Women’s National Book Association Board of Directors
Minutes of the 1994 Annual Meeting Beverly Hills, California

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………… 1-2

Alphabetical Index ………………………………………………….2-3

Welcome and Introductions ………………………………………………5

II. 1993 Board Meeting Minutes …………………………………………5

III. National Officers - Reports …………………………………………6-8
A. President’s Report ……………………………………………6
B. Vice-President’s Report ………………………………………6
C. Secretary’s Report ……………………………………………6
D. Treasurer’s Report ……………………………………………7
E. Past President’s Report ……………………………………….8

IV. Chapter Reports - Summaries …………………………………….9-12
A. Atlanta Chapter ………………………………………………9
B. Binghamton Chapter ………………………………………….9
C. Boston Chapter ………………………………………………9
D. Dallas Chapter ……………………………………………….9
E. Detroit Chapter ………………………………………………10
F. Los Angeles Chapter …………………………………………10
G. Nashville Chapter ……………………………………………10
H. New York Chapter ………………………………………….11
I. San Francisco Chapter ………………………………………..11
J. WashingtonD.C. Chapter …………………………………….12

V. Committee Reports ……………………………………………….12-15
A. Nominating Committee ………………………………………12
B. Pannell Award Committee ……………………………………13
C. Corresponding Membership ………………………………….14
D. The Bookwoman………………………………………….....14
E. WNBA Award Committee …………………………………...15
F. UN/UGO …………………………………………………….15

VI. Old Business . ……………………………………………………15-16
A. Procedures Manual/By-laws ………………………………..16
B. Brochures …………………………………………………...15
C. Archives …………………………………………………….15
D. New Chapter Development …………………………………16
E. Sustaining Memberships …………………………………….16
F. Frontrunner Award - Sara Lee ………………………………16

VII. New Business …………………………………………………18-22
A. ABA Reception ……………………………………………18
B. Children’s Breakfast - ABA ………………………………..19
C. ALA/Ann Eastman Memorial Scholarship …………………..19
D. Center for the Book ………………………………………..20
E. 1995 Board Meeting ……………………………………….20
F. The Bookwoman…………………………………………..21
G. Other ………………………………………………………22

