TSBT Sailing & Charters Ltd- Weekend Sailing Booking Form 2016 (Word.doc)
Please complete all the boxes which are shaded grey on this form
Booking Details (One form for each person sailing)Name(s) of Sail / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
Date(s) of Sail / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
Payment details
Sailing fees £62.50 per day, Matches cost £25 extra. Reduction of 15% if 4 sails booked at same time.
Payment due: (days x day rate + Match
fee, if applicable) = / £
Payment method: / Cheque ☐
BACS Transfer ☐ / Cheques to be payable to TSBT Sailing & Charters Ltd.
Send cheques toTSBT, Handsel House, Walden Close,
Great Totham, CM9 8UJ
BACS Details: Sort code 40-01-04 Account 8151 6566
Payment reference enter your name and date of first sailbooked - e.g. John Smith Jun 5/6
Personal Details
Name / Date of Birth (if under 18)
Post Code / e-mail
Home phone / Mobile phone
Are you a TSBT Member? YES☐NO☐ / Can you swim tread water? YES ☐NO☐
Do you have a physical/medical condition which may require assistance? If so, please describe. / Give medical condition details. /
Have you sailed with us before? / First sail☐ / 2-5 sails☐ / 5+ sails☐
Special Dietary requirements?
Emergency Contact Details
Name / Relationship
Phone No. / Mobile No.
Important Notes
Verbal bookings are provisional and shall be held for ten days awaiting receipt of the Booking Form and full payment. Should these items not be received in that time,then the provisional booking will lapse.
On receipt by TSBT of your Booking Form and full payment the booking shall become firm. Confirmation will then be issued.
Cancellations and changes to bookings may incur an admin fee of £20. Cancellations of firm bookings made less than 21 days prior to departure may forfeit the whole sailing fee. Any trip cancelled before departure by TSBT will be refunded in full.
Lifejackets are provided for everyone. Anyone under 18 years or who is not a capable swimmer shall wear a lifejacket at all times on deck.
Nobody under 14 years may sail. Those aged 14 – 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Those aged 16–18 shall supply a signed Parental Consent form, available on the Trust’s website (www. bargetrust.org).
If you need more information or have questions, see the website, email r call David on 07840 862685.
The Terms and Conditions are available on request and can also be found on the TSBT website (
Confirmation(by making this booking you accept all Terms and Conditions)
Signed / Dated