $136.00
401549 / 23/01/2014 / Justine Greer / $840.00
401551 / 24/01/2014 / Ross Watt Children's Hall Inc. / $175.00
401552 / 4/02/2014 / Jenni Waldhauser / $33.45
401553 / 4/02/2014 / Ann Bush / $72.67
401546 / 13/02/2014 / Midland Zone / $585.00
401547 / 13/02/2014 / Midland Zone / $650.00
Total: / $0.00 / $4,962.20
Cleared Deposits
Total: $5,702.75 $0.00
Outstanding Cheques
401315 / 10/06/2012 / Les Annie Bognar / $6.00401348 / 28/10/2012 / Di McKenzie / $100.00
401369 / 27/11/2012 / Wendy Abey / $110.00
401400 / 17/02/2013 / J Orpwood / $100.00
401452 / 21/06/2013 / Bev Shandley / $370.00
401477 / 30/06/2013 / Wendy Abey / $15.00
401489 / 16/07/2013 / Tullamarine Pony Club Inc / $115.00
401499 / 12/08/2013 / Macedon Pony Club / $60.00
401511 / 27/10/2013 / Di McKenzie / $100.00
401514 / 27/10/2013 / Wendy Abey / $150.00
401516 / 27/10/2013 / I R Robertson Reserve / $385.00
401529 / 27/11/2013 / Gisborne Pony Club Inc / $200.00
401530 / 3/12/2013 / Consumer Affairs Victoria / $160.50
401540 / 15/12/2013 / Kyneton Horse & Pony Club In / $320.00
401550 / 23/01/2014 / Macedon Pony Club / $30.00
401554 / 28/02/2014 / Lu Marciniak / $44.20
401555 / 28/02/2014 / Macedon Pony Club / $35.00
401556 / 28/02/2014 / Computer Sashes Rosettes / $50.84
401557 / 28/02/2014 / Rodney Mark Pty Ltd / $346.50
401558 / 28/02/2014 / Midland Zone / $65.00
401559 / 28/02/2014 / Aimee Cuthbert / $25.00
401560 / 28/02/2014 / Niree Weybury / $204.50
401562 / 28/02/2014 / Ruth Feltoe / $131.60
401563 / 28/02/2014 / Darryl Williams / $164.70
401564 / 28/02/2014 / Jenny Graham / $209.00