Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00
User Manual – OFAC
Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Revision No. 2
6330 San Vicente Blvd., STE 245 02/04/2011
Los Angeles, CA. 90048
Tel: (323) 954-3000
Fax: (323) 954-3005
Enhanced Lightspeed Claim Management System OFAC
Table of Contents
ELCMS New OFAC Support 3
Downloading SDN List 3
Load file into Lightspeed 4
OFAC Matching 6
Enhanced Lightspeed Claim Management System OFAC
ELCMS New OFAC Support
ELCMS now support SDN matching. The steps involved to produce a matching report are 1) Download the SDN List, 2) Load it into Lightspeed and 3) Run the Matching Report.
Downloading SDN List
It is recommended to subscribe to OFAC e-notification. This will alert you to any updates on the website. (This will take a few weeks to get in place. Check the website periodically until then)
To download file:
1. When notified of an update go into
2. Select the Resources Tab
3. Click onto Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List)
4. Click onto SDALLW32.EXE and save it to W:\LSClaim\IOData\Import\OFAC.
5. Open the file
6. Extract to W:\LSClaim\IOData\Import\OFAC
Load file into Lightspeed
OFAC Import
The current OFAC file needs to be loaded into the claims system to check for any OFAC accounts
To import file:
1. In the claim system go to
- Tables
- Business Defined
- OFAC Import
- In OFAC Import click Run OFAC Import
- This should successfully import the OFAC file and display the import date and total count of the file
Making Payments to OFAC matches
When a payment is requested to an individual who matches to a name in the OFAC list the SDN checkbox in Check Verify will be checked. This will also send an alert to any users that are in the OFAC approval group. The payment cannot be processed until the alert has been approved.
OFAC Matching
OFAC Alerts
Alert / Cause / User/Approver View / ResolutionOFAC / Immediate - Payee on OFAC list / User –
Orange – when alert is first generated and no Action has been taken.
Red if the Alert has been Rejected
Green if the Alert has been approved
Approver –
White if the alert requires attention.
Red if the Alert has been Rejected by another Approver, needs acknowledgement
Green if the Alert has been approved by another Approver, needs acknowledgement / User –
Orange – No action can be taken yet
Red – Alert is to be Acknowledged
Green – Alert is to be Acknowledged
When the Alert has been Approved or Rejected it will no longer be in the queue
OFAC Matching Report
This feature will match the OFAC information to any existing data within the claim system.
To match:
1. Go to Report
- Claim
- OFAC Matching Report
- This report will automatically run when selected and display matches on the following
- Vendor
- Claimant
- Insured
- UEP Insured