Foresters without Borders – Development Plan


  • The attached is a conceptual draft plan for discussion.
  • The plan schedules identified activities to develop and implement the organisation over a period of 12 months
  • The plan builds on the Charter and Information Brochure already prepared
  • A strategic planning session among Committee members is scheduled for November 2016
  • From this Strategic planning session, formation of six sub-committees is envisaged to further develop components of the organisation:
  • SC1:Staff and organisational resources
  • SC2:Funding
  • SC3:Membership
  • SC4:Marketing
  • SC5:Volunteer management
  • SC6:Host organisation management

Explanation of terms

In this plan:

Partner organisation means organisations within Australia with whom FWB may partner to achieve its objectives

Host Organisation means the overseas organisations with whom FWB engages, either via deployment or exchange

Foresters without Borders – Development Plan


Document and agree on draft of who we are – to provide the foundation for a strategic planning process

  • Review charter
  • Who we are and why we exist
  • What we aim to achieve (Mission and vision)
  • Our ethos
  • How we operate
  • What we aim to do (target projects and justification)
  • What we don’t do

Document and agree on our culture and Ethos

  • How we contribute knowledge
  • Cross-cultural awareness of our volunteers
  • Aptitude and adaptabilityof our volunteers
  • Shared vision of what we aim to achieve, and tenacity to make it happen

Strategic plan

  • Objective (maximising benefit from effort)
  • Services and segments
  • Review external influences (opportunities, threats)
  • Review internal influences (strengths, weaknesses)
  • Identify strategic competitive advantage
  • Positioning strategy
  • Strategic partners (EWB, AVI, etc.)
  • Draft Strategic plan
  • Key targets and measures of success

Tactical plan

  • Identify and prioritise specific geographic targets
  • Identify and prioritise target organisations within geography
  • Identify suite and priority of target project types
  • Number of deployments (engagements) x time


Staff resource plan

  • Identify staff resources to achieve long–term goals
  • Identify staff resources to achieve short term goals
  • Prepare transitional staffing plan to achieve short and long-term goals
  • Plan and document approach to secure staff (short and long term)

Organisational resource and infrastructure plan

  • Office and administrative facilities
  • IT system
  • Accounting system
  • Banking accounts
  • Website and domain name
  • Branding, trademarks and registered trading names
  • Organisational entity (NFP, NGO etc.) (refer DFAT requirements)
  • Tax file number

Organisational procedures

  • Code of Conduct
  • Safety Policy and Plan
  • Environmental policy and plan
  • Community engagement policy and plan
  • Other operating procedures


  • Financial objectives
  • Prepare multi-year budget required to achieve goals

Stakeholder plan

  • Map and classify key stakeholders
  • Prioritise stakeholders

Funding plan (review based on Stakeholder plan)

  • Prepare Action plan to provide budget
  • Marketing and profile development
  • Identify target patrons
  • Identify donor funding base and target
  • Corporate partners
  • Government partners and programs
  • Other organisational partners (FWPA, ACIAR)
  • University partners
  • Private individual partners
  • Fundraising options
  • Develop plan for fundraising activities and targets

Membership plan

  • Establish membership base and contribution fees
  • Links to related organisations (IFA, EIANZ etc.)
  • Newsletter to members
  • Study tours for membership base

Marketing Plan

  • Promotion and marketing activities
  • Advertising activities
  • Wider promotional activities

Student liaison plan

  • Identify target educational institutions
  • Develop student engagement plan
  • Student engagement projects
  • Student exchange
  • Student challenges


Volunteer selection

  • Approach to call for volunteers
  • Scope
  • Selection criteria (technical and personality)
  • Funding and cost-sharing arrangements
  • Submission requirements

Volunteer training program

  • Identify scope of training needs
  • Cultural awareness
  • Code of conduct
  • human centred design principles
  • effective community engagement
  • cross-cultural competencies
  • communicating to achieve innovative solutions
  • non-technical communication
  • Appropriate technology
  • Retaining a positive, optimistic attitude under challenging conditions and limited resources
  • Arrangements for delivery of Volunteer training program

Volunteer pre-departure induction plan

  • Scope briefing
  • Procedural arrangements
  • Policies and procedures
  • Safety plan induction
  • Monitoring and communication (duty of care)
  • Reporting requirements
  • Emergency procedures

Volunteer post-departure management plan

  • Principles for project engagement
  • Preparation of project scopes
  • Procedural checklist (travel, visa, immunizations, accommodation, hosting arrangements, in-country support, etc.)
  • Insurance
  • Monitoring and communication
  • Reporting requirements
  • Emergency procedures

Exchange program

  • Identify potential exchange partner organisations
  • Key contacts within exchange partner organisations
  • Opportunities exchange partner organisations


Host organisation awareness plan

  • Development awareness campaign for target geography and organisations
  • Promote and communicate FWB objectives, purpose, scope and skills
  • Call for project opportunities:
  • Deployment overseas (training and mentoring)
  • Deployment overseas (operational project delivery)
  • Student support projects (overseas deployment)
  • Student support projects (desktop project in Australia)
  • Exchange to Australia
  • Project duration

Host organisation project development

  • Project identification and definition
  • Detailed scope
  • Objectives and deliverables
  • Hosting arrangements
  • Cost sharing arrangements


Review and revise

  • Review mission, vision, purpose and culture to check alignment
  • Update process and repeat
  • Share lessons with membership and sponsor partner and stakeholder base
  • Annual meetings

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FWB Development Plan

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