Contents 1
Sponsors 2
Welcome 3
Information for Delegates 4
Conference Delegates 6
Room Allocation 7
Schedule 8
Talks Schedule 9
Dinner Menus 10
Session 1 12
Session 2 16
Session 3 20
Session 4 24
Session 5 27
Session 6 31
Session 7 33
Session 8 36
Notes 39
We would like to thank out industrial sponsors:
And also the following sponsors from the Grant Institute:
Anton Ziolkowski
Roger Scrutton
Graduate School Conference, 7th - 9th February 2003
Welcome to the Isles of Glencoe Hotel for the 12th annual Graduate School Conference.
This Conference presents the opportunity to find out about the research and activities undertaken by people working in the many facets of Earth Science, whilst enjoying the informal atmosphere in the Isles of Glencoe Hotel. For many of the first year postgraduate students in our department, this is the first opportunity to present their research in a conference environment. We hope to gain some insight into their research, and that they find this a useful and friendly introduction to conference speaking.
This is the first year the Conference has taken place since the formation of the new School of GeoSciences, and we hope it will create new bonds and strengthen existing ones, to improve the quality of research between the former Departments of Geology and Geophysics, Geography, Meteorology, and the Institute of Ecology and Resource Management. We extend a particular welcome to postgraduate students from these former departments and hope this conference will provide a basis for further interaction as we progress forward together as the School of GeoSciences.
We would like to thank those delegates from outside the University, whose contributions are greatly appreciated. Presentations from industry representatives are extremely well received, and in the past have been interesting and informative. This is seen as another important aspect of the Gradschool Conference and we eagerly anticipate this year’s contributions.
The conference this year is based upon how we as GeoScientists explore the ‘Wonders of the World’. The notion of the seven wonders of the ancient world can be traced back to the fifth century BC when the Greek historian Herodotus marvelled about the wonders. Six of those seven wonders no longer stand, several having been destroyed by earthquakes. The 2003 Graduate School Conference will explore an exciting variety of themes united around the world and the unsolved wonders it still presents us with.
Finally we would like to remind all those attending that this conference has only been made possible by the generous donations from our industry and school sponsors, and we would like to express our sincere gratitude to them.
We hope you have a thought-provoking and enjoyable Graduate School Conference.
Gradschool Committee (2002 - 2003)
Caroline Gill Gwilym Lynn Tara Ivanochko Sonja Maultzsch Sam Rice
Gavin England Jason Ahad Phillipa Ascough Conor McKernon
Information for Delegates
Information for Delegates
Rooms will be available for check-in from 1230 on Friday. You are asked to check-out of your room between 0930 and 1000 on the Sunday morning. Luggage storage (Rooms 111 and 112) will be available on Sunday morning.
The Conference Banquet and Ceilidh on Saturday night are Black Tie. Casual wear is appropriate for all other times.
Conference Facilities
We have 2 OHP’s 2 slide projectors, and one data projector with laptop. Microsoft Powerpoint 97 is available.
Dinner is served at 1930 on Friday, though late arrivals will be catered for where informed in advance. Please endeavour to be on time for all meals in order to endure the smooth running of the conference.
Hotel Facilities
There is an excellent sauna, swimming pool and steam room available to all delegates. Bring swimming costumes and towels to take full advantage of these facilities, open from 0700 to 2200 daily. Towel hire is also available at a cost of £1. Questions and matters relating to the hotel should be directed to Steven Hornby, the Assistant Manager.
There is only one key per room, and as most delegates are sharing rooms, please keep a note of who has the key to avoid being locked out. Keys can be left at reception.
There are unfortunately no cash facilities at the hotel, and the nearest cash point is in Glencoe village. Please therefore ensure you have enough cash with you for the weekend.
The conference is scheduled to commence at 1330 on the Friday and to finish at 1230 on the Sunday. It is important that speakers keep within their allotted 15 minutes slot (10-12 minute presentation followed by questions) in order for the conference to progress smoothly. Whilst talks are in session, entry to the lounge will be available through the south entrance only.
There will be prizes of book tokens and conference rugby shirts for the best talk in three categories - best 1st Year, best Student, and best Non-Student. Talks will be judged by Simon Harley and Anton Ziolkowski.
Field Excursion
There will be a field excursion of the local geology on Saturday afternoon, led by Ben Harte. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to sign-up in the hotel lobby on arrival on Friday, also indicating if they can drive a car if required. A drying off room near reception will be available for boots and coats, which anyone attending the excursion is requested to use.
The Future
The Graduate School Conference is an event that has traditionally been an integral part of the former department of Geology and Geophysics annual calendar. The formation of the School of GeoSciences provides an opportunity for the expansion and development of the conference. If you are interested in being part of this event on 2004, please contact Clare Woulds, Graduate School President Elect, for more information ().
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Caroline Gill.
