St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier Bulletin January 21 & 22, 2017 Pastor: Fr. Harry Tully
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel of Matthew was prepared for Jews who had converted to Christianity in the early church. Therefore, much of Matthew’s Gospel connects with prophecies found in readings from the Hebrew Scriptures. Many of these prophecies foretold the suffering, doom, and demise of the Israelites, an often recalcitrant nation. But sometimes the prophecies pointed the people to a new vision, a new hope. It is this type of hopeful prophecy found in Isaiah today. At the time of Isaiah’s words (in the mid-eighth century B.C.) the Israelites were in the grip of darkness resulting from an Assyrian conquest. The Jewish leaders had rejected Isaiah’s plea for courage and faith in God. Instead they followed the pagan Assyrians. It was during this time that Isaiah foretold the coming of a Savior. The hope that Isaiah offered the people was the light brought to them by God, in the promise of the Messiah.
Matthew makes a deliberate connection between the light that shines in the darkness and Jesus, the new light that will show us the way. The Gospel author uses the reading from Isaiah to connect the people of his community to their earlier tradition so that they could walk with Jesus Christ, the new light, the new hope.
There was something urgent in the story that Matthew put down for the people. As he described the call of the first disciples, they left their nets, their boats, and their families at the summons of Jesus. Two thousand years later, we still hear the invitation and our hearts are stirred to drop all the distractions of our lives and follow Jesus. The call of Jesus leads us to a vocation. We may choose a religious life or a single life, or we may be called to marriage, but it is the way in which we live out our response that brings us out of the darkness and allows us to walk in the light.
Today’s Readings: Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3; Psalm 27:1, 4, 13–14; 1 Corinthians 1:10–13, 17; Matthew 4:12–23
Fr. Harry Tully, PastorEmergency #812-218-9219 or 502-931-1499
Website - E-Mail -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111 Ph. 812-256-3200
Office Hours – 9:00 am-1:30 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN47126, Ph. 812-294-4682
Office Hours – Thursday 10:30am-2:00pm
Reconciliation – 4:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Must be a practicing/registered member for three months. Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Tully
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se comunican con las iglesias).
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la escuela. Recuerden que la Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén inscritos en las clases de religión.
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haberhecho la Primera Comunión. Los interesados comunicarse con Pbro.
Mass Schedule Mass Intentions
St. M / 1/23 / Mon / No MassSt. FX
St. M / 1/24 / Tue / No Mass
St. FX
St. M / 1/25 / Wed / 5:00 PM / Mass
St. FX / 1/26 / Thurs / 4:30PM / Mass
St. M / 1/27 / Friday / 12:00 PM / Mass
St. M / 1/28 / Sat / 4:30PM / Leonard Eickholtz
St FX / 1/29 / Sun / 9:00AM / Sandy Banet
St. M / 11:00 AM / For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier
12:30PM / En Español
I am leading you along the high road, but there are descents as well as ascents. In the distance you see snow-covered peaks glistening in brilliant sunlight. Your longing to reach those peaks is good, but you must not take shortcuts. Your assignment is to follow Me, allowing Me to direct your path. Let the heights beckon you onward, but stay close to Me. Learn to trust Me when things go “wrong” Disruptions to your routine highlight your dependence on Me. Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings that far outweigh them all. Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep. Breathe deep draughts of My Presence, and hold tightly to My hand. Together we canmake it!
By Sarah Young
The 2017 Calendars are at the church doors. Help yourself to the calendars they are donated to us by Grayson’s Funeral Home.
Special Thanks
If you have left flowers in Church and they were in a vase please pick vases up in the church lobby after mass. Thank you for the beautiful flowers and sharing them with your Church Family.
812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director
Mon-Fri. 7AM-6PM
Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time
Before & After Care: ages 6-12
Summer Camp: ages 6-12
Pre-School: 9-11:30AM Tues. & Thurs.
Pre-K: 9-11:30AMor12:30-3PM Mon. Wed. & Fri
Sat – 4:30 pm
Sun – 11:00 am
La Misa en Español
Domingo – 12:30 pm
St Michael parish is in need of Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions
Saturday Evening: Florence & Calvin DeVary
Sunday 11:00 am: For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier
Gift Bearers for this week’s Masses:
4:30: Joe Hoffman Family
11:00: Cheryl Mann & Helen Taylor Families
Faith Formation Classes are held on Sunday mornings for children three years of age up through high school. If your child does not attend a Catholic school, they should be enrolled in the FF program. Registration forms are available on the parish website. .
