Before Starting the Documentary Project:

Make a new file in your “U” drive and name itDocumentary. This is where you will save everything for your project.

Write your Research Paper.

Collect pictures that will serve as visual text to support your point in digital format. You can scan paper pictures, but everything MUST be saved as a JPEG file in order to use on the movie maker program.

Collect or create video (if necessary) that will serve to support your point. Videos must be saved as .wmv files. (MP4 also work.)

Once you have a sufficient amount of visual text, a completed research paper (and, perhaps, a written script for your voice over) AND these are all saved to your student file, Documentary Folder, you are ready to begin.

How to use the Movie Maker Program:

Log onto the computer and find Windows Movie Maker in the programs available (Click Start to find Programs)

Once in movie maker, look at the top tabs for Add videos and photos. Click this.

From there you’ll need to go to the file (Documentary) where your pictures are saved. Click onto each picture and import until all pictures are in the collections box/area. (If you hold down the CTRL key you can selected several pictures at once.)

Next, click onto each image and drag them into the order you wish each picture to appear as it relates to your documentary. You should use your storyboard/outline/research paper to help you in this process.

Once all pictures are in their respective order, click onto the Animations tab at the top. A ribbon will appear with transition selections.

Here you will have a variety of options of transitions between pictures. To see the effects of each, hold the cursor over a choice and watch how it transitions in the picture to the left of the screen.

Next, click to apply the transition to the slides. Be sure the two are selected (have the blue outline around them). You can also click Apply to all. (It is a good idea to limit the types of transition you use to create a sense of unity for your project.) Continue until all transitions are complete.

To watch the progression of pictures and their transitions, click the play button on the bottom of the screen to the left.

Once you have the pictures AND transitions where you want them, you’ll need to SAVE it to your student account in your Documentary Folder. At this point work is still in the project phase, so go to File, to Save Project as. Give it a working title and save it to your student drive, Documentary Folder. It is highly recommended to also save the project on a thumb drive as well as a backup. If you use video, it will need to be a large capacity thumb drive. Then close out of the program.

Before Using the Audacity Program:

Log onto the internet and go to: or

Here you will have access to a variety of instrumental background music in an array of genres. If you attempt to look for a specific song, you’ll often be disappointed. Instead, look for a type of music that fits your style or feeling.

Click onto the preview of a song and listen. Does it convey what you want?

Once you find the right background music, Click onto the MP3 version at the bottom of the box where the title appears.

Save to your student account, Documentary Folder, naming it background music or something similar to recognize. Make sure you save it to your Documentary Folder.

How to Use Audacity Program

Log onto Audacity by clicking the icon or going to Programs to find it.

Put the headphones on and have your research paper and/or written script ready to read. Alternatively, you can extemporize by using your story board to guide your voice over. This is a more difficult option.

Click onto Project at the top and start new audio track.

Click the red circle at the top which signifies record

Begin reading your poem into the microphone: Read slowly but steadily varying your voice to match the emotion that goes with the words and images you chose.

Pause occasionally where necessary to allow your audience time to process visual text.

Then, stop recording by clicking the yellow square.

Click the green arrow icon to play back your voice and listen to hear if it’s the way you want it.

If it is, Save it with a name you can come back to like : Documentary Voice

Then, Import your music saved from the or jamendo.

Listen to both at the same time and decide whether you need to soften the music to hear your voice.

To soften, click onto the icon that looks like two triangles pointing to each other with a line in between.

Click and hold onto the music and squish the sound wave smaller to soften the music.

Listen again to see if it’s working.

Once you like the two (music and your voice) together, Export to your Documentary Folder. Make sure the file type is WAV.

The length of your vocal track will largely determine the length of your completed documentary. Please keep your time requirements in mind as you record.

Go back to movie maker and import audio file that is both your music and voice saved together.

Click and Drag audio file underneath picture frames

Listen. Determine how long each photo should stay on screen to match the voice. Set the length of time by clicking the Video Tools tab at the top of the screen. Select or type in the number of seconds in the Duration box.(listen and view, set, listen and view again, adjust)

IMPORTANT: When you first add the sound it may seem as though the sound has cut off, but the entire file is actually there. It will appear as you lengthen the amount of time your photos stay on screen.

Remember that the duration of videos cannot be changed.

Consider adding a title page and a credits page.

Once pictures and audio go together well, FINISH AS A MOVIE.

Click the Home tab.

Click HERE:

From the drop down box, click Save Movie and select For Computer.

Browse to make sure you are saving it to your Documentary Folder.

Give your movie a recognizable name such as Student’s Name DocumentaryVideo and click Browse.

Then, scroll down to your student ID number and click onto that.

Then click on your Documentary Folder, then click OK.

Click SAVE and wait for the conversion of your project to a movie.

Watch your finished movie!

If your teacher has asked you to save the documentary in another place, such as Edmodo, upload the finished movie, NOT the project, to that site.

Your teacher should now be able to access your Documentary movie.