VIII. Adjournment……………………………………………………….23

Alphabetical Index

ABA Reception ……………………………………………………..18

Adjournment ………………………………………………………...23

ALA/Ann Eastman Memorial Scholarship ……………………………19

Archives …………………………………………………………….15

Atlanta Chapter Report ………………………………………………9

Binghamton Chapter Report ………………………………………….9

Board Meeting (1995) ………………………………………………20

Board Minutes (1993) ………………………………………………..5

The Bookwoman…………………………………………………14,21

Boston Chapter Report ………………………………………………9

Brochures …………………………………………………………..15

By-Laws ……………………………………………………………16

Center for the Book ………………………………………………...20

Corresponding Membership ………………………………………….14

Dallas Chapter Report ………………………………………………..9

Detroit Chapter Report ……………………………………………….10

Frontrunner Award/Sara Lee ………………………………………..16

Los Angeles Chapter Report …………………………………………10

Nashville Chapter Report ……………………………………………..10

New Chapter Development .…………………………………………16

New York Chapter Report ……………………………………………11

Nominating Committee Report ………………………………………...12

Pannell Award ………………………………………………………...13

Past President’s Report ……………………………………………….8

President’s Report …………………………………………………….6

Procedures Manual/By-laws ………………………………………….16

San Francisco Chapter Report …………………………………………11

Secretary’s Report …………………………………………………….6

Sustaining Memberships ………………………………………………16

Treasurer’s Report ……………………………………………………..7

UN/NGO ……………………………………………………………...15

Vice President’s Report ………………………………………………..6

Washington Chapter Report ……………………………………………12

WNBA Award …………………………………………………………15

WNBA/ABA Reception ………………………………………………18



Meeting held at Beverly Hills Public Library
Beverly Hills, California

Carolyn T. Wilson, National President, Nashville Chapter
Sue MacLaurin, National Vice President, Los Angeles Chapter
Margaret E. Auer, National Secretary, Detroit Chapter
Sylvia Cross, National Treasurer, Los Angeles Chapter
Patti Breitman, National Past President, San Francisco Chapter
Kathy Landwehr, Steering Committee, Atlanta Chapter
Dorothy O’Connor, President, Boston Chapter
Judy Searles, President, Dallas Chapter
Joanne Johnson, President, Detroit Chapter
Pearl Barber, President, Los Angeles Chapter
Lee Fairbend, President, Nashville Chapter
Lucy Kenyon, President, New York Chapter
Andrea Brown, President, San Francisco Chapter
Lynn Whittaker, in-coming President, Washington, D.C. Chapter
Sandra Paul, Chair, Membership Committee, New York Chapter
Josephine Fang, Chair, Nominating Committee
Donna Paz, WNBA Award Committee Chair

Linda Mead, Past President, current Vice President, San Francisco Chapter
Concetta Di Matteo, Los Angeles Chapter
Madeline Ruth Hall, Los Angeles Chapter joined the Board for lunch

Dorothea Seargent, President, Binghamton Chapter
LaVonne Taylor, Editor, The Bookwoman, Los Angeles Chapter


The Wednesday, May 26, 1994, meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Carolyn Wilson. Each board member was asked to introduce herself, giving her chapter and position within WNBA.


President Wilson asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes.

Moved by Patti Breitman, seconded by Sylvia Cross, “that the minutes be approved as distributed.” Motion approved unanimously.


A. President Report: Carolyn Wilson reporting. A copy of the written statement is attached to official minutes.

The two years as President have been rewarding, and special thanks go to the talented and capable Board. President Wilson has enjoyed seeing problems of the past, such as the financial situation regarding the Pannell Award resolved, and a whole new set of challenges appear. She has been most pleased by the addition of the two new chapters in Dallas and Atlanta. A dozen areas have expressed interest over the last two years, but only two cities have carried through to form chapters, and they will contribute much to the organization.

Wilson noted that the WNBA has no advisory board or committee for long range planning, but that the Board should begin to address this issue if the association is to keep moving in a positive direction.

B. Vice-President Report: Sue MacLaurin reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Part of the Vice-President’s report is the ratification of the amendments to the by-laws, which will be discussed in a later session. During the past year, the Vice-President has updated WNBA listings in national directories, prepared an RFP form letter for potential advertising firms for the Pannell Award publicity, and updated by-laws and procedures changes in the national manual, as agreed upon at the 1993 annual meeting.

C. Secretary Report: Margaret Auer reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

In addition to preparing the board minutes and action minutes, and sending documents to archives, Secretary Auer responded to sixty-eight requests for information from twenty-eight states.

Auer distributed forms requesting information for the development of the board roster and the printing of new stationery. An order form was also distributed which requested information on individual needs for stationery, envelopes, brochures, and inserts.

Secretary Auer informed the Board that all relevant secretary supplies, including stationery, brochures, and forms have been sent to the incoming secretary.

  1. Treasurer Report: Sylvia Cross reporting. A copy of each financial report is attached to official minutes.

The following documents were distributed: “Sustaining Memberships For the Years Ended May 31, 1993 and 1994,” “Chapter Memberships For the Years Ended May 31, 1993 and 1994,” “Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Years Ended May 31, 1993 and 1994,” “Cash Reconciliation For the Year Ending May 31, 1994,” “Revenues, Expenses and Cash Position: 4th Quarter,” “Lucile Micheels Pannell Award Trust Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Cash Position for Program Year 1993-94, “Pannell Award Fund: Statement of Income and Expenses for the Fiscal Years Ended May 31, 1993 and 1994.” All reports are as of 5/15/94.

Treasurer Cross walked members through the details of the report, reminding them that this was an unaudited report since the fiscal year ends May 31st. The audited report will be mailed this summer.

“Sustaining Memberships” — The report shows that sustaining memberships this year grossed $10,300, for a net of $9,960. The difference is due to the fact that some publishers sent in double payments in order to catch up on the previous year’s non-payment. There are three new sustaining members: Nadja Publishing, New England Publisher’s Association, and Oxford University Press.

