Zambia InternationalMotor Rally

11th– 13th May 2012


Table of Contents


















Appendix 1 Itinerary


Appendix 3CRO





Appendix 8Penalties and Fines



1.1 The Rally will be run in compliance with the International Sporting Code (and its appendices), the General Prescriptions applicable to all FIA Rally Championships, the regulations for the FIA African Rally Championship (for drivers) the national sporting regulations which comply with the FIA regulations and these Supplementary Regulations


Modifications, amendments and / or changes to these Supplementary Regulations will be announced only by numbered and dated Bulletins (issued by the Organisers or the Stewards

1.2Road Surface

Types of road surface for each leg: Tar and Gravel

All special and super special stages will be run on gravel only.

1.3Overall SS Distance and Total of the Itinerary

Total distance:575.16 Km

Total Competitive:250.80 Km

Total number of SS : 17


2.1Titles to which the rally counts

2.1.1 FIA Titles

The 2012 African Rally Championship Cup for Drivers

The 2012 African Rally Championship Cup for Co-Drivers

The 2012 African Rally Championship Cup for Manufacturers

2.1.2 Zim-Zam titles

The 2012 Zim-Zam Series Cup for Drivers

The 2012 Zim-Zam Series Cup for Co-Drivers

2.1.3 National titles

The 2012 National Rally Drivers Championship

The 2012 National Rally Co-Drivers Championship

2.2.1Visa Number – FIA and ASN

FIA Visa No:- TBA

ASN Visa No:- ZMSA/02/14/2012

2.3 Organisers Name and Address

Zambia Motor Sports Association

Zambia International Motor Rally

P O Box 36344



Tel: (+260 977) 972738

Fax: (+260 211) 257799



2.4 Organisation Committee

ZIR Chairman Sam Ching’ambu (Z) +260-977 746841

Rally Secretary Lynn Szeftel (Z) +260-977 972738

Treasurer Dyson Mweene (Z) +260-977 807678

Committee Members:-

Max Malauni

Musonda Musonda

Fred Anderson

Christopher Wakung’uma

Mbinji Mufalo

Muna Singh

Enock Chisenga

Dikoka Ching’ambu

Milner Kasongo

2.5 Stewards of the Meeting

FIA Chairman of Stewards Willie Du Plessis (ZA)

FIA Steward Jonathan Ashman (UK)

ASN Steward Max Malauni

2.6FIA Delegates and Observer

FIA Observer:Ralph Stead (ZIM)

FIA Technical Delegate Viren Goricha(EAK)

2.7 Senior Officials

ASN Safety Delegate Sam Ching’ambu(Z) +260-977 746841

ASN Medical Delegate Dr. Zulu (Z) +260-966 825230

ASN Observer TBA

Clerk of the CourseChris Wakung’uma (Z) +260-977 773352

Deputy Clerk of Course Nicolai Aall (Z) +260-977773821

Deputy Clerk of Course Finort Mwatamwandi (Z) +260-955 849950

Chief ScrutineerRammy Singh (Z)+260-966 763645

Assistant ScrutineerTBA

Chief MarshalMilner Kasongo (Z) +260-955766328

Chief Fire MarshalMartin Landman (Z) +260-978 505022

Chief ScorerWilfred Mwenya (Z) +260-977 394181

Chief Stage Commander Mainga Simuyandi(Z) +260-977 623900

Chief Safety OfficerClive Hichaba (Z)+260-977388583

Competitors Relations OfficerEnock Chisenga (Z) +260-977 965776

Assistant CROTBA

Secretary of the StewardsTBA

Communications OfficerTBA

ServicePark Manager Fred Anderson (Z) +260-978 861099

Chief Medical Officer Dr. G. Phiri

Press Relations OfficerIgnatius Mazeko (Z) +260-974 045689

2.8 HQ Location and Contact Details (Fax and Telephone Number)

Location: Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka


Cell Phone:+260- 977972738

2.9 Location of Overnight Parc Ferme for each Leg

Leg 1A: Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

End:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

Leg 1 B: Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

End:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

Leg 2:Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

End:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

2.10Location of Start and Finish

First Car Due

Leg 1 A : Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka,

14h00, Fri 11th May 2012

Finish:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

16h41, Fri 11th May 2012

Leg 1 B: Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka,

07h00, Sat 12th May 2012

Finish:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka,

17h38 Sat 12th May 2012

Leg 2: Start:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka,

07h00, Sun 13thMay 2012

Finish:Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka,

15h00 Sun 13thMay 2012

2.11 Location of Service Parks for each Leg

Leg 1 A: Lusaka Motor Club, Showgrounds

Leg 1 B: Graham Rays Farm, Chisamba

Leg 2:Barn Resorts, Airport Area, Lusaka



Opening Date for Entries / Date: Monday 2nd April 2012
Time: 08:30hrs
Closing Date for Entries / Date: Friday 4th May 2012
Time: 16:30 hrs
Closing Date for Co-Driver details / Details concerning the Co-Driver can be sent in up to :4 May 2012, 18:00hrs If this application is sent by fax, the original must be presented at documentation.
Opening and Closing of Rally / Opens: Monday 7th May 2012 at 10:00hrs
Closes: Monday 14th May 2012 at 10:00hrs
Issuing the road book, map & rally guide and other documents to Local crews / Date: Friday 4th May 2012
Time: 17:00hrs to 20:00hrs
Place: Lusaka Motor Club , Lusaka
Official Notice Boards / Date:Friday 11th to 13th May 2012
Time:17:00hrs – 20:00hrs
Place:Rally HQ, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Date:Saturday 12th May 2012
Time:07:00hrs to 18:00hrs
Place:Graham Ray’s farm, Chisamba
Date:Sunday 13th May 2012
Time:08:00hrs to 16:00hrs
Place:Barn Resorts, Lusaka
Issuing the road book, map & rally guide and other documents to Foreign crews / Date: Tuesday 8th May 2012
Time: 17:00hrs to 20:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Administrative Checks / Date: Thursday 10th May 2012
Time: 18:00hrs to 20:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Reconnaissance – Local Crews / Date: Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th May 2012
Time: 08:00hrs recce starts
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Reconnaissance – Local Crews / Date: Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th May 2012
Time: 07:00hrs recce starts
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Opening of media centre and media accreditation / Date: Tuesday 8th May 2012
Time: 08:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Fitting of Tracking and safety equipment / Date: Thursday 10th May 2012
Time: 14:00hrs to 17:00hrs
Place: Auto World, Downtown, Kafue Road , Lusaka
Sealing and marking turbos / Date: Thursday 10th May 2012
Time: 14:00hrs to 17:00hrs
Place: Autoworld, Downtown, Kafue Road , Lusaka
Scrutineering / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 07:00hrs to 10:00hrs
Place: Auto World, Downtown, Kafue Road , Lusaka
Scrutineering schedule / Car # 1-5 at 07.00hrs
Car # 6-10 at 08.00hrs
Car # 11-15 at 08.40hrs
Car # 16-20 at 09.30hrs
Car # 21 and onwards at 10.00hrs
First Stewards meeting / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 13:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Pre-Event Press Conference / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 13:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Publication of Start list – Leg 1 section 1 / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 13:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Drivers Briefing / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 13:30hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Ceremonial Start / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 14:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Publication of Start List – Leg1 A / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 14:00hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Publication of start list – Leg 1 B / Date: Friday 11th May 2012
Time: 18:00hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Start of rally - Leg 1B / Date: Saturday 12th May 2012
Time: 07:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Publication of start list – Leg 2 / Date: Saturday 12th May 2012
Time: 19:00hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Start of rally – Leg 2 / Date: Saturday 12th May 2012
Time: 19:00hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Final Scrutineering / Date: Sunday 13th May 2012
Place: Autoworld, Downtown, Lusaka
Publication of Provisional Final Classification / Date: Sunday 13th May 2012
Time: 16:00hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Publication of Final Classification / Date: Sunday 13th May 2012
Time: 16:30hrs
Place: Official Notice Board, Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka
Prize-Giving / Date: Sunday 13th May 2012
Time: 19:00hrs
Place: Hotel Intercontinental , Lusaka


Entry forms are available from the Secretary of the Rally. They can be obtained via , website : and once they have been correctly filled in, must be faxed through to the address provided in item 2.3 above, of these regulations. If applications are sent by fax, the original must reach the Organiser on or before Friday 4thMay 2012 at final documentation. Details concerning the co-driver can be sent in up to four days before the start of the Rally.

In the event that the details of the entered vehicle do not correspond with the class in which it has been entered, the Scrutineers may propose to the Stewards an amendment to move to the corresponding class/group which decision shall not be subject to debate.

3.1Local crews on collection of materials at Lusaka Motor Club (Friday 4th May 2012) Please supplyoriginal entry form and two passport size photos and all relevant Vehicle and crew information

3.2Foreign crews on collection of materials from Rally Headquarters (Tuesday 8th May 2012) Please supply original entry form and two passport size photos and all relevant Vehicle and crew information

3.3Number of entrants accepted and classes

3.4Maximum number of entries: 30

3.5Classes of Cars:

Classes / Groups
2 / S2000-Rally: 1.6 T enginewith a 30mmrestrictor
S2000-Rally: 2.0 Atmospheric
Group R4
3 / Group Ncarover 2000cc (current N4)
4 / RGTCars
5 / Group A car over 1600ccand up to 2000cc
Super 1600
R2C (over 1600cc and up to 2000cc)
R3C (over 1600cc and up to 2000cc)
R3T (up to 1600cc / nominal)
R3D (up to 2000cc / nominal)
6 / Group A car over 1400ccand up to 1600cc
R2B (over 1400cc and up to 1600cc)
kit-car over 1400cc and upto 1600cc
7 / Group A car up to 1400cc
kit-car up to 1400cc
8 / Group Ncarover 1600ccand up to 2000cc
9 / Group Ncarover 1400ccand up to 1600cc
R1B (over 1400cc and up to 1600cc)
10 / Group Ncarup to 1400cc
R1A (up to 1400cc)

3.6 Entry fees / Entry Packages for all groups of competitors

3.6.1 Entry fee for all competitors is:US$250

3.6.2 Without Advertising:$500

3.6.3 Late entries additional $150

3.6.4 Accommodation:-

Concessionary rates at the Hotel for Driver and Navigator- Details to be advised.

3.6.5 The entry fees specified in 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 will include

  • Road books for each Leg
  • Unofficial Pace notes for each Leg
  • Two Service plates
  • All competition numbers and Rally plates
  • All organisers advertising
  • 1 set service notes

3.6.6 Entries will only be accepted if accompanied by total entry fee or by a receipt issued by the organising ASN

3.7Payment Details

3.7.1Payments will be accepted in cash only (No Cheques), at signing on, for participants that will not be able to make payments any earlier.

3.7.2Notes less than US$50 and notes before the year 2003 will not be accepted if payments are made in United States Dollars.

Participants who wish to make earlier payments should contact the Rally Secretary for other payment instructions.

The Entry application will only be accepted if accompanied by the total entry fees or by a receipt issued by the ZMSA.


3.8 1 Entry fees will be refunded in full:

To candidates, whose entry has not been accepted;

3.8.2 In the case of the rally not taking place.

The organisers may refund 50% of the entry fee to those Competitors who, for reasons of “force majeure” (duly certified by their ASN), were unable to start in the rally

3.9 Eligible Vehicles

3.9.1Cars eligible to enter in FIARegional Championship events

African Rally championship events are reserved for all homologated cars. These include:

  • Group A Cars
  • Group A Kit Cars with a corrected cylinder capacity of less than 1600cc on condition that thehomologation is accepted by the FIA as eligible for the Championship concerned
  • Group A cars with a corrected cylinder capacity of less than 2000cc must have had their homologation
  • Group RGT cars complying with 2012 Appendix J Art. 256
  • Group R cars (Appendix J, Article 260 and 260D)
  • Group N cars (Appendix J, Article 254) these cars may use FIA regionally homologated components (RVO)
  • Super 2000 cars (Appendix J, Article 254A).
  • Super 2000 cars fitted with a 1.6-liter turbo engine with a maximum air restrictor’s internal diameter of30mm.
  • Regional cars
  • Including cars whose homologation has expired a maximum of 4 years previously. accepted by the FIA for the region.
  • National cars:
  • The following applies when an organiser admits ASN homologated cars:
  • They may use part or the entire itinerary as in the Championship.
  • They may choose to either use the officials appointed to the event or appoint a separate panel of stewards, scrutineers and /or officials.
  • The cars shall run as a group/class after the last cars entered in the Championship event.
  • The cars shall have their own classification and will not appear on any results of theChampionship

3.9.2The stewards may, for reasons of safety, seed including FIA seeded drivers.

3.10 Permitted Modifications

3.10.1Fitting of under body protection is authorised in accordance with Appendix J Articles 254-6.7.1 and 255-

3.10.2The Air intake for Group ‘A’ may be modified by making a hole , of maximum 10cm diameter, in the engine bonnet only, in order to provide air for the engine through a ‘snorkel’. Appendix J, Article 255-5.1.8

3.10.3The Air intake of Group ‘N’ cars or super 1600 and S2000 may be modified as in

4.8.2. The addition of a tube from the bonnet to the air box is permitted. The air box for a Group N car may be modified but must be identifiable as the original air box and its position may not be changed, the original air cleaner element must be retained.

3.10.4Radio Installation are subject to obtaining licensing from relevant regulatory


3.10.5A maximum of two spare wheels are permitted for all competing crews and their

position in the car is free subject to being secured to the satisfaction of the scrutineer. A minimum of 1 spare wheel, securely fastened, must be carried in the competing car at all times during the rally.

