Supplementary Data


S1: Developed nations in this paper were identified as Annex 1 Parties to the UNFCCC PG. 1

S2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria for document selection PG. 1

S3: Description of search criteria classifications PG. 2

S4: Included and excluded articles PG. 4

S5: Articles included in the analysis (n=39) PG. 5-6

S6: Excluded articles categorized by reason for exclusion (n=1702 documents) PG.

S7: Definition of variables and adaptation typologies

S8: Summary of adaption reports and activities in developed nations

S1: Developed nations in this paper were identified as Annex 1 Parties to the UNFCCC

S2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria for document selection

Inclusion / Exclusion
Phase 1: Keyword search
English / Non-English
1 January 2006-1 July 2009 / Pre-2006 or after 1 July 2009
Indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge / Not available via ISI Web of Knowledge
Reviews & Articles / Other (e.g. Editorials, Meetings, Abstracts)
Phase 2: Title & abstract review (full text review when required for categorization)
Human / Natural (e.g. plants, animals)
Adaptive response / Mitigation, Vulnerability only
Practical focus / Conceptual / Theoretical focus
Present / Prehistoric or future
Adaptation activities or actions / Predictive models & vulnerability assessments or intentions to act
Developed nation (Annex 1) / Not a developed nation

S3: Description of search criteria classifications (modified from Berrang-Ford et al 2011)

INCLUDED / Human systems – adaptation
The title and / or abstract of the study explicitly indicates that previous or currently practiced adaptive strategies to climate change are reported / mentioned / assessed / discussed in the paper. The full text of the document includes substantive reporting or discussion of an adaptation activity. The adaptive action must be set in place (excludes proposed strategies, empirical testing, predictive modeling etc.). Initiatives that strengthened knowledge base, information sharing, improving data gathering, surveillance / forecasting systems and increased vulnerability / adaptive capacity / resilience to climate change were included. Articles dedicated to improving existing predictive models were not included.
Climate change and adaptation were defined according to IPCC AR4. Climate change refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. Adaptations include adjustments in human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
EXCLUDED / Human systems excluded
Impact / Risk / Uncertainty Assessments
Studies with a main focus on potential impacts (and residual impacts incorporating conceptual adaptations) and /or risks and /or uncertainty with respect to climate change in the past, present or future. Examples included empirical studies, reviews, theoretical discussions, climate change impacts on Natural Systems affecting forestry production / agriculture / farmed aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals and conceptual adaptations (not currently set in place) embedded in future climate change scenarios / predictive computer models. Articles that incorporated adaptation into impact assessment models (i.e. estimating residual impacts of climate change) were included in this category.eason) and were included in this category. as a response to climate change (i.e. crop production and these we
All articles that focused on mitigation strategies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency techniques, and any intervention, strategy or assessment related to increasing carbon sinks and /or reducing carbon emissions.
Sustainable Development only
Articles documenting or assessing sustainable development programs, processes and ideas without an explicit focus on adaptation to climate change.
Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
Articles reviewing, summarizing, predicting, discussing, and assessing adaptation to climate change but providing no indication that adaptations were / are in practice. Articles in this category stressed the message: ‘we need to adapt now’, assessed methods and challenges of adaptation (including how to improve adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change) and examined the success of adaptive strategies via empirical tests. Many of the included documents are not mutually exclusive to other categories; documents that included potential adaptive strategies but were not clearly or predominantly appropriate for other categories were included in this category.
Vulnerability / Resilience / Adaptive Capacity Assessments
Articles assessing vulnerability of a particular group / System to climate change based on environmental / social factors (e.g. geographical location, poverty level). Studies included assessments of resilience and adaptive capacity but did not include actual programs or processes set in place to improve resiliency or adaptive capacity.
Developing nation focus
Country not an annex 1 nation
Natural systems & other
Natural systems
Any study focusing on the affects of climate change on the biological (flora, fauna) and physical (soil, land, water, climate) systems only. Based on the descriptions of Natural Physical Systems and Natural Biological Systems in the IPCC AR4. Impacts, risks, uncertainty, vulnerability and predictive modeling of Natural Systems are all included in this category. Prehistoric climate change papers and empirical studies examining crops focusing only on plant biology / ecology (i.e. without reference to yield / production) were included in this category. Managed Natural Systems that provide ecosystem services were considered Human Systems.
Book reviews (critiques of books on adaptation to climate change). Also included in this category were articles totally irrelevant to the topic. These included human adaptations in prehistory (predating written history).