Cross asked that chapters take care not to duplicate the solicitations being made by national. A problem developed this year when both a chapter and national solicited the same publisher, and ultimately two checks were sent in, presenting an uncomfortable situation that should be avoided in the future. If a chapter wishes to approach a publisher or other potential sustaining member, national has sample forms and letters they can use. Cross noted that chapters receive a portion of the sustaining membership dues for the renewals of the sustaining members they recruited, all based on the guidelines established for the sustaining membership incentive program.

“Chapter Memberships” — The top of this report indicates the total per capita dues paid by chapters to national as of the second per capita payment ($5,286.00), while the bottom numbers show the total members in each chapter (881 total) as of 5/15/94. She noted that Atlanta is not yet reflected in the report, but the chapter has forty-eight members.

“Statement of Revenues and Expenses” — Cross noted that corresponding memberships had decreased significantly this year, while one foreign membership was received. She explained that the CD’s were withdrawn at the maturity date in order to more easily transfer funds to the new treasurer, and that overall, expenditures are considerably lower this year because we had no WNBA Award expenses and the election expenses have not yet been recorded. Other highlights of the summary show that seed money for Dallas and Atlanta was provided; the Pannell Award committee chair expenses were covered for the first time this year; costs for printing stationery and brochures were about the same as in past years; the bank being used by national began to have organizational problems, so Association funds were moved to a new bank, thus incurring charges; and tickets to the ABA children’s book and author breakfast were purchased together and paid for by national, but members will reimburse for their tickets.

“Cash Reconciliation” — Cross explained that net revenues ($9,371.17) for the current year added to the prior year’s balance ($33,350.95) should and do match what is in the checking account ($42,722. 12).

“Revenues, Expenses and Cash Position: 4th Quarter as of 5/15/94” — The report breaks down all expenses and revenue for each of the past four years, and for each quarter of the ending fiscal year. Treasurer Cross explained how chapters and officers provide input into the process. Special note was given to chapter incentives reimbursement, corresponding memberships, and other donations. The third page of the report breaks down cash position. The report shows that the Association has made sufficient money to have a comfortable reserve.

“Lucile Micheels Pannell Award Trust Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Cash Position for Program Year 1993-94” -- The Pannell fund is on a different financial year then the Association budget, so the Pannell expenses are accurately reflected in the financial reports for the year in which the money is spent. Cross noted that less money will be necessary for the artwork this year, and publicity costs should be within budget. President Wilson commented that the Pannell committee is beginning to explore avenues for fund raising.

  1. Past President Report: Patti Breitman reporting. A copy of the written statement is attached to official minutes.

Breitman thanked everyone who assisted her during her six year tenure on the Board, and said how much she would miss being a part of it.


Chapter president reports were made available to those present. President Wilson requested that each representative summarize her chapter’s activities.

  1. Atlanta Chapter: Kathy Landwehr reporting.

The chapter has existed for just over a month and has held monthly programs since March. A chapter newsletter has been established and mailed to members. There is about $800 in the treasury, and the chapter is operating with a steering committee until official elections are held. The chapter now has forty-eight members from all parts of the book world.

B. Binghamton Chapter: No report received.

C. Boston Chapter: Dorothy O’Connor reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

O’Connor expressed her appreciation to the Boston board members for their hard work during the year. She reported on recent programs, including “Honoring Our Own,” at which a dozen members spoke on their work, and an author brunch. She noted that the board had been fortunate to have had a visit to an executive board meeting by Bob Hale, who spoke about the Pannell Award, and encouraged other chapters to invite him to speak if possible. The 75thanniversary bookmarks continue to bring in new members, and had even resulted in two cable TV interviews about WNBA.

D. Dallas Chapter: Judy Searles reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Discussion on establishing a WNBA chapter began in Summer 1993, and the twenty-eight people who attended the first organizational meeting that August quickly volunteered to take on tasks and got the ball rolling. Through monthly organizational meetings in the fall, the structure of the chapter continued to develop, and officers pro-tem were elected. The first program took place in January 1994, and featured a talk by National President Wilson. Additional programs and regular board meetings were held this Spring. The chapter has submitted a nomination for the WNBA Award, has written and approved by-laws, and has elected officers for the 1994-95 year. Major projects for the coming year include establishing a book discussion group and undertaking a membership campaign. There are thirty-seven members in the Dallas chapter, which is the first chapter in the Southwest.