Conference Delegates
Conference Delegates
Phil Allen (PGL) Iain Bartholomew (Amerada Hess)
John Braisby (Shell) Chris Browitt (BGS)
Sergio Grion (Schlumberger) Katy Hardacre (Shell)
Mark Hempton (Shell) David Jones (Shell)
David McInroy (BGS) Tom McKie (Shell)
Claire Naisbitt (BP) Aoife O’Mongain (BGS)
Malcolm Rider (Rider-French) Johan Robertsson (Schlumberger)
John Smallwood (Amerada Hess) Alice Walker (BGS)
Andrew Wilson (BG Group)
Staff and Postdocs
Geoffrey Boulton Mark Chapman Sebastien Chastin
Yvonne Cooper Andrew Curtis Janet Cuthill
John Dixon Mary Elliot Gavin England
John Grace Anne Harley Simon Harley
Ben Harte Nigel Kelly Xiang-Yan Li
Enru Liu Justin McNeil Yani Najman
Ian Parsons Douglas Paton Bob Pearce
Alistair Robertson John Underhill Shane Voss
Bridget Wade Mark Wilkinson Anton Ziolkowski
Jason Ahad Fahad Al-Kindy Philippa Ascough
Nick Banbury Steve Binnie Sarah Boulton
Clare Britton Chris Byrne Andrew Casely
Stephen Davison Catherine Dickey Andy Dobson
Helen Doran Jon Dunningham Rosie Fisher
Matt Gibson Sarah Gilchrist Caroline Gill
Magnus Hagdorn Guy Hall Mat Hardenberg
Jon Hill Robin Lee Gwilym Lynn
Kerry-Ann Mairs Fabio Mancini Owen Mansfield
Richard Martin Sonja Maultzsch Allan McKay
Conor McKernon Estelle Mortimer Mark Naylor
Ira Ojala Sam Rice Lynnette Robertson
Lynsday Sugden Baerbel Traub Dirk Van Manen
Serafeim Vlastos Bridget Wade Ed Wallington
Lifeng Wang Alex Whittaker Alice Williams
Clare Woulds Alkaterina Yannouli Jinghua Zhang
*(Bold denotes speaker)
Room Allocation
Room Allocation
Ground Floor Main Wing
101 / Yvonne Cooper and Janet Cuthill102 / Sonja Maultzsch, Baerbel Traub and Jinghua Zhang
103 / Jason Ahad, Sam Rice and Conor McKernon
105 / Ira Ojala, Chris Byrne and Lynette Robertson
108 / Alkaterini Yannouli and Phillipa Ascough
109 / Dirk-Jan Van Manen and Sergio Grion
110 / Geoffrey Boulton and Bob Pearce
111 / Magnus Hagdorn, Fahad Al-Kindy
114 / Nigel Kelly and Sebastein Chastin and Pieter Van Beck
115 / Mary Elliot, Yani Najman
Ground Floor South Wing
311 / Mark Naylor, Matt Gibson and Mat Hardenberg312 / Andrew Casely, Ed Wallington and Steve Binnie
313 / Mark Chapman and David McInroy
314 / Mark Wilkinson and Gavin England
315 / Andrew Curtis and Johann Robertsson
316 / Shane Voss and Justin MacNeil
First Floor Main Wing
201 / Serafeim Vllastos and Steve Davison202 / John Grace and John Underhill
203 / Alistair Robertson
205 / Simon and Anne Harley
206 / Claire Naisbitt
207 / Douglas Paton and Estelle Mortimer
208 / Malcolm Rider
209 / John Dixon
210 / Rosie Fisher and Catherine Dickey
211 / Kerry-Ann Mairs, Lyndsay Sugden
212 / Andrew Wilson
213 / Sarah Gilchrist and Clara Morri
214 / Tom McKie and Dave Jones
215 / Anton Ziolkowski
216 / Enru Liu and Xiang-Yang Li
217 / Ian Parsons and Ben Harte
218 / Mark Hempton
219 / Helen Doran and Bridget Wade
220 / Richard Martin and Fabio Mancini
221 / Iain Bartholomew
222 / John Smallwood
223 / Phil Allan
224 / Andy Dobson, Robin Lee and Lifeng Wang
First Floor South Wing
321 / Alice Walker and Chris Browitt322 / Owen Mansfield, Jon Hill and Alex Whittaker
323 / Allan McKay and Aoife O’Mongain
324 / Nick Banbury and Jon Dunningham
325 / John Braisby and Katy Hardacre
326 / Sarah Boulton and Alice Williams
327 / Caroline Gill and Gwilym Lynn
328 / Clare Woulds and Claire Britton
Friday 7th February
0930 Coach departs Grant Institute
1300 - 1330 Room Check-in
1330 - 1430 Buffet Lunch
1430 - 1445 Welcome from Hotel Manager and Grad School Chair
1500 Session 1 (5 talks)
1615 Coffee
1630 Session 2 (6 talks)
1800 Close Session
1830 Drinks in the Lounge
1930 Dinner in the Restaurant
2130 Quiz in the Lounge
Saturday 8th February
0730 - 0830 Breakfast (with Bacon rolls served until 0900)
0930 Session 3 (5 talks)
1045 Coffee
1115 Session 4 (5 talks)
1230 Buffet Lunch
1330 Session 5, Field Trip (Weather Permitting)
1530 Coffee followed by Session 6 (5 talks)
1630 Coffee
1645 Session 6 (4 talks)
1830 Drinks in the Lounge
1930 - 2130 Conference Dinner in Restaurant
2130 - 0100 Ceilidh in Restaurant with callers
Sunday 9th February
