Chapter Seven:
At the beginning of this chapter, while Ian is waiting for Berta to come and pick him up, he notices a lot of expensive cars on the road. (p, 75-76)
a. What does he start to think about, as he mulls over these cars and this section of the city?
b. In which TWO ways is Ian starting to change? Write your answers in a “from, to” statement. Example: Ian goes from being arrogant, and assuming that his volunteer job is for losers, to realizing that some people really need the kind of help that a soup kitchen offers. He is starting to care.
2. As Berta is giving Ian a ride home, Ian tells her about his evening and what he has learned regarding the many homeless people in their city. In response, Berta tells Ian some things that shock him about her home country of Guatemala. Summarize what she says.
Chapter Eight: Read the first half of the chapter (p 78- 84)
1. Once again, the setting switches. Where and when does this Chapter take place? (p.79)
2. a) According to Ian’s teacher, Mrs. Watkins, what are the roles of peacekeepers? List SEVEN THINGS that peacekeepers do (p. 81-82). What is the “thin blue line”?
b) FIND FIVE pictures of UN soldiers in uniform involved in peacekeeping activities and save them to a FOLDER on your drive, called “UN Peacekeepers”
3. What assignment does Ian get that makes it necessary for him to talk to Sarge?
4. Why do you think that the author, Eric Walters, would include this in his plot line? Explain using TWO reasons.
5. Ian speaks to his class, telling them about his volunteer work at the Club:
a. Why does he lie, and say that he hasn’t tasted the food at the Club?
b. Why does he admire Mac?
c. Why does he think that Mac and Berta are alike?
6. The class has a discussion about how society views homeless people. In a T-chart, list each person who speaks in the order they speak with the topic that s/he discusses.
Speaker / Topic