Keith Valley HSA Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2013
This meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Kathy Paskill, Co-President. Mr. Kircher, Mrs. Whiteside, Miss Condit and Mrs. Boyle were in attendance.
Secretary’s Report
Jodi Golub presented the minutes from the February 21, 2013 meeting.
Motion to approve made by Amy Wuillermin, seconded by Vicki Brzoza.
Treasurer’s Report
Sharon Brennan presented the current budget:
- Revenues and Expenses vs. Actual (July ‘12 – Feb ‘13)
- Statement of Cash Flows (July ’12 – Feb ‘13)
General ledger cash is reconciled with the bank through February 28, 2013.
Motion to approve made by Amy Wuillermin, seconded by Vicki Brzoza .
Principal’s Report
Out of $167K in grants awarded in the district, $67K is going to KV. Grants include a fully funded sensory room for special needs students, iPads for the Lifeskills class, balance of iPads for History classes, iPod Touch Language Arts grant, 15 MacBooks and media literacy laptop cart.
KV Challenge: This event was a great success with $50,784 raised for Make a Wish Foundation and the highest ever student participation.
The Shamrocker Dodgeball Tournament on Friday, March 15th was a great success.
PSSA Dates
Math and Reading tests for all students will be April 8th thru 11th. April 8th and 9th will be double testing days. April 23rd and 24th will be 8th grade Science only.
KV Student Council will present the KV K’NEX to the Hatboro Rotary Club on April 17th.
Mrs. Rubinlicht is being recognized by Barnes & Nobel as winner of their Outstanding Educator contest. She was nominated by Olivia Robinson.
Parents of 8th grade students will see a packet come home with permission slips for the Dorney Park trip, the 8th grade picnic, the 8th grade dance and the 8th grade promotion. The HSA pays for the picnic. The cost of the Dorney Park trip is $45 and $10 for the dance.
An update was provided regarding security measures at KV.
Mr. Kircher presented his proposal on Programmatic and Scheduling Changes for 2013-2014. The continuous improvement plan outlines a method to help each child optimize their learning/achievement. The plan connects goals, benchmarks best methods/practices, establishes schedules and staff roles to advance goals, monitor progress and intervene on behalf of each child.
Teacher Report by Miss Condit (6th Grade)
- Advanced math classes from Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Drabold and Mrs. Kentopp held a can food drive/contest.
- Pi Day Bracelets were made in math on March 13th and 14th.
- Flexible grouping mini lessons started on Tuesdays for 30 minutes for all heterogeneously grouped classes. Students were placed in groups for skill improvement in categories such as: questioning/predicting, summarizing and reflection.
- Shamrocker Dodgeball Tournament was a huge success. Students had great fun.
Teacher Report by Mrs. Whiteside (7th Grade)
- ELA students are actively working on their Ad Campaign that goes along with the Media Essential Question.
- HHEF adding $4,600 as follow-up to add covers and new titles for the previously donated Kindles.
- Math classes celebrated Pi Day on March 14th.
Teacher Report by Mrs. Boyle (8th Grade)
- 8th Grade writing PSSA complete.
- March 19th KV Challenge Check Assembly – Total $50,784.
- Language Arts classes each visited the Book Fair.
- JRA Community Service 3/17 and 4/14.
- PSSAs for Reading and Math April 8th-14th
- PSSAs for Science April 23rd and 24th.
- KV Fun Run April 13th at 9am.
- 3rd marking period ends April 8th.
- End of Year Events
o May 10th - 8th Grade Dance
o May 31st – Dorney Park Trip
o June 12th – 8th Grade Picnic
o June 13th – Promotion Ceremony at HHHS
o 8th Grade Awards Night TBA
Old Business
A. Spirit Night – YoFresh – March 1st 3pm – 10:30pm – Kathy Paskill & Linda Gorkes - $25 gift card for each grade courtesy of YoFresh and 20% of profits going to KVHSA. It was a very successful fundraiser earning $300.
B. Book Fair – March 18th – 22nd – Pam Tuckey & Jenn Howanetz – announcements to start on KVTV on March 1st. Mr. Kircher will be giving out $1 Book Bucks bills with his picture on it. It is off to a great start and Spy Pens are a big hit this year.
C. Spirit Wear – Kristy Schmidt – $190 earned at the last sale.
D. Dodgeball Refreshment Sales – Kathy Paskill & Linda Gorkes - $240 earned.
New Business
A. Fun Night – April 5th – Amy Wuillerman & Linda Gorkes.
B. Box Tops Spring Contest – Pam Tuckey – iTunes gift card prizes.
Other Business
A. Nominations for 2013-2014 HSA Executive Board. Vote to be held at next HSA meeting.
B. Be a Part of the Conversation – Mark your calendars for April 3rd when topic will be “Technology and Its Impact on Our Youth” – Conversation to be held at Simmons Elementary School.
C. Giant A+ Program is guaranteeing KV a check for $5,500 this year.
Motion to adjourn made by Amy Wuillermin, seconded by Vicki Brzoza. Meeting adjourned, 8:21 pm.
Next Keith Valley Home and School Association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 pm in the KV library.
Jodi Golub, Secretary