Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council held at the Stanford Centre, Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 6 December 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
11614 Present: Councillor D. Marshall – Chairman.
Councillors: Mrs. S. Turner. Mrs. S. Greenbeck. P. Schofield.
Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman. Mrs. R. James.
Mrs. J. Howells.
Also Present: Ward Councillors: Mrs. M. Dickerson. D. Hasthorpe.
Two members of the Public.
Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.
11615 Apologies: - None.
11616 Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council meeting held 1 November 2016 – proposed by Councillor Schofield, seconded by Councillor Greenbeck that these minutes should be signed as correct by the Chairman.
11617 Declarations of Interest – none received.
11618 Dispensation Requests – none received.
The meeting was then suspended whilst Public Forum took place.
Public Forum items: - received grant application forms for Laceby In Bloom.
The Chairman then re-convened the meeting to discuss the following agenda items:-
11619 Police Matters
Street Brief circulated to members.
Email noted regarding speeding – roads to be added were: Grimsby Road and High Street. Clerk to contact police regarding this.
Noted police have been around St. Francis Grove Play Area.
Complaint received and noted regarding noise at the play area.
11620 Planning Matters
DM/0958/16/FULA – Amended Plans – Erect single storey rear and side extension and erect single storey external store at 18 Charles Avenue Laceby.
The Clerk mentioned that an email from the planning officer had been received regarding the proximity to the neighbouring property. However, this had been received prior to the amended plans. Members considered both the amended plans and previous plans relating to this application and now held no objections to it. Resolved unanimously.
DM/0874/16/FUL – Retrospective planning application for change of use of existing Methodist Church into one domestic dwelling at Laceby Methodist Church High Street Laceby.
The Parish Council were pleased that the property had not fallen into disrepair.
Plans were considered and agreed that there was a need to get vehicles off the road.
Comments were made by a member of the public regarding parking down New Chapel Lane.
Proposed by Councillor Metcalf, seconded by Councillor Howells that no objections be held and parking in New Chapel Lane should be on the January agenda. Resolved unanimously.
An email regarding the recent planning application for extended opening hours at McDonalds was noted. The Clerk was requested to reply stating that the Parish Council was unaware of residents’ concerns since they had not copied their concerns to the Parish Council. Ward Councillors had not been made aware of these concerns either.
Decision Notice for Land off Blyth Way – approved by North East Lincolnshire Council – Councillor Marshall had attended the planning committee meeting but was not allowed to speak. He stated that Butt Lane was flooded and he was still waiting a reply from Mr Smith of NELC regarding this.
Decision Notice received for application at 21 Caistor Road Laceby – noted NELC had approved the application.
11621 Reports from Previous Minutes
Booklets for Councillors Marshall and Greenbeck were handed out in respect of recent training they attended.
The Clerk checked the public rights of way map with Councillor Turner in respect of No. 94 in case of confusion at a later date.
11622 Financial Matters
Proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Metcalf that the following accounts should be paid:-
Anglian Water – cemetery water payment – paid 15 Nov. 2016 / 9.98D Weatherill – Clerk’s additional petty cash paid 15 Nov. 2016 / 97.90
Hills Tower Clocks – annual church clock service paid 15 Nov. 2016 / 135.00
D Weatherill – re-imbursed for telephone and broadband charges via Post Office / 20.29
Wages for the month of December total for three employees / 1,442.18
Post Office Ltd – Income Tax and National Ins. payment / 116.86
D Weatherill – Clerk’s petty cash / 75.00
D Marshall – Chairman’s Allowance for the month of November 2016. / 20.00
H. Cope & Sons - skip hire for use at allotments / 174.00
Soc. Local Council Clerks – annual subscription / 139.00
M F Strawson Ltd – allotment site rent to farmer / 307.50
Signs Express – dogs on lead signs x 2 for use at St Francis Grove Play Area / 30.00
Bell Waste Control – Cemetery Waste Collections / 149.69
D Weatherill – Clerk’s casual travel expenses from 1st July 2016 to 30 November 2016 / 109.60
Peter Strawson Ltd – provision of Christmas Tree for Churchyard – December 2016 / 181.00
Total payments for the month of December 2016 = £3,008.00
Christmas Tree Lights – tree would be delivered this week, it was not sure if existing lights might be too heavy for the branches of the new tree. Proposed by Councillor Metcalf, seconded by Councillor Howells that Councillor Marshall should proceed to purchase new lights as necessary should the existing ones be unsuitable. Resolved unanimously.
