Minutes of the Summer Pool league 2008 AGM

List of people present at the AGM

It was stated that that there was not one single land lady / land lord present at he meeting and this was found to be a complete disgrace. Those that were present and those that offered there apologies are:-

Apologies:- Eril Jones Golden lion

Present: - Eagles - S Lloyd & G Martin

Wings – I Davies, J Williams & G Roberts

Hand- D Davies, H Thomas & G Evans

Brit – R Kornelson & P Roberts

List of committee members from 2007

Chairman Sion Lloyd (Vaults)

TreasurerSiobhan Jones (Wings)

Secretary John Williams (Wings)

Comp Secretary John Williams (Wings)

Committee members: Gwyn Roberts (Wings)

Ioan Davies (Wings)

David Davies (Hand)

Gareth Davies (Hand)

Gavin Martin (Vaults)

Tracy Ellis (Plough)

Tony Wright (Brit)

  • Meeting Opened by the chairman at 20:16 hrs
  • Minutes of last years AGM were read and agreed by all
  • Treasurer’s report

Unfortunately Siobhanwas not available however a report of the finances was made by Gwyn Roberts stating that there was £784.00 in the kitty and this was down on last year. The main point is that the league has been spending more money than it has been getting in and we would need to discuss how we were going to change this. See any other business, 1. League Funds

  • Secretary’s report

John Williamsreported that there were no major issues last year with the league. The only real issue was getting the monies and score sheets in.

  • Competition secretary’s report

John Williams reported that all competitions were played last year.

  • Election of the committee

It was stated that the chair wished to stand down as he is no longer living in Denbigh,

Chairman Ioan Davies (Wings)

Secretary Paul Roberts (Brit B)

Comp Secretary John Williams (Wings)

Treasurer Siobhan Jones (Wings)

Committee members: Gwyn Roberts (Wings)

Sion Lloyd (Eagles)

David Davies (Hand)

Gareth Davies (Hand)

Gavin Martin (Eagles)

Tracy Ellis (Plough)

  • Letter from the Hand (Proposal for a change of format of the A Division)

Details of the letter received from the Hand were read out.There was a lengthy discussion about this and then there was a proposal for the format to change to the following.

  1. 7-a-side best of 3 starting at 8 pm
  2. 4 players had to be present a 8pm and the rest had to be present to allow continues play.
  3. Home team captain is still to choose who goes on first out of the 4 who are present.

The B Division would stay the same and the start time would remain at 8:30pm

Proposed by David Davies and seconded by Ioan Davies all agreed to give this a try

  • Teams that are interested in the league this year.

Wings * 2,

Brit * 2,

Hand * 2,

Golden * 2,

DeJa~Vu * 2,

Eagles *1,

Plough * 1,

Cons Club ?,

Llindir ?,

Vaults ?,

Hope & Anchor ?,

Railway ?,

Masons ?,

Plas Pigot ?

There is a confirmed 12 teams and this will only lend itself to 1 league however there is normally more interest from other teams and Paul Roberts agreed to canvas for teams from the places where there is a question mark against. Teams and which divisions will be held at the first committee meeting to be arranged under A.O.B.

  • Clarification of league rules.

There are a few rules that are constantly in dispute and the old league secretary found it necessary to clarify these rulesand put a proposal to change them as follows.

  1. When can a match be abandoned: -

No Match can be abandoned after the first game has been played. (All Agreed)

  1. Rearranged matches

All rearranged games must be played before the end of the half they are due to be played in.

All rearranged matches must be completed before the last 2 weeks of the league due to finish.. (All Agreed)

  1. Rearranged competition matches

All competition matches are to be played on or before the stated dates no matches to be rearranged after the date and all rearranged matches to have the competition secretary’s permission.. (There was some discussion about this and it was agreed except in exceptional circumstances i.e. someone being called in to work, having to go to hospital etc. However in these exceptional circumstances all matches must be played at least 24 hours before the next round date) (All Agreed)

It was pointed out that under sportsman like conduct that it was the league secretary’s opinion that no one should claim a game unless the other person actually gives it away however there is always an exception to this.

Think of it this way: - If you claim a Match and you are the eventual winner then you haven’t really won the competition because you never won all your matches (this is just a thought for all of you)

  1. Match start times

For the B Division 4 Players must be present by 8:30 pm and the other players participating that night must be present by 9pm unless agreed between captains before the match commences for a player to turn up later.

  1. Competitions

9 a side, 3 a side and singles first round matches will be played on Tuesdays as per calendar of league. Prelims will be played the week before on a Thursday all other competitions will be played on a Sunday.

  • A.O.B.

Under any other Business there where several things raised

  1. League Funds
  2. It was stated that the league was spending more money than it had coming in during the treasures report and we needed to raise more funds.

There was a lengthy discussion about this and it was stated that not all the 20 pence’s were always handed in and when they were they invariably were just left on the bar in the wings forSiobhanto count and then they would be wrong. This year is the 30th anniversary of the league and if we are to do something then we need to get more funds.There was a proposal to put these up to £4 per week from the £3.20 currently.

A proposal was put forward that the monies to be paid up front with the registration fees and then the captains of the home team to collect £4 from there team each week and give it to the landlady / landlord Working out how much would need to be paid is as below.

Basically it is the number of Home matches * £4 therefore if there is teams in the league there would be 18 matches of which 9 would be home matches there for the maths work out as 9*£4 = £36, This would mean that the fees per team payable at the start of the league would be £56.00

Therefore the landlady / landlord would be paying the fees up front and then getting it back from the players each week at a rate of £4 a week.

  • Last years Raffle

There was some altercations about last years raffle as no one new how much was collected and the money had still not been handed in. John stated that the money was still at his home in the box and was approx £50. He was told to get the money handed in ASAP to the treasurer.

  1. 30 th anniversary

This year is the 30th anniversary of the league and we should do something special for finals night to be discussed by the committee but any teams with ideas as to what can be done, all idea’s will be considered.

  1. 9 –a side format

The 9-aside will stay the same format 1 leg per player. Names will be drawn out of a hat and the games are to be played down the card if a player is not present when it is his / her turn to play then that game can be claimed by the opposition obviously team captain’s discretion comes into it.

  1. First Committee meeting

In the eagles 29th April all league entries plus monies are to be paid by then Paul Roberts will go round to collect.

  1. League start date

Hoping to start league 13th May

  • Meeting Closed by the chairman at 21:32 hrs