Resources for IEEE SFBAC Student Branches 2013 Rev1

Resources for IEEE SFBAC Student Branches- 2013

Money for submitting an annual report of the STB Activities and Financials

IEEE-Student Services based on your headcount reported in SAMIEE year end.

The STB submits its activity report by 1 May or two months after the academic year ends;
activity reports are due no later than 1 September annually.

The rewards

Submission of the completed online format your Student Branch for the annual rebate program. Student Branches receive a combined paymentof the Student Branch rebate and allotment, which is based on membership statistics as of 31 December of the previous year. The rebate is US$2 per [ Student and Graduate Student ] member of the Student Branch, and the allotment is either US$50 (for Branches with 49 or fewer members) or US$100 (for Student Branches with 50 or more members).
Example: <50 students: $50 + n*$2. > 50 students: $100 + n* $2.

49 students=> $50 + $98; 50 students=> $100 + $100; 200 students=> $100 + $400.

Example for SCV Section STB EOY, 2012 numbers [Students + Graduate Students]:

STB1761: 63 => $100 + 126

STB1751: 208 => $100 + 416

STB1871: 284 => $100 + 568

STB9511: 108 => $100 + 216

IEEE Section (OEB, SCV, SF) and Sub-Section (MBSS) can also provide funds and guidance.
SCV subsidizes each STB, SBC and SBA when that organization submits an annual
report at a monthly SCV Section ExCom meeting.
SCV also provides grants for STB projects when agood business case is presented.

IEEE Society Student Branch Chapter

IEEE-SCV-CPMT provides grants for SBC-CPMT projects when a good business case is

Money for the asking (with justification or entering a contest)
For guidance, contact the IEEE Region 6 Student Activities Chair (SAC)

And the Central Area SAC.

as of March 09, 2013, this list is outdated.

Region 6 and Central Area SAC is Mostafa Mortezaie

Region 6 Budget Items for Student Activities:

Line Item # 4.75; SPAC Total Region: $2000

Line Item # 4.76; GOLD Total Region: $1000
Line Item # 4.83.1; Area Paper Contest, Central Area Total: $1500
Line Item # 4.83.2; Area Design Contest, Central Area Total: $1500
Line Item # 4.83.3; Area Micromouse Contest, Central Area Total: $1500
Line Item # 4.9.1; MicroMouse Maze Construction, Total Region: $2000


MicroMouse Competition, also see 4.83.3
Student Paper Contest,
Student Branch Website Contest.

There are funds available for your STB to purchase key elements of the MicroMouse Maze.

Periodic SFBAC/Central Area Conferences/Gatherings for Student Branch leaders:

Next 2013 Central Area student meeting is going to be held on May 4, 2013 at UC Davis.
In time for newly elected student officers or eligible volunteers and committee chairs.

Let us know what time spans overlap your mid-term and finals.

Student Professional Awareness Conference(S-PAC or SPAC)

S-PAC is a half day conference inviting few speakers to talk about student professional development (non- technical in nature). It may include breakfast, lunch, door prizes.

Otherwise, contact any of the following
* Region 6 SPAC Coordinator
* Region 6 Student Representative

Student Professional Awareness Venture (SPAV)

S-PAV is a venture that may extend to weeks or months but usually not more than a semester. Examples include creating a website for professional development or even having a retreat on entrepreneurial training and setting up a company.

Information for NEW officers:

General Information for STB’s

Other Contest/Competition Funds:

Every year, the MGA Individual Benefits and Services Committee (IB&SC) supports IEEE student contests by offering a cash prize to winning teams. The contest can be a hardware, software or paper competition as long it is held Region-wide. The amount of the prize money awarded per Region is up to US$1,500.

Compiled by Ed Aoki, SCV Section Chair, 2013