Social Studies 11- Cold War

Cuban Missile Crisis: DBQ Analysis Assignment

Historical Context:

After Fidel Castro’s successful communist revolution in 1959, relations between the United States and Cuba quickly deteriorated. A failed U.S. backed invasion of Cuba in 1961, called the Bay of Pigs invasion, further escalated tensions between the two countries. Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro turned to the Soviet Union for military assistance. Within months, the Soviets had helped the Cubans to install long range offensive missiles on the island. When an American U2 spy plane recorded satellite images of the missile installations a crisis soon emerged as U.S. President Kennedy sought to remove what he considered an imminent threat to the United States.


1.Carefully read all of the documents. Consider what you already know about this topic.

2. Underline key phrases and words that address the document-based question. Make brief notes in the margins.

3. Answer the questions that follow each document.

4. Based on your responses formulate a thesis statement and introduction.

5. Organize your responses into an outline.

6. Write a well-organized multi-paragraph response which proves and defends your thesis statement. Make sure to include a conclusion as well. Do not use quotes but refer to all 8 documents using parentheses; for example, (Doc. 2), (Doc. 3 &5). The reference to the document should come at the end of the sentence.

Document Based Question:

To what extent did President Kennedy and the United States act reasonably as they responded to Soviet military actions in Cuba?

This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, between 1.5-2 pages in length, in 12 font.

This assignment is due on______

This assignment will be marked according to the 6 point written response rubric.

Document 1
British Cartoon
  1. According to this cartoon, which side appears to be the aggressor country, the Soviet Union or the United States? Explain.


Document 2
BBC Map of Cuba’s Missiles
  1. Referring to the map above, why do you think Kennedy opposed the installation of missiles in Cuba?


Document 3
Written in President’s Kennedy’s obituary in 1963 in the British newspaper the Guardian
President Kennedy will be remembered as the President who helped to bring the thaw in the Cold War. This was always his aim, but only after Cuba did he really act. That crisis left its mark on him; he recognized how frightening were the consequences of misunderstandings between East and West.
  1. How does this newspaper excerpt give Kennedy credit for resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Document 4
President Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis Address to Congress in 1962
This urgent transformation of Cuba into an important strategic base-by thepresence of these large, long-range, and clearly offensive weapons of suddenmass destruction constitutes an explicit threat to the peace and security of all theAmericas, in flagrant and deliberate defiance of the Rio Pact of 1947, thetraditions of this Nation and hemisphere, the joint resolution of the 87thCongress, the Charter of the United Nations, and my own public warnings tothe Soviets on September 4 and 13- This action also contradicts the repeatedassurances of Soviet spokesmen, both publicly and privately delivered, that
the arms buildup in Cuba would retain its original defensive character, andthat the Soviet Union had no need or desire to station strategic missiles on theterritory of any other nation......
But this secret, swift, and extraordinary buildup of Communist missiles-in anarea well known to have a special and historical relationship to the United Statesand the nations of the Western Hemisphere, in violation of Soviet assurances,and in defiance of American and hemispheric policy-this sudden, clandestinedecision to station strategic weapons for the first time outside of Soviet soil- is a
deliberately provocative and unjustified change in the status quo which cannotbe accepted by this country, if our courage and our commitments are ever tobe trusted again by either friend or foe.
The 1930's taught us a clear lesson: aggressive conduct, if allowed to gounchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war. This nation isopposed to war. We are also true to our word. Our unswerving objective,therefore, must be to prevent the use of these missiles against this or any othercountry, and to secure their withdrawal or elimination from the Western
  1. What justification does Kennedy provide for his decision to take action to remove the missiles from Cuba?


