Burke A. Christensen, JD, CLU
Expert Witness Work History
In the ten-year period from 2004 to July 2015, I have been employed as an expert or case consultant in more than 100 cases. These have been in both state or federal court in the following jurisdictions: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. I have also been employed as an expert for a law firm in London, England in an English case involving U.S. insurance issues.
In these cases, I have prepared opinion letters or expert witness disclosures 56 times. I have been deposed 22 times and have testified at trial three times.
A list of the cases in which I have been involved is available upon request.
In the 20 years preceding these cases, I have been employed as an expert witness approximately 20 times. I no longer have a record of these cases. They have been in both federal and state courts. In that time period, I gave depositions perhaps ten times, testified at trial twice and arbitration once.
In these cases, I have been employed by counsel for plaintiffs and defendants and have worked for insureds, beneficiaries, insurance companies, insurance agencies, insurance agents and brokers, insureds, policy owners, and beneficiaries. Approximately 50% of the cases in which I have been employed, I have offered testimony on behalf of an insurance company. In about 30% of the cases, I have offered testimony on behalf of a plaintiff in a dispute against an insurance company. The remainder, approximately 20%, have been disputes between insurance agents, insurance agencies, and insurance companies.
In every case where I have been offered as an expert witness, I have been accepted as qualified to serve as an expert.