Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing and Speech .


Credit Hours: 2+1=3.

Course Instructor: Dr. Wahab Owolawi.

Course Description:

Study of the structure and function of the auditory and speech organs in the chain of communication.

Course Objectives:

1.  Students must know and understand the structure, functions and processes involved in the production and reception of speech and related sounds.

2.  Students should understand and explain at the end of the course the scientific relationship existing between the oral and auditory domain in the chain of communication.

Course outline:

Week 1.

Introduction and definition of anatomy and physiology. Anatomical positions, planes, cells, tissues, organs and systems associated with communication.

Week 2.

Anatomy of the auditory system: outer, middle, and inner.

Weeks 3 & 4.

Physiology of the conductive organ (outer \ middle ear).

Week 5.

Physiology of the perceptive organ (inner ear).

Week 6.

1st In course Examination.

Week 7.

Central Auditory system, Role of the brain stem and cerebral cortex in sound perception.

Weeks 8, 9 &10.

The breathing mechanism: respiratory passage, lungs and muscles of respiration.

Terminology: Tidal volume, Vital capacity, complemental air, residual air and expiratory reserve volume. Process of inhalation and exhalation. Breathing for speech.

Week 11.

2nd In course examination.

Weeks 12 & 13.

The phonatory mechanism.

Laryngeal framework

Muscles of the larynx

Function of the larynx

The process of phonation.

Week 14.

The Articulatory mechanism.- it’s structure, muscles and function.

The process of articulation.

Week 15.

Revision & Final examinations.

Course Evaluation

Mid Tem Exams 40%

Practical 20%

Final Exam 40%

Total 100%


1.  Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing 2nd Edition. J.Anthony Seikel, Douglas W.King and David G. Drumright. Singular Publishing Group. San Diego. 2000

2.  Speech and Hearing Science.3rd Edition. Zemlin Willard, R.

Prentice Hall.

3.  Audiology Newby Hayes A and Popelka Gerald R.

. 6th Edition. Prentice Hall.