Document 5
A Letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy
This Organization [of American States] has no authority or grounds whatsoever to
pass resolutions like those of which you speak in your letter. Therefore, we do not accept these resolutions. International law exists, generally accepted standards of conduct exist. We firmly adhere to the principles of international law and strictly observe the standards regulating navigation on the open sea, in international waters. We observe these standards and enjoy the rights recognized by all nations......
You want to force us to renounce the rights enjoyed by every sovereign state; you are
attempting to legislate questions of international law; you are violating the generally accepted standards of this law. All this is due not only to hatred for the Cuban people and their government, but also for reasons having to do with the election campaign in the USA. What morals, what laws can justify such an approach by the American government to international affairs? Such morals and laws are not to be found, because the actions of the USA in relation to Cuba are outright piracy. This, if you will, is the madness of a degenerating imperialism. Unfortunately, people of all nations, and not least the American people themselves, could suffer heavily from madness such as this, since with the appearance of modern types of weapons, the USA has completely lost its former inaccessibility.
Respectfully, N. Khrushchev
Moscow, 24 October 1962
  1. Why does Soviet Premier Khrushchev believe that the United States is acting unreasonably. Provide examples.


Document 6
Khrushchev was forced from power in 1964. This extract comes from his memoirs written in 1971
In 1961 we increased our military aid to Cuba. We were sure the Americans would never agree to the existence of Castro’s Cuba. They feared, and we hoped, that a Socialist Cuba might become a magnet that would attract other Latin American countries to Socialism. We had to find an effective deterrent to American interference in the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Crisis was a triumph of Soviet foreign policy and a personal triumph in my own career. Today Cuba exists as an independent socialist country right in front of America. Cuba’s very existence is good propaganda. We behaved with dignity and forced the United States to demobilize and to recognize Cuba.
  1. How does Khrushchev justify the installation of Soviet missiles on Cuba?


Document 7
Letter to Time Magazine
Essentially, President Kennedy’s action with respect to Cuba is a declaration of war, yet
a declaration in which the opportunity to make the surprise move, to take the initiative, is ineptly left to the enemy. It is a prime example of the half measures that are so disastrous in the field of international affairs.
By calling for a limited blockade, the President is in no manner harming the Castro
regime or effectively eliminating its offensive capabilities. Yet once again, he is handing the
Russians a huge advantage-the opportunity to take the initiative, to choose the time, place and form of a new crisis.
The U.S.S.R. has been given ample time to calmly consider the present situation and
chose that course of action which will maximize Soviet gain at our expense. The U.S., by
contrast, has no such advantage. The U.S. has been placed in an extremely dangerous position; yet no conclusive action has been taken, no advantage gained.
This pathetic situation would not exist today had the president acted courageously, and
staged a rapid, forceful and decisive invasion of Cuba, presenting Russia with a fait accompli.
E. G. E. Embircos
Warren G. Heller
Tom Emerson
George A. Gratsos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Mass.
  1. What does this letter suggest about how President Kennedy should have responded to the missiles in Cuba?


Document 8
President Kennedy’s television address to the people of the United States at the end of the Cuban Missiles Crisis in 1962
My fellow citizens:
I want to take this opportunity to report on the conclusions which this Government has reached on the basis of yesterday's aerial photographs which will be made available tomorrow, as well as other indications, namely, that the Soviet missile bases in Cuba are being dismantled, their missiles and related equipment are being crated, and the fixed installations at these sites are being destroyed.
The United States intends to follow closely the completion of this work through a variety of means, including aerial surveillance, until such time as an equally satisfactory international
means of verification is effected.
While the quarantine remains in effect, we are hopeful that adequate procedures can be
developed for international inspection of Cuba-bound cargoes. The International Committee of the Red Cross, in our view, would be an appropriate agent in this matter.
The continuation of these measures in air and sea, until the threat to peace posed by these
offensive weapons is gone, is in keeping with our pledge to secure their withdrawal or
elimination from this hemisphere. It is in keeping with the resolution of the OAS, and it is in
keeping with the exchange of letters with Chairman Khrushchev of October 27th and 28th.
Progress is now being made towards the restoration of peace in the Caribbean, and it is our firm hope and purpose that this progress shall go forward. We will continue to keep the American people informed on this vital matter.
Thank you.
  1. According to this document, why does Kennedy believe he acted reasonably during the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Document Analysis Organizer

Docs. / Did Kennedy and the USA act reasonably or unreasonably? / evidence / Supporting documents

Now make an outline and rough draft

Use this space for planning.

Write your draft here:

