AUGUST 4, 1998

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on August 4, 1998. The following members were present: Gordon Benson, Paul Meyer, Ralph Prescher, and Donald Ziegler, Commissioners. Commissioner Lein was absent due to medical reasons. Auditor John Thompson was also present.

Vice Chairman Meyer presided. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Ziegler/Prescher motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and the official proceedings of July 21, 1998.

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Prescher/Benson motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of August 4, 1998.

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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.

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Ziegler/Prescher motion carried unanimously to appoint Paul Meyer and Gordon Benson to the canvassing board.

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Veteran’s Service Officer Bryan Schultz met regarding office business. Van usage was discussed. Grants available for veteran offices were discussed. The flagpole at the courthouse was discussed. Veteran’s organizations have shown an interest in funding the project. Schultz is working on replacing grave markers for Civil War and Spanish-American War veterans. Privatization of veteran primary medical care was discussed. Approximately twenty people in the county are able to use local services. This program began in June and will expand.

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Soil and Water Director Gary Wehrenberg met to discuss office business. Wehrenberg introduced Bruce Blakesley the new feedlot/zoning technician. Wehrenberg requested a clarification of land use plans allowing variance from set backs in the feedlot ordinance.

Prescher/Benson motion carried unanimously to add the following language to Section 2 - Manure Storage Structures and Associated Livestock Enclosure Setbacks of the Faribault County Feedlot Ordinance: “Setbacks can only be adjusted after completion of a Land Use Plan by the Faribault County Soil and Water Conservation District. Township and urban governing bodies can make recommendations to the Faribault County SWCD Board of Supervisors. The Faribault County Board of Commissioners will make the final decision.”

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Benson/Ziegler motion carried unanimously to approve request from K. Skaare to attend passport agent training on Aug. 19, 1998 at Minneapolis.

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Discussion on a sound system was held. The auditor will check into systems.

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Engineer Greg Isakson met regarding public works business. Discussion was held regarding the five-year road plan. Blue Earth City Administrator Dave Urbia also attended.

Ziegler/Prescher motion carried unanimously to approve the five-year road plan as submitted by the county engineer.

Shawn Hassing met regarding road spraying. Hassing won the contract for road spraying this year. Commissioners brought forward complaints that weeds were out of control and the kill rate was poor.

Benson/Ziegler motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 98-RB07-20 authorizing a stop sign at First Street South and County State Aid Highway 2 in Bricelyn. Commissioners Benson, Meyer, Prescher, and Ziegler voted yes.


WHEREAS, The traffic at the intersection of county State Aid Highway 2 in Bricelyn and First Street South is not controlled by any traffic control signs; and

WHEREAS, All other streets in Bricelyn that intersect TH 253 and CSAH 2 are controlled by stop signs; and

WHEREAS, The Bricelyn City Council has requested the installation of a stop sign at First Street South to be consistent; and,

WHEREAS, A stop sign at First Street South at CSAH 2 is an appropriate traffic control device at this location.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faribault County Board of Commissioners authorize the county engineer to post a stop sign for eastbound traffic at the intersection of First Street South and County State Aid Highway 2 in Bricelyn.

Prescher/Ziegler motion carried unanimously to authorize the engineer to obtain quotes on two pickups out of the 1998 budget.

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Sherry Ernst of Meadowbrook Insurance met to discuss insurance items. MCIT was discussed.

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Benson/Ziegler motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $233,973.96 as follows:




DITCH FUNDS 1,419.57


$ 233,973.96

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The meeting was recessed to 9:00 a.m. August 18, 1998.


Paul Meyer, Vice-Chairman John Thompson, Auditor


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