Letter received regarding Poppy Appeal stated the Parish Council’s donation of £60.00 was broken down into £17.00 to cover cost of wreath and remainder as a donation to the appeal. The selling of poppies during November by the Laceby Royal British Legion raised a total of £10,106.26.
Assets information circulated – Clerk would put this on the February agenda.
NELC Precept Letter noted. Resolved to hold the budget meeting in January 2017 due to lack of information from NELC regarding grants etc.
Maintenance of St Margaret’s churchyard was discussed – proposed by Councillor James that £500.00 should be paid to the Church for upkeep of the churchyard/spotlighting etc. Seconded by Councillor Turner and carried unanimously.
11623 Allotments
Clerk gave brief report on outstanding payments.
There had been a certain amount of flooding at the allotments but it was not too bad. Agreed to monitor this over the winter period, and when building started on the Blyth Way homes.
11624 Cemetery / Churchyard Matters
Cemetery – WW1 plaque is on the agenda for the next Stanford Group meeting.
Concerns raised over the removed of shrubbery against the Cemetery boundary – Councillors to take a look and discuss further at the next meeting in January.
Churchyard – Christmas tree ordered and should be put up this week. Lights already discussed.
Annual Churchyard upkeep payment – discussed under finance heading.
11625 Butt Lane Field Site
No further action until after Christmas on this matter.
11626 St Francis Grove Play Area
Several quotations from Mr E Morton had been received in respect of either the removal of the zig zag twister base and filling of the hole with wet pour or the re-erecting of this piece of equipment, which was continually broken by larger children using it. Proposed by Councillor Greenbeck, seconded by Councillor Turner that the base of the zig zag twister should be removed and wet pour to fill hole should be done at a price of £250.00 plus VAT. No quotation from Wicksteed.
Resolved the Clerk should order a new steering wheel for the little jeep type car in the play area.
New Signs were received and Councillor Schofield was to put these up with a backing to each sign, to stop them being broken in half at the play area.
11627 Correspondence
A circulation file was placed on circulation amongst members.
Letter regarding new water charging policy was noted.
Letter from Care4all regarding the provision of clothing bins in the village was noted – agreed that the Parish Council did not own land where one of these bins could be sited.
Letter from NELC regarding carriageway renewal works to A18 was noted.
11628 Stanford Centre Group
No meeting until January 2017.
11629 Salary Reviews
Proposed by Councillor Schofield, seconded by Councillor Turner that the Parish Council discuss this matter without the public or press being present, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. Members of the public and Ward Councillors left the meeting at this point.
Salary reviews were discussed in private session and the Clerk and Councillor Marshall left the meeting whilst her salary was discussed by the remaining Councillors.
Upon the Clerk and Councillor Marshall’s return and for the minute record – it had been proposed by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Metcalf that the Clerk’s hourly rate should be increased by 16p/hour.
Proposed by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Schofield, that the remaining staff should have an increase to £7.50/hour from 1 April 2017.
11630 Information Exchange
Concerns raised by resident regarding the amount of dumping being done in the car park at the rear of the pubs. Resolved Clerk should write to pub owners regarding this matter.
Leaves in gutters on Caistor Road, Church Lane, Grimsby Road to be reported by the Clerk to NELC.
Noted traffic warden was seen opposite a property on Grimsby Road and then left the village – why not go around all of the village?
11631 Dates of Next Meetings
Planning meeting 20th December 2016 – subject to plans being received.
Next Full Council and Planning meeting – 3 January 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 9.50 p.m.
SIGNED………………………………………… 3 January 2017
6 December 2016 – Laceby Parish Council MeetingPage 1