Election Statement from Tania Sayer– North West

In 2001 I lived in California with my family, I returned home with a dramatically different outlook. In part because of all the places we had visited and friendships we had made but also because I had experienced the best and the worst of human interaction with the Planet. I wanted to get involved with the environmental movement, so I joined Friends of the Earth. However, being a member was not enough; I wanted to be active. I joined South Cheshire Friends of the Earth and have never looked back.

I have been Campaigns & Education Coordinator since January 2005. In that time we have campaigned on climate change, local food, palm oil, green trade justice, biofuels, GM, recycling & waste reduction and transport. Consequently, I have extensive campaign planning and delivery experience. Youth Education has been an important part of my involvement; speaking to over 1,500 young people of all ages. Since 2005 we have won three Earthmovers Awards and a local authority “Oscar”. Ido the media work and the website. I respond to local planning documents, regional spatial strategies and Government consultations.

I am a founding member of the North West Regional Advisory Group, the Food Team Advisory group and the Activism Forum. I am a member of the Youth & Education Network Coordination Team. Previously I was on the Climate and Trade Advisory groups.

I have a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences, a PhD in animal cell biotechnology, a Diploma in Environmental Policy and a Post-graduate Diploma in Environmental Decision Making. I am currently studying towards a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Studies.

I work for the Cheshire & Merseyside based environmental charity Energy Projects Plus (EPP) managing the Cheshire Low Carbon Project. The charity focuses on energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies and alleviation of fuel poverty. I work closely with Cheshire West & Chester (CWAC) and Cheshire East Councils, especially with delivery of carbon reductionand fuel poverty targets. I have been/are involved in grant funding applications, including Low Carbon Communities Challengeand European Regional Development Fund. I support Low Carbon Communities and Transition Initiatives throughout Cheshire. I am involved with the Councils’ Local Strategic Partnerships and am contributing to CWAC’s Affordable Warmth Strategy.

I am partof the Senior Management Team of EPP and chair ourEnvironment Management System Team. I chair South Cheshire Transition Network. I am a member of Cheshire & Warrington Sustainability Alliance steering committee, Cheshire & Warrington Climate Change Group and Congleton Sustainability Group.

I would like the chance to bring my grassroots campaigning, community liaison, “hands on” environmental solutions work and management expertise to the Board of Friends of the Earth, to further the goal of environmental justice for all and the delivery of a sustainable society. To help shape the direction of theorganisation in which I passionately believe would be a privilege. My younger daughter and I travelled to Copenhagen for COP15 last December; it was my time to stand up and be counted, I hope that it is now my opportunity to serve.