3.10.6 Mud flaps in accordance with Appendix J, Article 252.7 are permitted.

3.10.7Fuel tank(s) capacity should conform to Article 254-6.9 of the Appendix J for Group ‘N’ cars and Article 225-5.9 for Group A cars.

3.10.8If Silvered or tinted windows are not used or if the side windows and the glass

sunroof are not made from laminated glass, the use of transparent and colourless anti-shatter films on the side of the windows and the glass sunroof is mandatory.

3.10.9The thickness of these films must not be less than 100 microns.

3.10.10The use of silvered or tinted films is authorised on the side and rear windows and

glass sunroof, and on the following conditions:

Openings in these films must allow a person outside to see the driver and the contents of the car.

3.10.11Rear seats need not be carried.

3.10.12Cow-catcher in accordance with Appendix J 284-6.6.1 may be fitted.

3.10.13Additional lighting devices maybe fitted to the exterior of the car provided that no

lightis mounted higher than the bottom of the windscreen.


4.1Details of the insurance cover:

The Entry Fees include the insurance premium, thatguarantees the competitors cover for civil liability towards third party to the extent of ZK15 million only.

4.2Competitors and/or driver attention is drawnparticularly to the fact that Zambian Law requires all vehicles driven on a public roads to be insured against Third Party Risks.

Competitors and/or Drivers will be entirely responsible for ensuring that their cars are adequately covered.

Entry fees include a premium to ensure competitors and/or drivers for third party risks as follows-

Third party death and bodily injuries

Third party property damage

This insurance will come into effect from the start of the rally and will cease at the end of the rally, or at the moment of retirement or exclusion.

4.3 Competitors and/or drivers take part entirely at their own risk. The Organizers decline liability in anyaccident caused by or to competitors and/or drivers and their vehicles during the whole of the event. The organizers also decline any liability for breach of Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Zambia. Competitors and/or Drivers will be entirely responsible for any accident or breach of laws in which they may be involved and will declare in writing, to the Organizers, particulars of any accident from which liability may arise and will indemnify the Organizers in regard to any liability to any person whatsoever.

4.4A competitor will have no claim, against the Organizer or owners of private property, arising out of any act or default of or by them, their servants or officials, before, during or after the Rally.

4.5It is the Competitors and/or drivers responsibility, to arrange Personal Accident, insurance cover for their service crew and vehicles and any other additional Public Liability insurance cover. Terms for such cover are available from the Official Insurers to the Organiser.

4.6Any accident, which may give rise to an insurance claim, must be reported to the Secretary of the event, in writing, within two days of the finish of the rally.

4.7 Under no circumstances will any Competitor and/or driver admit any liability or sign any form of paper, which may admit liability in any accident, which may arise.


5.1The Organisers will require publicity to be carried as shown sketch on Appendix 6. The competition numbers, rally plates and advertising shall be affixed on the car before scrutineering, otherwise the start shall not be allowed.

Space for the organisers optional advertising must be reserved on the car, unless the higher fee is paid (Article12.2.1)


The Organisers will supply one front rally plate and one rear rally plate

5.3Competition numbers:

The Organisers will supply two front door panels andtwo numbers for the rear windows

5.4 Drivers / Co-driver names

Refer Article 13 of FIA Regional Rally Regulations, Also see appendix 6


6.1The use of slick tyres is prohibited.

6.2 The inside of the tyre (the space between the rim and the internal part of the tyre) must be filled only with air. In other words, the use of any form of moose which allows the tyres to maintain their performance at an internal pressure equal to or less than the atmospheric pressure is prohibited.


The use of aviation fuel (AVE GAS) is permitted. The maximum lead content permitted in Zambia is 0.85grams/litre.

7.1Order Procedure – Competitors who require AVE GAS may contactthe organisers, for assistance where to purchase the avgas

7.2Fuel Distribution – Competitors are entirely responsible for providing and distribution of their own fuel during the rally, however, this will be done only at designated Fuel Parks.


8.1Procedure for registration

8.1.1Participating local crews will be required to assemble and sign on at:

Place:Lusaka Motor Club, Showgrounds

Date:Sat 4thMay 2012

Time:08h00 ‘Convoy recce’ starts

8.1.2Participating foreign crews will be required to assemble and sign on at:

Place: Intercontinental Hotel Lusaka

Date: Wed 9thMay 2012

Time: 07h00 ‘Convoy recce’ starts

8.1.3Reconnaissance will only be allowed for two passages of each special stage for each crew and will be as per Article 14.1.1of the General prescriptions. More than one crew may share a vehicle.