BCM SCHOOL, Basant Avenue, Dugri


Sub: Mathematics Chapter: Linear equation

Date: 4th May,2016 in two variables

1.Solve for x and y:

(a) 141x + 93y = 189 , 93x + 141y =45(d)



2. Given below are three equations. Two of them have infinite solutions and two have a no solution, State the two pairs:

2x – 3y = 4, 4x – 6y = 7 , 6x- 9y = 12

3. For what value of x will be the following system of linear equations has infinitely solutions?


(k-1)x + (k+2)y = 3k

4. For what value of k will the following system of linear equations has no solutions:

3x + y = 1

And (2k -1) x + (k -1) y = 2k +1

5. The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio of 9:7 and their monthly expenditures are in the ratio of 4:3. If each of them saves Rs. 1600 per month, find the monthly income of each.

6. A man sold a table and a chair together for Rs. 850 at a loss of 10 % on the table and a gain of 10 % on the chair. By selling them together for Rs. 950, he would have a gain of 10 % on the table and a loss of 10 % on the chair. Find the cost price of each.

7. A and B are friends and their ages differ by 2 years. A’s father D is twice as old as A and B is twice as old as his sister C. The ages of D and C differ by 40 years. Find the ages of A and B.

8. If three times the larger of the two numbers is divided by the smaller one, we get 4 as quotient and 3 as the remainder. Also, if seven times the smaller number is divided by the larger one, we get 5 as quotient and 1 as remainder. Find the numbers.

9. X takes 3 hours more than Y to walk 30 km. But, if X doubles his pace, he is ahead of Y by Find their speed of walking.

10. Ratio between girls and boys in a class of 40 students is 2:3. Five new students joined the class. How many of them must be boys so that the ratio between the girls and boys becomes 4:5.

11. Seven times a two digit number is equal to four times the number obtained by reversing the digits. If the difference between the digits is 3. Find the number.

12 A man invested Rs. 3500, part of it at a yearly interest rate of 4% and the rest at 5 %. He receives a total annual interest of Rs. 153. How much did he invest at each rate?Find the cost price of each.

13. Two candles of equal height but different thickness are lighted. The first burns off in 6 hours and the second in 8 hours. How long, after lighting both, will the first candle be half the height of the second?

14. A chemist has one solution containing 50 % acid and a second one containing 25 % acid. How much of each should be used to make 10 liters of a 40 % acid solution?

15. A and B are cycling along the circular boundary of a playground. If they start towards each other from the opposite ends of the diameter 150 m long with A riding at twice the speed of B, then find the distance ( in terms of travelled by B when the two meet.