Running Head: Review of Methodology1

Review of Methodology

Rolando Cedillo

PSJA Southwest Early College High School

April 10, 2018


In any research project, the methodology is important when it comes to gathering and analyzing data. Using invalid methods to collect data and results ultimately makes the entire research invalid. It is for these reasons that the methodology of a research project is of the utmost importance. The method of research and the results gathered is dependent on the problem or question at hand and the subjects that are being used for study or experimentation. There are two types of data that can be included in the methodology of a research paper.


The methodology of qualitative is a form of procedures for conducting research. Qualitative is based on surveys, one-on-one interviews, and forums. It describes words instead of numbers and focuses more on the emotion and personal opinions. As Wiersma puts it, qualitative research “Describes phenomena in words instead of numbers or measures.”(Educational Research: Its Nature and Characteristics , 2005 )This information Is taken from personal accounts, one-on-one interviews, surveys and open forums. In the case of my own research paper, I will be using qualitative research that is gathered from interviews of directors from the local parks and recreation department.


Quantitative Research is more theory based and focuses on numbers including statistics and surveys. Is described by numbers, charts and percentages. Quantitative research allows the researcher to form relationships between the information that is collected. This information can be collected via different methods, but in the end, it is all measurable data.


Lastly, a methodology describes the way in which the data is collected. It describes the tools and methods. Decisions made in selecting the data to be used, and how the researcher intend to analyze the results of the acquired data (Kumar).

In conclusion, these research methods will dive the research project and product that I am creating. My paper will focus on the positive effect that involvement in youth sports can have and how to increase participation in these sports. So, I will employ both qualitative and quantitative research methods to achieve this. I will use the sources that I have already acquired and one on one interviews with people in the local community. The results will drive my product.


(2005 ). In S. J. W. Wiersma, Educational Research: Its Nature and Characteristics (pp. 13-15). Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and Bacon .

Kallet, R. (2018, March 19). The University of Southern California . Retrieved from Research Guides - The Methodoloy :

Kumar, R. (n.d.). Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners .