Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, January 3, 2016

Place: Gerry Fire Hall

Attendance: 43

1. Meeting Called to Order/Roll Call/Sergeant of Arms:

  • Mark Putney called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
  • Chad Bongiovanni took attendance
  • Bob Bankoski volunteered to be this meeting’s Sergeant of Arms

2. Approve Minutes:

  • Bob Bankoski made a motion to approve the December13, 2015 meeting minutes; Joe Navarro seconded the motion; all were in favor; motion carried

3. President’s Report (Mark Putney):

  • Moment of Silence in memory of Lee Schmittendorf
  • Dan Finucan is no longer able to attend a future meeting as a guest speaker – Larry Jones and possibly Chris Durr will be coming, instead
  • Consistency in calls (especially on the Girls side); Game Management (especially with keeping coaches in their box); and Clocks (making sure shot clock and game clock are functioning)
  • Professionalism – benches

Respect – between everyone

Integrity – make the call

Dedication – communicate

Education – post game

  • Ed Bradford reported that he spoke with Keith Martin from JCC about a future tournament – further discussion with ensue
  • Bob Bankoski reported that he’d like to set up a date for the banquet sooner than later; wants a firm number of people attending with payments made by the last scheduled meeting to avoid taking a loss on any no-shows; going to try for a Saturday night
  • Our website has received over 2,000 views in the past 30-days

4. Interpreter’s Report (Roger MacTavish):

  • Showed clips from the new DVD from Denver, “You Make the Call” (Opening Toss, Block/Charge, Traveling)
  • Focus on: Alternating Possession Arrow procedures, Hand-Checking, Concussions
  • Sleeves/Tights have to be white, black, beige or the dominant team color; everyone has to wear the same color (which ever color is chosen)
  • Get together with your partner and talk things out

4. Vice-President’s Report (PJ Gondek):

  • Recapped Tom Heppeler’s presentation on “Pre-Game”
  • Introduced Bill VanDyke as this meeting’s presenter on “Game-Management”

5. Secretary’s Report (Chad Bongiovanni):

  • No report

6. Treasurer’s Report (Scott VanStee):

  • Dues coming up soon
  • Boys or Girls ONLY: $83 (includes insurance)
  • Boys and Girls BOTH: $133 (includes insurance)
  • Make checks payable to CCBOA - due by last scheduled meeting or Feb 15th which ever is sooner
  • Street Jam officials have a $100 credit

7. Old Business:

  • Grievance Committee: no report
  • Scouting and Preparatory Committee: rating cards are put together; special thanks to Vince Joy for the assistance

8. New Business:

  • Boys Assigner (Al Gens) & Girls Assigner (Marv Cummings): thanked membership for their flexibility on high-volume dates; keep availability up-to-date on Arbiter; if a home school is closed, the game is off unless you receive a call from an assignor saying otherwise
  • Mark Putney will look into past ratings and attempt to track if any officials have been X’d for more than the contractual two-years in a row; If nothing else, this will be tracked closely from this point forward

9. Adjournment:

  • 50/50: Bob Bankoski won $56
  • Next meeting will be held on Sunday, January 17, at 6:00pm in the Gerry Fire Hall
  • Joe Navarro made a motion to adjourn; Tom Heppeler seconded the motion; all were in favor; motion carried (7:31pm)

Submitted by:Chad Bongiovanni