Name: ______Date: ______

IP – 614 Class: _____

Review For Quiz – Newton’s 1st Law & Newton’s 3rd Law

1.  Fill in the following table:

Variable / Term / SI units / Other Units
F / pounds
m / grams, milligrams

2.  What is the amount of matter in an object called?

3.  What is an example of Newton’s 1st law? Explain your example.

4.  If a hockey puck slides on a perfectly frictionless surface, will it keep moving at a constant speed, or will it eventually slow to a stop? Explain.

5.  If you are driving at a constant speed around a bend in the road, is there a net force acting on you? (hint: are you accelerating?) If so, what is supplying the net force?

6.  What are the net forces of the following:

a)  20 N left, 30 N right

b)  5 N up, 2 N down

7.  Mindy and Sally are pushing a box. Mindy pushes with a force of 30 N to the left. Sally pushes with a force of 25 N to the left. What is the net force on the box? What is the box doing?

8.  If a box is being pushed so that it moves to the right, in what direction does friction act?

9.  Draw free-body (force) diagrams for the following: (Don’t Forget to Show Net Force next to your free body diagram!)

a)  a box sitting on a table

b)  a box being pulled horizontally across the floor at a constant speed

c)  a box being pulled at an accelerating rate (speeding up) across the floor

10.  True or false: If an object is in equilibrium, the object must be at rest. Explain.

11.  State Newton’s Third Law in your own words.

12.  Can a force exist by itself? Explain.

13.  A 70 kg person on ice skates pushes against the wall of the ice rink with a force of 35 N and recoils.

A.  What is the magnitude of the force on the wall? ______

B.  What is the magnitude of the force on the person? ______

14.  Newton’s third law tells us that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Identify the action and reaction forces for a falling book (the book is falling because the earth is pulling on it). If a force is exerted on the earth, why don’t we see it move? Explain.

15.  Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion comes to your mind first when you hear each of the following quotes? Why?

a)  “….but officer, the salesman assured me that this car could stop on a dime!”

b)  “Go ahead and punch me in the nose---I’ll break your hand!”

c)  “Please don’t stand up while the roller coaster is moving.”

16.  A group of students watch their wonderful physics teacher drop a pumpkin from the top of a high tower. When the pumpkin is about half way to the ground, a friend of yours shouted: “Hey! Look at that! Newton’s Third Law of Motion is being disobeyed! There is a force of gravity pulling the pumpkin downward, but there is no “equal but opposite” force upward.” How would you respond to your friend’s statements?