S4: Included and excluded articles (modified from Berrang-Ford et al., 2011)

S5. Articles included in the analysis (n=39)

Article Id. / Year / Title / Journal / Volume: (Issue) / Pages
1 / Chapin III, S.F. / 2006 / Policy strategies to address sustainability of Alaskan boreal forests in response to a directionally changing climate / Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America / 103: (45) / 16637-16643
2 / Penning-Roswell, E. / 2006 / Signals' from pre-crisis discourse: Lessons from UK flooding for global environmental policy change? / Global Environmental Change / 16: (4) / 323-339
3 / Arkell, B.P. & Darch, G.J.C. / 2006 / Impact of climate change on London's transport network / Proceedings of the ICE - Municipal Engineer / 159: (ME4) / 231-237
4 / O’Brien, K et al. / 2006 / Questioning complacency: Climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation in Norway / AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment / 35: (2) / 50-56
5 / McKenzie Hedger, M et al. / 2006 / Bridging the gap: Empowering decision making for adaptation through the UK climate impacts programme / Climate Policy / 6: (2) / 201-215
6 / Vedwan, N. et al. / 2007 / Institutional Evolution in Lake Okeechobee Management in Florida: Characteristics, Impacts and Limitations / Water Resources Management / 22: (6) / 699-718
7 / Jones-Walters, L. / 2007 / Pan-European ecological networks / Journal for Nature Conservation / 15: (4) / 262-264
8 / Slaughter, R.A. & Wiener, J.D. / 2007 / Water adaptation and property rights on the Snake and Klamath Rivers / JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association / 43: (2) / 308-321
9 / Wolfe, B.B. et al. / 2007 / From Isotopes to TK interviews: Towards interdiscinplinary research in Fort Resolution and the Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories / Arctic / 60: (1) / 75-87
10 / Ogden, A.E. / 2007 / Forest management in a changing climate: Building the environmental information base for the southwest Yukon / Forestry Chronicle / 83: (6) / 806-839
11 / Lorenzoni, I. et al. / 2007 / Climate change, human genetics and post-normality in the UK / Futures / 39: (1) / 65-82
12 / Few, R. et al. / 2007 / Climate change and coastal management decisions: insights from Christchurch Bay, UK / Coastal Management / 35: (2) / 255-270
13 / Lynch, A.H. & Brunner, R.D. / 2007 / Context and climate change: an integrated assessment for Barrow Alaska / Climatic Change / 82: (1) / 93-111
14 / Gagnon-Lebrun, F. & Agrawala, S. / 2007 / Implementing adaptation in developed countries: an analysis of progress and trends / Climate Policy / 7: (5) / 392-408
15 / Kyselý, J. & Kříž, B. / 2008 / Decreased impacts of the 2003 heat waves on mortality in the Czech Republic: an improved response? / International Journal of Biometeorology / 52: (8) / 733-745
16 / Marchildon, G.P. et al. / 2008 / Drought and institutional adaptation in the great plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1914-1939 / Natural Hazards / 45: (3) / 391-411
17 / Pahl-Wostl, C. et al. / 2008 / The importance of social learning and culture for sustainable water management / Ecological Economics / 64: (3) / 484-495
18 / Cœur, D. & Lang, M. / 2008 / Use of documentary sources on past flood events for flood risk management and land planning / Comptes Rendus Geosciences / 9-10 / 644-650
19 / Ebi, K.L. & Semenza, J.C. / 2008 / Community-based adaptation to the health impacts of climate change / American Journal of Preventative Medicine / 35: (5) / 501-507
20 / Tremblay, M. et al. / 2008 / Climate change in Northern Quebec: Adaptation strategies from community-based research / Arctic / 61: (5) / 27-34
21 / Hoekstra, A.Y. & De Kok, J.-L. / 2008 / Adapting to climate change: a comparison of two strategies for dike heightening / Natural Hazards / 47: (2) / 217-228
22 / Wallis, M.J. et al. / 2008 / Climate change: Charting a water course in an uncertain future / American Water Works Association Journal / 100: (6) / 70-79
23 / Botzen, W.J.W. & van den Bergh, J.C.J.M. / 2008 / Insurance against climate change and flooding in the Netherlands: Present, future, and comparison with other countries / Risk Analysis / 28: (2) / 413-426
24 / Urwin, K. & Jordan, A. / 2008 / Does public policy support or undermine climate change adaptation? Exploring policy interplay across different scales of governance / Global Environmental Change / 18: (1) / 180-191
25 / VanKoningsveld, M. et al. / 2008 / Living with sea level rise and climate change: a case study of the Netherlands / Journal of Coastal Research / 24: (2) / 367-379
26 / Gawith, M. et al. / 2008 / Application of the UKCIP02 climate change scenarios: reflections and lessons learnt / Global Environmental Change / 19: (1) / 113-121
27 / Norman, B. / 2008 / Principles for an intergovernmental agreement for coastal planning and climate change in Australia / Habitat International / 33: (3) / 293-299
28 / Sadowski, M. / 2008 / An approach to adaptation to climate change in Poland / Climatic Change / 90: (4) / 443-451
29 / Blennow, K. & Persson, J. / 2009 / Climate Change: Motivation for taking measures to adapt / Global Environmental Change / 19: (1) / 100-104
30 / Forbes, B.C. & Stammler, F. / 2009 / Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia / Polar Research / 28: (1) / 28-42
31 / Trainor, S.F. et al. / 2009 / Vulnerability and adaptation to climate-related fire impacts in rural and urban interior Alaska / Polar Research / 28: (1) / 100-118
32 / Dowsley, M. / 2009 / Community clusters in wildlife and environmental management: using TEK and community involvement to improve co-management in an era of rapid environmental change / Polar Research / 28: (1)
/ 43-59
33 / Pearce, T.D. et al. / 2009 / Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic / Polar Research / 28: (1) / 10-27
34 / Hamin, E. & Gurran, N. / 2009 / Urban form and climate change: balancing adaptation and mitigation in the US and Australia / Habitat International / 33: (3) / 238-245
35 / Saavedra, C. & Budd, W.W. / 2009 / Climate change and environmental planning: Working to build community resilience and adaptive capacity in Washington State, USA / Habitat International / 33: (3) / 246-252
36 / Cater, J.G. et al. / 2009 / Sustainability appraisal and flood risk management / Environmental Impact Assessment Review / 29: (1) / 7-14
37 / Kiparsky, M. / 2009 / Sedimentation-upwelling a model for the science-policy interface in the case of climate change and California water / Water Policy / 11: (1) / 107-124
38 / Orlove, B. / 2009 / Glacier retreat: Reviewing the limits of human adaptation to climate change / Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development / 51: (3) / 22-34
39 / Druckenmiller, M. et al. / 2009 / Toward an integrated coastal sea-ice observatory: System components and a case study at Barrow Alaska / Cold Regions Science and Technology / 56: (2-3) / 61-72

