A collection of pictures, images, photos of creative scientists who were cited together with the citation of 2 books on biochemical ecology,

in a short review paper on historical development of the most modern areas of ecology, the review by a prominent international ecologist and environmentalist, an ex-minister of environment…

These are the links to the info on these 2 books:

in short:ecologist, Minister of environment cited these 2 contemporary books, - citation also of Pasteur, Lamarck, von Liebig, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/a-prominent-ecologist-and-minister-of.html

This book was cited:




This paper is a continuation of this book:



Comments and info online:


Minister of protection of environment cited 2 books of Moscow University, citation in a short publication, together with works of prominent scientists of France, Germany, U.S.A.: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford,



Paper published. Professor Ion DEDIU. GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF THE RESEARCH ON THE CHEMICAL FACTORS OF THE ENVIRONMENT http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/paper-published-professor-ion-dediu.html


French translation of paper published. Article publié: Professeur Ion DEDIU. GENESIS ET ÉVOLUTION DE LA RECHERCHE SUR LES FACTEURS DE chimique de l'environnement. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/french-translation-of-paper-published.html

De A.Lavoisier, L.Pasteur, JB Lamarck à … G.Duca.Prof.I.DEDIU. FACTEURS DE chimique de l'environnement. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/french-translation-of-paper-published.html


A.-L. Lavoisier:


In Danish:En fremtrædende økolog og minister for beskyttelse af miljø citeret disse 2 nutidige bøger - citation i en kort publikation, - sammen med historisk vigtige værker af berømte videnskabsmænd i Frankrig, Tyskland, USA: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, JB Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford, et al.



Louis Pasteur:


in Norvegian.

En fremtredende økolog og minister for beskyttelse av miljøet sitert disse to moderne bøker, - sitat i en kort publikasjon, - sammen med historisk viktige verker av kjente vitenskapsmenn i Frankrike, Tyskland, USA: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, JB Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford, et al.


J. von Liebig:


in Finnish:Näkyvä ekologi ja ministeri ympäristönsuojelu mainittu näistä 2 Nykykirjat, - lainaus lyhyt julkaisu, - yhdessä historiallisesti merkittäviä teoksia tiedemiehistä Ranskan, Saksan, USA: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, JB Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford, et ai.



in Spanish:Un ecólogo prominente y el ministro de protección del medio ambiente citados estos 2 libros contemporáneos, - cita en un texto breve, - junto con las obras de importancia histórica de los científicos famosos de Francia, Alemania, EE.UU.: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, JB Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford, et al.


J. von Liebig:


in Portuguese:

A ecologista proeminente e Ministro da proteção do meio ambiente citou estes dois livros contemporâneos, - de citação em uma publicação curta, - juntamente com obras historicamente importantes de cientistas famosos da França, Alemanha, EUA: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, JB Lamarck, J. von Liebig, V. Shelford, et al.


Louis Pasteur:


in Chinese (traditional):保護環境的一個突出生態學家和部長援引這2個當代書, - 引文在很短的出版物 - 連同法國,德國,美國著名科學家的重要歷史意義的作品:A.-L.拉瓦錫,路易·巴斯德,JB拉馬克,J.馮·李比希,五謝爾福德,等。


J. von Liebig:


in Japanese:短い文書内の引用、 - - 環境保護の著名な生態学者と大臣は、これらの2冊の現代、引用された一緒にフランス、ドイツ、アメリカの有名な科学者の歴史的に重要な作品とします。A.-L.Lavoisier、L.Pasteur、JBラマルク、J·フォン·リービッヒ、V.Shelfordら。



in Korean:

짧은 책에서 인용 - - 환경 보호의 저명한 생태 학자 장관이 2 현대의 책을 인용 함께 프랑스, 독일, 미국의 유명한 과학자의 역사적으로 중요한 작품과를 : A.-L.Lavoisier, L.Pasteur, JB 라마르크, J. 폰 리비히, V.Shelford, 등.


Lister greets Pasteur:
