As the guests come in, I introduce myself and give them a name tag. I ask six of the first ladies to arrive if they will be my models for the evening.

I have chosen an ensemble of Pearls, Bling, Gold, a Colored set (turquoise or another hot color), my favorite combo and a Silver combo and I set them aside. I dress each one of the models in one combo as the rest of the guests are arriving.

As I start my show, I give each guest a folder (cheap and cute from Wal-Mart) with an order form, guest survey (from the Terrell website) and a Wish List. I ask them to get out their WISH LIST so they can jot down notes while we are looking at the models.

After introductions, I hand out DIVA DOLLARS for the requests on my invites (bring your invite, RSVP, be on time, wear black or white v-neck, and bring a friend). I then give the dollars to the hostess and have her hand them out for me for the rest of the show. Then I start the PURSE GAME.

P-is for PREMIER. Premier was founded 22 years ago, based in Dallas, TX. High fashion jewelry. Fun, trendy. Gives you that put together look and gives you the look of confidence - GIRL POWER!!

P is also for PEARLS. Girls, wear your pearls! I bring my model up to the front and have her model and strut her pearl ensemble. Show any tricks and tips.

B-is for BIBLICALLY BASED. Honoring God and serving other is the Heart of Premier. Joan and Andy founded Premier to give women options and an alternative to being gone 40 hours a week. I used to do that; now I work 40 hours a month 

B is also for BLING!! Every girl needs a little BLING!! I bring the model up and show her off and any tips and tricks.

G-is for GOLDEN GUARANTEE. I hand out my business card to each guest and ask them to put it in their purses, since it is already open, so if they ever need me, they have my card. Explain the Golden Guarantee and how to care for the jewelry. Five S’s.

G is also for GOLD!! Gold is back!!! Bring the Gold model up, show any tricks or tips. I also talk about mixing silver and gold.

H-is for the HOSTESS PLAN. I do booking with boxes (we saw this at rally). I give my hostess a Gold Card and have her read it to the other guests. Explain how easy it is to have a home show. I do the invites and all the work! 

H is also for HOT COLORS!! Show a colored ensemble that looks great for the season or occasion, Turquoise and a tan, Juliet for the Christmas season, Pretty in pink, etc.

D-is for DEAL. I offer a scarf with a $50 purchase. Show scarf tricks or tips I give DIVA DOLLARS to anyone that has items on their wish lists at this point too.

D is also for DIVA. I bring up my model that is wearing my favorite combo and I ask how many of the guests are DIVAS. I use my model to show that even though we are so busy taking care of the kids, husbands, jobs, the house, the bills, that by taking an extra 2 minutes in the morning and putting a few pieces of jewelry on you can feel like a DIVA even in the carpool line.

F is for FASHION TIPS. I give any other fashion tips I haven’t already sprinkled in during the show. Gray is the hot color for fall, cranberry, jewel tones, animal prints and textures, shorter jackets, belts worn with the buckle to the side, long necklaces, cuffed pants, no more low rise pants.

I don’t have a model for F.

S-is for SILVER. I show my last model with Silver. Show any tips or tricks.

S is also for SURVEY. This is where I go step by step thru the survey and have them fill it out. This is when I do my “Sponsoring Activity.” I tell my Premier story of “Why I’m here tonight and why I love what I do.” At this point, I have sprinkled several “Sponsoring seeds” during my introduction and show, and I tell everyone that they owe it to themselves to check it out and I encourage them to ask me questions after the show. Then I make it a goal to hand out at least 2 sponsoring information packets at each show and I follow up with a phone call, email or a letter to anyone that I think needs Premier or would be great at what I do.

I have them count up their DIVA DOLLARS, give a prize, thank them for coming and send them to the table to shop.