S6: Excluded articles categorized by reason for exclusion (n=1702 documents) (modified from Berrang-Ford et al 2011).

Developing nation (48)

1.  Archer ERM, Oettle NM, Louw R, Tadross MA. 'Farming on the edge' in arid western South Africa: climate change and agriculture in marginal environments. Geography 2008,93:98-107.

2.  Ayers J. International funding to support urban adaptation to climate change. Environment and Urbanization 2009,21:225-240

3.  Ayers JM, Huq S. The Value of Linking Mitigation and Adaptation: A Case Study of Bangladesh. Environmental Management 2009,43:753-764.

4.  Barbier B, Yacouba H, Karambiri H, Zorome M, Some B. Human Vulnerability to Climate Variability in the Sahel: Farmers' Adaptation Strategies in Northern Burkina Faso. Environmental Management 2009,43:790-803.


6.  Bassett TJ, Turner MD. Sudden shift or migratory drift? FulBe herd movements to the Sudano-Guinean region of West Africa. Human Ecology 2007,35:33-49.

7.  Ben Salem H, Smith T. Feeding strategies to increase small ruminant production in dry environments. Small Ruminant Research 2008,77:174-194.

8.  Botzen WJW, van den Bergh J. Insurance against climate change and flooding in the Netherlands: Present, future, and comparison with other countries. Risk Analysis 2008,28:413-426.

9.  Brouwer R, Akter S, Brander L, Haque E. Socioeconomic vulnerability and adaptation to environmental risk: A case study of climate change and flooding in Bangladesh. Risk Analysis 2007,27:313-326.