Comber & District
A Handbook
- The main aim of all U3A Groupsis self – help.
- To have an active membership.
- Groups are formed at the members’ request.
- They are formed when a member offers to lead a group.
- Where possible, a member leads a group; if this is not possible e.g. for safety reasons, a self-insured tutor may be employed, the cost being met by the group.
- Those with a leader e.g. Bridge, Cookery.
- Those with a member leading the group e.g. Book Club, Gardening.
- Those with a paid outside tutor e.g. Zumba.
- Those run by other organisations e.g. Computer.
When enough interest is shown to make the group viable:-
- Contact Groups Co-ordinator with suggestions.
- Find a tutor, if necessary.
- Appoint a Leader.
- Agree a day and time. (A grid showing when other groups meet is on website).
- Obtain premises.
A start up grant of £40 is available from the Treasurer.
When the group is established and financially sound the £40 should be repaid to the Treasurer. All money held by the group is for the benefit of the group members. It has been recommended for safety reasons that convenors should not hold more than £40 in their homes. Any excess cash can be handed to the Treasurer, for lodgement. This money remains the property of the individual group and can be reclaimed at any time.
- Ensure that everyone in your group is a member of Comber & District U3A & record Membership Card number.
- Keep membership list and attendance record. Give a photocopy or email of to the Groups Co-ordinator.
- Agree any payment with membership and collect and record payments of monies in and out.
- Agree with membership date and time of meeting. (See group grid on website which details when other groups meet and try to avoid over-lapping with them.)
- Pay for rental of halls – if necessary. (Groups Co-ordinator can help with suggestions for possible venues, if meeting in a member’s house is not suitable).
- Appoint a deputy to cover when you are unable to attend.
- Check that room has been booked opened and is ready.
- Ensure new members are welcomed to the group.
- Ensure that any entries needed for website are submitted to Webmaster.
- Make arrangements for tea / coffee.
- Claim expenses from group funds, i.e. tea, coffee, biscuits, telephone, postage, photocopying.
- Encourage everyone to support and contribute to the group.
- Keep in touch with members who are ill.
- Enjoy your group activities!
Convenors of groups with outside tutors pay the tutor at each meeting of the group.
- You decide how much money the group needs, e.g. rent ,equipment, photocopying, refreshments, tokens of appreciation to caretakers, tutors or convenors - the surplus could be used to reduce the cost of study trips, but should not be used purely for social outings or dinners.
- Groups with paid tutors should charge appropriately to cover costs. Or other groups you may decide to make a nominal chargeto cover expenses.
- No charge is made when other expenses are involved e.g. entrance fees, travel, etc. unless the convenor requires a donation to cover the cost of telephone calls or postage.
- U3A insurance does not cover the employment of tutors; therefore, all outside tutors MUST have their own public liability insurance.
- Public & Products Liability will indemnify U3A members against all sums which you maybecome legally liable to pay as a result of accidental bodily injury or loss of property.
- Where appropriate, a disclaimer letter should be signed, e.g. Walking.
- Accident Reports should be completed in all cases and given to Secretary.
- NB please note that non U3A members are only covered for insurance purposes for one sampler session to a group. Failure to observe this could jeopardise an insurance claim for the whole group.
Funds are to:- pay rents (see note on rents)
- buy tea / coffee / biscuits etc.
- buy materials for the group
- pay for costs of ‘phone calls and postage incurred by convenors and leaders
- pay tutors (in rare cases)
- Groups may retain up to a maximum of £40 as petty cash.
- All other money must be handed to the Treasurer for safe-keeping. It is yours to use for any books, equipment, etc. you may need and may be carried over. However, if you do not need the money and the amount gets too large, we will consult you. It could then, on agreement, be put into general funds (see above under cost of session). You should in this case also consider reducing your subs!
- If you collect money for outings, trips, performances, etc. please ask for cheques to be made payable to Comber and DistrictU3A and send them itemised and totalled to the Treasurer.
To reclaim your money, contact the Treasurer. (See Contacts list on website)
- All groups should be self-financing and expenses paid from withingroup funds.
If your group should get into difficulty because you do not have enough members to meet your expenses, please inform the Chairand theGroups Co-ordinator. Do not let the deficit build up. There are several things that can be done. We can advertise in the website for new members or the committee will offer financial help.
Members are encouraged to take it in turns to use their cars for group activities.
Suggested Rates are:
1 – 5 miles - £1
6– 15 miles - £3
- 16 + miles discretionary, depending on No. of passengers- to a maximum of £5
Parking costs to be shared by all.
- Meetings in members’ homes are covered by U3A Public Liability Insurance.
- You should arrange to pay for any refreshments if the meeting is in a member’s house.
And Finally
Being a Convenor should not be a JOB or a CHORE – you have had your day of that. The U3A is supposed to be fun.
If you have problems, share them. Contact the Chair and the Groups Co-ordinator, who will be pleased to help you.
Date :Name :
Accident Report Form - Comber & District U3A
(continue overleaf, if necessary)
Name of Injured party/address/telephone number:Name/address/telephone number of others involved :
Date/Time of Accident : Location:
Nature of Accident/Circumstances:
Injury Details/Property Damage :
Name/address/telephone number of person causing injury/damage :
Witnessed by :
Address :
Telephone number:
Action Taken :
Was any specialised assistance required at the scene? If so give details.
Was medical advice sought afterwards? If so give details.
Name of Group Leader………………………………. Tel. No. ………………..
Signed ………………………………….…………………………(injured party)
Signed ……………………………………………………………..(group leader)
To Walk Leaders
The following points are for your attention:
- There needs to be a leader / marker at each end of the walking group.
- No qualified first-aider is required though this is desirable and it is suggested that a basic first aid kit is carried.
- People must be appropriately equipped
- It is advisable to carry a mobile phone.
All members of your group must sign one of the disclaimer forms (overleaf), which you should retain for scrutiny by the Groups Co-ordinator as necessary.
A blank form should be retained to make further copies, if required.
Comber and District U3A
Walking Group
Walks Disclaimer
Walking is one of the healthiest and safest of Outdoor Activities.
However, neither Comber and District U3A nor the Walk Leader/Organiser of the walks has control of the environment of the walks, the weather, any animals or indeed of any of the walkers themselves, and whilst taking normal precautions, providing reasonable help and assistance as necessary, they cannot accept responsibility for any circumstances affecting the Health or Safety of the Walkers in the party.
Walks organised by U3A Groups automatically have Public Liability insurance cover, provided the leaders are U3A members, through the Third Age Trust. This is designed to protect leaders against claims for damage to property and for injury or death which might have been occasioned on the walk. This is NOT a personal accident insurance and accordingly participants on walks are responsible for their own Health and Safety, and the safe keeping of their equipment, clothing and belongings.
Participants on Walks should follow the advice/instructions of the Walk Leader in order to minimise any risk to themselves, and should also ensure that they do not endanger any others in the party.
I have read, understood and accept the foregoing Disclaimer.
(Block Letters)
SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………………………………………
DATE …………………………………