Pre-school to Grade 12. There is still time for additional students to join us. We are learning and deepening our knowledge of our Catholic faith-So we encourage parents who might be thinking about it, to go ahead and enroll their children and teens in our program. Our calendar and registration forms are available at .
Classes begin at 9:30 Please be on time & Arrive 5-10 minutes early.
Faith Formation Commission Meeting Date Changed to Monday, February 6th @ 6:30pm.
Catechist Pitch-In and meeting will be Thursday, February 2nd at 6:30pm., in Rectory Meeting Room. Please bring a covered dish.
Faith Formation Calendar:
January 22nd -Session Nineteen
January 29th -Session Twenty February 5th-Session 21
February 12th-Session Twenty- Two Rosary & Music Practice, 11:00 Mass, Youth Choir (Gift Bearers 5 & 6Grade)
February 18th & 19th- Sophomore Retreat Deadline
February 19th-Session Twenty –Three
February 19th-First Eucharist Parent/Child Retreat the Church
February 26th-Session Twenty-Four
February 26th-Confirmation Lesson 19& 20 in Multipurpose Room at 2:00pm.
March 5th-Session Twenty-Five
Assistants are needed each week. We encourage parents to attend Mass with their children. This enables the children to integrate what they learn in their Faith Formation classes with weekly participation in the liturgy.
Thanks to last week’s assistant: Cheryl Mann
Confirmation News:
One must be in the state of grace to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, which means receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation before being confirmed. Retreats, reconciliation, service hours, homework and attendance for class sessions are a must to be completed during this sacrament preparation time. Parents and Sponsors please talk to your candidate and check on their progress. Our next Lesson is Sunday, February 26th @ 2:00pm., in the St. Michael Multipurpose Room.
Please be working on those 20 service hours. Don't forget to read Lesson 19& Lesson 20. Please have your homework up to date. We will be asking for service hours update.
Please keep in your prayers our Confirmation Candidates: KyBaltz( RCIA), Abigail Banet, Jacob Coomes, Madison Coomes, Jovanny Alexis Guzman, Amanda Hernandez, Gage Higdon, Megan Jackson, Johnie Wayne Kinser, William Martin, , Aaron Ulrich.
Please keep in your prayers our First Reconciliation students: Luis Gomez, Andres Gomez, Ernesto Hernandez & Ava Lathem.
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat Jan 28,4:30pm– St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: J. Schafer & S. Seals
Servers: J. Worley
Gift Bearers: Hugh Willeford Family
Cantor: S/S Buit
Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz
Lector: Chuck Ledbetter
Sun. Jan 29, 11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: M. Edmond, J. Kinder & M. Cox
Servers: Volunteer
Gift Bearers: Doug Roederer Family
Cantors: J/M Wafford Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: Sharron Barker
The Rosary is said at St. Michael at 4:00 before Saturday Evening Mass and at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
The Rosary is said at St. Michael for Vision of our Lady of Guadalupe on the 12thof each month.
Saturday Mass Intention:
Heilbron & Viola Adams
Gift Bearers for this week’s Mass:
Pre-School & Kindergarten Class
St. Francis Faith Formation Calendar:
January 22nd Class
January 29th Class
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. Jan 29, 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Young Kim Young & Toni Allen
Servers: Aric Lyons Amora Lyons & Aaron Banet
Ushers: Victor Jett & Cindy Murphy
Gift Bearers: Chad & Melissa Lyons Family Lector: Sara Becher
We ask parishioners to please bring a non perishable item to be donated to the North Clark Outreach Center. There is a wooden box for donations in the church lobby. Thank you for your contribution.
St John Paul II Open House
You are invited to attend Sunday, January 29th from noon to 2pm. We are a Faith-Filled School promoting Christian values & morals. We’re more than just academics. We instill life lessons. We welcome children of all faiths, so please share this invitation with all your friends and family!
