NAME ______
Waves and Sound Take Home Test - L2
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. When a mass-spring system oscillates (vibrates) with simple harmonic motion, the compressed or stretched spring has which kind of energy?
a. / kinetic / c. / gravitational potentialb. / mechanical / d. / elastic potential
____ 2. For a mass hanging from a spring, the maximum displacement the spring is stretched or compressed from its equilibrium position is the system’s
a. / amplitude. / c. / frequency.b. / period. / d. / acceleration.
____ 3. One end of a taut rope is fixed to a post and a transverse wave pulse is created by quickly raismg and lowering the free end one time. When the pulse reaches the post
a. / most of the energy is lost / c. / the reflected pulse is largerb. / the pulse is reflected and inverted / d. / the pulse speed is doubled
____ 4. Which of the following most affects the speed of a mechanical wave moving through a medium?
a. / the nature of the medium / c. / the height of a crestb. / the amplitude / d. / the energy carried by the wave
____ 5. When a mechanical wave’s amplitude is doubled, the energy the wave carries in a given time interval is
a. / doubled. / c. / decreased to one-half.b. / decreased by a factor of 1/4. / d. / quadrupled.
____ 6. Which of the following types of interference will occur when the pulses in the figure above meet?
a. / no interference / c. / destructive interferenceb. / constructive interference / d. / total interference
____ 7. Standing waves are produced by periodic waves of
a. / any amplitude and wavelength traveling in the same direction.b. / the same amplitude and wavelength traveling in the same direction.
c. / any amplitude and wavelength traveling in opposite directions.
d. / the same frequency, amplitude, and wavelength traveling in opposite directions.
____ 8. The standing wave shown in the diagram above would be produced on a string of length L by a wave having wavelength
a. / 1/2 L. / c. / 2 L.b. / L. / d. / 4 L.
____ 9. The property of sound called intensity is proportional to the rate at which energy flows through
a. / an area perpendicular to the direction of propagation.b. / an area parallel to the direction of propagation.
c. / a cylindrical tube.
d. / a sound wave of a certain frequency.
____ 10. When the frequency of a force applied to a system matches the natural frequency of vibration of the system, ____ occurs.
a. / damped vibration / c. / timbreb. / random vibration / d. / resonance
____ 11. If a guitar string has a fundamental frequency of 500 Hz, what is the frequency of its second harmonic?
a. / 250 Hz / c. / 1000 Hzb. / 750 Hz / d. / 2000 Hz
____ 12. Vibration of an object about an equilibrium point is called simple harmonic motion when the restoring force is proportional to
a. / time. / c. / a spring constant.b. / displacement. / d. / mass.
____ 13. For a system in simple harmonic motion, which of the following is the time required to complete a cycle of motion?
a. / amplitude / c. / frequencyb. / period / d. / revolution
____ 14. For a system in simple harmonic motion, which of the following is the number of cycles or vibrations per unit of time?
a. / amplitude / c. / frequencyb. / period / d. / revolution
____ 15. Suppose that two sound waves passing through the same medium have different wavelengths. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for the differing wavelengths?
a. / the nature of the medium / c. / differences in frequencyb. / differences in amplitude / d. / the type of wave
____ 16. How many nodes and antinodes are shown in the standing wave above?
a. / four nodes and four antinodes / c. / four nodes and five antinodesb. / four nodes and three antinodes / d. / five nodes and four antinodes
____ 17. Sound waves
a. / are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.b. / do not require a medium for transmission.
c. / are longitudinal waves.
d. / are transverse waves.
____ 18. Which of the following is the region of a sound wave in which the density and pressure are greater than normal?
a. / rarefaction / c. / amplitudeb. / compression / d. / wavelength
____ 19. The highness or lowness of a sound is perceived as
a. / compression. / c. / ultrasound.b. / wavelength. / d. / pitch.
____ 20. Pitch depends on the ____ of a sound wave.
a. / frequency / c. / powerb. / amplitude / d. / speed
____ 21. A train moves down the track toward an observer. The sound from the train, as heard by the observer, is ____ the sound heard by a passenger on the train.
a. / the same as / c. / higher in pitch thanb. / a different timbre than / d. / lower in pitch than
____ 22. The perceived loudness of a sound is measured in
a. / hertz. / c. / watts.b. / decibels. / d. / watts per square meter.
____ 23. When an air column vibrates in a pipe that is closed at one end,
a. / all harmonics are present. / c. / only odd harmonics are present.b. / no harmonics are present. / d. / only even harmonics are present.
____ 24. The quality of a musical tone of a certain pitch results from a combination of
a. / fundamental frequencies. / c. / transverse waves.b. / harmonics. / d. / velocities.
____ 25. At a large distance from a sound source, spherical wave fronts are viewed as
a. / wavelengths. / c. / rays.b. / troughs. / d. / plane waves.
26. If a force of 52 N stretches a spring 0.36 m, what is the spring constant?
27. An amusement park ride has a frequency of 0.064 Hz. What is the ride’s period?
28. A musical tone sounded on a piano has a frequency of 215.1 Hz and a wavelength of 1.47 m. What is the speed of the sound wave?
29. What is the intensity of sound waves produced by a trumpet at a distance of 3.1 m when the power output of the trumpet is 0.42 W?
30. A periodic wave has a wavelength of 0.58 m and a speed of 14 m/s. What is the wave frequency?