Maori & Pasifika Trade Training Taranaki Scholarship Application


  • Of Maori or Pasifika descent and
  • 16 – 40 years of age at the start of your course, and
  • A New Zealand citizen or New Zealand permanent resident, and
  • Able to meet the entry requirements of the programme

Selection Obligations

  • Show a genuine desire to succeed in their chosen trades programme
  • Are committed to completing the practical and theory parts of the programme, and
  • Are keen to get a job in one of the industries which these programmes prepare them for, and
  • Commitment to Hapu, Iwi and / or Maori workforce development
  • Provide names and contacts of Whanau Support
  • Submit application before the CLOSING DATE 9th February 2018
  • Attend all Planned MPTT Cultural Component events
  • Scholarship form is filled out correctly & whakapapa signed by kaumatua for authentication
  • Attend a minimum of 90% or you may forfeit you MPTT Scholarship

Selection Process

The MPTT Coordinator will create a shortlist from the information you provide in the scholarship application, based on the selection criteria listed above. Shortlisted applicants may be asked to attend an interview with a Selection Panel.

Selection Conditions

  1. Scholarship will be awarded on the basis that the information supplied is true and correct. The MPTT Coordinator can withdraw the scholarship if the information is proved to be inaccurate or incomplete.
  2. If you turn down the scholarship, or do not accept the scholarship by the required date the MPTT Coordinator may offer the scholarship to another applicant. The scholarship must be for study in 2017
  3. The decision of the Selection Panel is final.
  4. You will be notified by mail of decision


  • The Scholarship only covers the Course Fee, any other finance, you will need to apply through “Study Link” e.g. Course related coast / Student Allowance

Other Resources

  • If you are under 25 years and completing a L1 or L2 programme you may be eligible for a “Fee Free Programmes”
  • If you are aged between 16 - 19 years you may be eligible for “Youth Guarantee Programmes”

Return to

MPTT Coordinator

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki

20 Bell Street,

Private Bag 2030

New Plymouth 4342