January 14 & 15
St. Michael $ 2,945.50 St Francis Xavier $ 1,739.00
Charlestown book by Chuck E. Ledbetter, Sr. on sale at Charlestown High School: The recently-released book celebrating Charlestown’s boys’ basketball’s 100 years is available. “The Charlestown High School Varsity Boys’ Pirates: Centennial Basketball 1917-2017 can be purchased in the Charlestown High School athletic office for $25.00. All proceeds from the sale of the book will be going to the CHS Athletic Department.
To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
Della Allen, Bruce Blair, Alicia Blair, Kayla Bowling, Sherry Buit, Bobby Caudill,Glen Cole, Liz Cooper, Tom Cooper, Ted Dean, Bernice Donahue, Erik Furnish, Adam Drury, Jeanette Drury, Dorothy Faris, Barbara Garrett, Rita Hamerla, Don Hamerla, Chris Harvey, Sandy Hostettler, Brenda Karns, Nathan Koons, James Korty, David Lerster, David Long, Jennifer Lynch,Terri Lynn Maples, Mary Ann Mattingly,Terry Mattingly, Carol Maymon, Mary McMillenAldine McRae, Kathy Missi, Michael Murphy, Esther Toby Nelson, Ian Newland, Mitch Newland, Willard Nolan, Larry Oberlies,Dylan Patton, Bobby Perdue, Ms. Peyton,David Puzon, Carroll Schafer, Clarence Schaftlein,Estelle Scott, Danielle Shipley, Michael Shipley Family, Spear Family, Clarence Smith, Dorothy Smith, Miriam State,ChristyStepp, Isabella ‘Izzy” Stepp, Jack Stewart, Dan Taylor, Mark Thise, Bonnie Uptain, Joseph Douglas VanDyke JR., Melissa Villegas, Lynn Vogt, Isabell Wade, Chris Wafford, Flo Wessel, Logan Westerhouse, Agnes Withers, George Wimsett, Rose Wimsett, Jim Witten,Tim Wolfe, Kay Yotter, Emma Yount, Donnie Zollman. Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.
Marriage Enrichment Workshop is February 18th 8:30-12.00.
The purpose of this workshop is to allow couples to exercise their relationship and to flex those communication muscles. This is a hands-on and fun morning consisting of presentations, couple exercises, and learning from other married couples. The morning is targeted to those who are newlywed to 10-12 years; however it is structured such that those married “since the day they were born” will find something to take away and certainly to contribute. For information please contact John orJane Herbst at 812-748-7272. There is a $15.00 charge per couple. Please register by February 1!
4thThursday Reflection & Prayer - Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary–As Catholics we can recite the Hail Mary from memory but how often do we actually reflect on its meaning? We are providing you the opportunity to slow down and pray/reflect on the words of the Hail Mary.The evening session is a repeat of the morning, we hope your will join us on Thursday, January 26 at either 10:00 am or 6:30 pm at the Aquinas Center for this Reflection & Prayer. After praying with us visit St. Joe Hill Chapel for Eucharistic Adoration.
Parishioner Update:
Joan Corbett shared her talent and friendship for many years here at St. Michaels. She played the organ and showed her support in many ways. She has recently moved to Texas to live with her daughter. If you would like to reach out and let her know we are thinking of her, her new address is 25802 Timben Lake Dr. Springs, Texas 77380. Phone number: 281-221-8218. She has expressed how much she misses everyone. Please keep her in your prayers.
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Theme: Jesus calls us to follow him; our lives will never be the same.
Step 1: As you hear the readings, what words or phrases catch your attention in this reading, what touches your heart?
Step 2: Look into your life.
Children: As you grow into young adulthood, Jesus calls you to follow him in particular way, both big and small. What are some of the small ways in which Jesus calls you to follow him?
Youth & Adults: How does Jesus call you to assist in his ministry; the building up of the reign of God? How do you know what God wants of you in this regard?
This is a good website. It is new & filled with catholic resources. It’s easy to navigate, so go & explore.
Special Information: The 5th Sunday Collection Envelope donations are to support the North Clark Outreach Center in Charlestown and the Community Care Project in Henryville. Our communities need your support. Thank you for your support.
Servers: Some insight of the duties as an altar server will involve everything from assisting the priest to lighting candles, carrying the books used at Mass and saying prayers. We are in need of Servers at St. Michael -Adults or Youth!! Please contact Fr. Tully for Altar Server Training.