MINUTESof the Annual General Meeting of the SWD Sport Council that was held on Friday 9 June 2006 at 18:00 in the school hall of Van Reede Primary School, Oudtshoorn.
1OPENING & WELCOME : The chairperson, Mr Goliath Munro, welcomes all the members and delegates. A special word of welcome to the DCAS delegate, mr Jean Neethling, who will be substituting for mr Bennett Bailey and Dirk v d Westhuizen.
2VISITING SPEAKER :Resulting form an important school’s sport meeting in Pretoria, mr Bennett Bailey can’t attend.
3ATTENDANCE REGISTER/APOLOGIES : 20 Affiliates and 3 non-affiliates attended [see attached attending register]. Apologies received from : Mr Kennedy [vice-chairman], De Reuck [schools], Waimsley [SWD Underwater Hockey], Muir [SC Badminton] en Steynberg [SWD Biathlon].
4SCRUTINY : DELEGATES’ CREDENTIALS : The secretary report the credentials received. 20 members responded. This constitutes a quorum.
5READING OF THE NOTICE OF THE AGM : The secretary read the official notice of this AGM.
6SUBMISSION & ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MUNUTES : The minutes of the previous AGM [21 April 2005] have been circulated. After the correction that SC Golf [H Weston] have attended, the minutes were adopted. Proposed : A de Swardt [ASWD]. Seconded : J Strauss [SWD Kushengel]. H Weston asked what happened to the minutes of the SAGM. The secretary reported that the administration files were only received about two months ago. He could not find the minutes of that SAGM in the files. Attempts will however be made to secure this minutes and will than be circulated to all members. It will be seen as discussed as only the financial statement and election of the Exco were on the agenda. Request were made by SWD Tennis [G Wicomb] that the minutes of this AGM be circulated within two weeks. Secretary will try to do so.
7SUBMISSION, DISCUSSION & ACCEPTANCE : Chairman’s Report. The secretary takes the chair and present the chairman, mr Munro, to deliver his report. In the discussion the following matters were raised :
- SAFA Eden : Players selected and officials not being informed.[E Shishana]. Also the criteria followed in the Sports Law Course. The chairman explained that only 4 federations could be accommodated and that the Manco send the four major codes : Rugby, Netball, Cricket and Schools because of disputes in these codes. Attempts are made to offer such a course in the SWD region.
- SWD Rugby : What is the SWDSC policy on accommodating rival sport codes ? [T Paramoer]. The chairman answered that this is a tricky one. He answer is however under advisement and that it will be cleared by the WCSF. A de Swardt felt that it must be inline with the national recognized governing body. This will be followed up by the chairman and reported back. Mr J Strauss asked if this is not a particular rugby problem ? The report was adopted. Proposed : A de Swardt [ASWD]. Seconded: G Titus [SWD Exco]
- Transformation and Women’s Desk Committees : The chairman pleaded to members to submit suitable names for this committees in order to function on this levels.
- No funds will in future be paid out without proper consultation with the SWDSC and no funds will be allocated to non-affiliated federations.
8SUBMISSION, DISCUSSION & ACCEPTANCE : Financial Report: The chairman explained to the meeting the situation. The books were only received two months ago and that the Manco has instructed mr Japie v d Linde [treasurer] to analyse the financial situation. This was a major task and he tabled 3 reports and explained it to the meeting. There are however still matter to be followed up. One is the money owed to the SWDSC by DCAS. Mr Weston [SC Golf] asked about the money spend on the awards function. The chairman answered that the 2006 financial statement have been done and was adopted by the Manco. The 2005 function still have outstanding invoices and will be investigated. The payment to rugby was answered by mr Paremoer : SWD Rugby paid accounts on behalf of SWDSC [insufficient funds] and this was only the pay back. The final financial report will be circulated to all members. The reports were accepted with thanks to the treasurer for all the work already put into it. Because of the fact that the treasurer and secretary posts have been separated, the administration report will be on the agenda for next year.
- ASWD : No payment of funds until cleared by SWDSC. Accepted. That all the members of SWDSC align themselves with the transformation policy of this body. Accepted.
- SC Bowls : The establishment of a High Performance Centre for the SWD. The chairman reacted that WECSA is in the process of addressing this matter.
10WECSA : Mr Wayne Waits was to address this meeting. He can however not attend due to unforeseen circumstances.
11WCCB [Western Cape Colours Board] : Mr Dave van der Walt addressed the meeting on this matter. He explained the situation by using a media projection. He than suggested that the incoming Manco should plan for a regional committee to be in place to take command of this matter in the SWD/SC. The chairman also mentioned that mr Van der Walt have been appointed interim chairman for the WCCB. This however needs the blessing of this meeting. Adopted . Proposed : A de Swardt [ASWD]. Seconded: D Maarman [Schools]
12ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS : The chairman explained that according to the constitution 50% of the members of management [EXCO] must be up for election. An analyses was circulated and the following persons were re-elected :
- High Schools : D Speelman
- Primary Schools : G de Reuck
- LSEN Schools : J Arendse
- Women’s Desk [vacancy] : V Stoffels [SWD Netball]
- Sport Councils : T de Klerk and C Johannes
- Federations : G Titus
13APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS : The status quo applies.
- ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MEMBERS : The applications of the following members are accepted under the condition that they submit the necessary documentation :
SWD Underwater Hockey; Oudtshoorn Sport Council; SWD Action Korfbal, SWD Fedansa, SAFA Eden Soccer, SC Surfing, SWD Motorsport, SWD Aquatics and SWD Paragliding.
- MUNICIPAL SPORT COUNCILS : Me C Johannes [Zoar]. She just want to know what is the position of these councils in respect of financing from DCAS. The chairman answered that there are movement and that it has been discussed on WCSF level. These councils must submit their applications as federations would.
- CONSTITUTION : Members request copies of the latest constitution. This will be circulated as soon as the new additions have been included.
14CONCLUSION : Mr Jean Neethling [DCAS] thank all the people that attended. He again stressed the fact that their office is to the service of all sport in the region and as such must be used. He also thank the Manco for their hours voluntary put into this council. There is a definitely an improvement in the communication.
DJ van der WaltG Munro