0830 - 1330 Breakfast/Brunch until departure at 1400
0930 - 1000 Room Check-out
1015 Session 7 (4 talks)
1115 Coffee
1130 Session 8 (4 talks)
1215 Conference closing session and prizes
1400 Coach departs
Talks Schedule
Talks Schedule
Talks Schedule / Bumps in all the wrong places: The Paleogene Equatorial Pacific / Medieval farm abandonment in Iceland: An evaluation of human-environment interactions. / Silverpit: The Anatomy of a Terrestrial Multi-Ringed Impact Structure / Shear-wave statics using receiver functions / The dating game: playing with accessory minerals / Assessing the magnitude and mechanisms of glacial response to the 8.2 ka cooling event in Iceland / Late Quaternary Palaeoclimatic Reconstruction in Patagonia using Chironomid Analysis / Glacial development of the continental margin west of shetland during the late Devonian. / An introduction to a Neogene transtensional basin in eastern Turkey / Drought in the Amazon? Predicting the impacts of climate change on the carbon uptake of Eastern Amazonia. / Helium isotope characteristics of an enriched component of the Icelandic mantle: Snaefellsnes Peninsula / High Resolution biomarker records from the deglacial NE Atlantic / Structural and biostratigraphic constraints on Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary accretionary and collisional processes … / Exploring beyond Rockall: the geology of the Hatton-Rockall area / Rapid Climate changes during the last glacial, 10-60 ka / Climate change and constraining “anomalous” glacier fluctuations: the western outlets of Mýrdalsjokull, southern Iceland / Salt tectonics in the Paradox Basin and the Upheval Dome controversy / Millimetric ground movements from Space / Two examples of seismic research at Schlumberger Cambridge Research / The potential of estimating fracture sizes from the frequency dependence of anisotropy / The Geometry of Bedrock Rivers / Britain's Primary Sources of Energy: The Impending Crisis / Geophysical investigations along the continental margin of East Greenland / In, out; in, out: oil filling is more interesting than you thought… / Bringing Energy To Life / The Marjun Discovery: First oil in the Faroes / Depressurising Brent, Water to Gas / Geoptical Spline: Multi-Parameter distributed fibre-optic sensors for Geoengineering and Natural Hazard Monitoring / A closer look at the reservoir using modern imaging tools / Seismic Calibration for Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Purposes / Worms, Mud and Tropical Cruises - Investigating the effect of macrofauna on carbon cycling in Arabian Sea sediments / Cosmogenic 10Be in the Alluvial Sediments of the San Bernardino Mountains, California / The "Age" of the Ocean: Quantifying Scottish Marine Radiocarbon Reservoirs. / Mapping with Microwaves - Remote Sensing for DEM creation and forest applications / Geomagnetically Induced Currents and Modelling the Electric Field: Does Geology Matter? / The behaviour and cycling of trichloroacetic acid in forest and agricultural soils / Glacial-interglacial cycles, and land Carbon, Phosphorous and Nitrogen change. / From SPQR to GCHQ, or Trapdoors, hashes, keys and digestsBridget Wade / Kerry-Ann Mairs / Phil Allen / Dirk Van Manen / Nigel Kelly / Lyndsay Sugden / Sarah Gilchrist / Stephen Davison / Sarah Boulton / Rosie Fisher / Alice Williams / Chris Byrne / Sam Rice / David McInroy / Mary Elliot / Andrew Casely / Nick Banbury / Chris Browitt / Johan Robertsson / Sonja Maultzsch / Alex Whittaker / Anton Ziolkowski / Baerbel Traub / Mark Wilkinson / Andrew Wilson / John Smallwood / John Braisby / Sebastien Chastin / Richard Martin / Aoife O’Mongain / Clare Woulds / Steve Binnie / Philippa Ascough / Ed Wallington / Allan McKay / Catherine Dickey / Clare Britton / Justin MacNeil
The Statue Of Zeua / The Hanging Gardens of Babylom / The Lighthouse of Alexandria / The Colossus of Rhodes / The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus / The Temple of Artemis / The Great Pyramid of Giza / The Wonder of the World
Session 1 / Session 2 / Session 3 / Session 4 / Session 5 / Session 6 / Session 7 / Session 8