E. Detroit Chapter: Joanne Johnson reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

The chapter is comprised primarily of librarians, has thirty-nine active members, and holds quarterly programs and board meetings. For the first time, a Saturday tea and tour was held at the Detroit Institute of Arts, and the chapter was pleased to have President Wilson speak at the annual meeting.

Service projects include donating books to a center for homeless women and children and to a shelter for children with AIDS. This year chapter members also started collecting yarn for afghans for AIDS shelter, so if members of other chapters would like to send scrap yarn to the Detroit chapter they will be happy to add it to the project. Johnson noted that the chapter publishes three issues of its newsletter each year, and that the notice they had included about the contribution to the LA chapter had brought other solicitations for contributions. Ultimately the board resolved that ads about worthy causes may be placed in the chapter newsletter, but contributions will not be made.

F. Los Angeles Chapter: Pearl Barber reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Barber reported that the response to the earthquake has exceeded any level of generosity they could have expected and shows a strong bond within WNBA. The contributions have allowed the board to offer assistance to members who have lost a great deal, either by covering renewed membership or by giving funds toward the purchase of uninsured items that had been damaged. The application being used to request these funds is attached to the chapter’s annual report. With a bit of rescheduling due to the earthquake, monthly programs were held throughout the year. The Judy Lopez Memorial Award for 1993 will be presented to Susan Cooper for The Boggart at the Beverly Hills Public Library in June.

Treasurer Cross and Vice-President MacLaurin expressed their appreciation for the outpouring of affection and generosity. Lee Fairbend presented a check for $601.50 from the sale of Nashville’s Women’s Words t-shirts, and including a $100 donation from Binghamton.

G. Nashville Chapter: Lee Fairbend reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Nashville is building on the momentum of the past few years, and now has a membership of 149. The chapter meets monthly, and has seen an increase in program attendance to 65-70 as membership has increased. In addition to the monthly programs, outreach projects included a career seminar and “Women’s Words,” a summer reading and book discussion series; service projects, in addition to t-shirt sales for LA chapter earthquake relief, included the donation of 350 children’s books to BOOK’EM!. Donations to an adult literacy project and a new literary- based magnet school were made possible by sales of book bags and t-shirts at the Southern Festival of Books, where the chapter has a booth each year.

H. New York Chapter: Lucy Kenyon reporting for Janet Rosen. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Membership is now at 176, thanks to a 20% increase in each of the past two years. These increases are due to an extensive membership drive, which included trading mailing lists with the NYU School of Continuing Education and the Editorial Freelancers’ Association. Publicity responsibilities are now handled by a committee rather than one person. As a result, the monthly programs have had greater attendance. A number of illnesses and resignations made for a changing board throughout the year, and a number of projects have been delayed as a result. Upcoming projects include stationery redesign, a sustaining membership drive, a new volunteer project with city schools, and restoration of the popular job referral service.

It was questioned whether WNBA had ever done anything to recognize Bill Raggio in the SKP office for his efforts on behalf of the Association. Sandy Paul explained to new board members that her office serves as the answering service for the New York chapter and for national, and that Bill Raggio will soon be celebrating his ninth anniversary with SKP.

Moved by Andrea Brown, seconded by Patti Breitman, “that WNBA honor Bill Raggio, office assistant at SKP Associates, with a certificate of appreciation.” Motion approved unanimously.

The certificate will be presented at the first fall meeting of the New York Chapter.

I. San Francisco Chapter: Andrea Brown reporting. A copy of the written report is attached to official minutes.

Due to the resignation of Suzanne Lavoie, Andrea Brown assumed the presidency a year early. The goals for the chapter are to increase membership (now at 108) and to make WNBA more visible in the Bay Area. The chapter will continue to hold five dinner meetings per year, all designed to promote networking. This year saw a shift from author-centered programs to “how to” programs on such subjects as multimedia publishing, getting an agent, and what to do once you’ve been published. Two income-producing projects took place: a book raffle and an opportunity given members to attend only the programs (for a $5.00 charge), and not the dinner.