Marketing & Development Plan

Find, Win, Keep, Lift

This very basic flow has to become an ongoing progression for your chapter YFC, not a once in a while blitz. In today’s competitive environment, it is not unusual to lose 10% to 40% of your donor income in a year. Staying even means adding those dollars back in.

  1. Find - The process of attracting new constituents to YFC.
  2. Win - Turning visitors into donors.
  3. Keep – Turning one-time donors into regular, periodic givers.
  4. Lift – Regular donors increase their giving and become advocates for YFC.

Your plan should include well though out efforts in each of these categories.

Donor Levels (these slide up and down depending on budget size and reality of the chapter donor base)

Foundational Donors$ 0 to $ 2,000 per year

Intermediate Donors$ 2,000 to $ 5,000 per year

Major Donors$ 5,000to? per year

It will take you work it will take to attract and begin to win over your foundational donors - those folks who support you for $25, $50 or $100 monthly, or with small annual gifts.

But, while a portion of those will be “lifted” into higher categories of giving, most of them will not jump levels to become your key intermediate or major donors.

You need a plan that fits each group.

  • You won’t find one group where you find the other.
  • You might not win them with the same approach as the other.
  • Keeping higher level donors is more difficult since there’s more competition for their attention.
  • And moving a higher level donor up takes more attention and different communication than your foundational donors.

Build a plan on the following grids to devise ways to Find, Win, Keep and Lift donors at every level.

In grid one, outline “what” you will do in each step on the donor relationship journey. And, do that with each category of donor. What will you do to create pools from which to “fish” for Foundational, Intermediate and Major Donors?

In a second grid, sketch out “how” you will fish those pools. What tools will you need? What activities will have to be planned?

In a third, identify “who” will do the work you have set out for yourselves. One sure way to make certain your plan fails is to just assume it will get done. Here is where you may need to adjust job descriptions and plan hires or recruit volunteer help to staff your plan.


If you need help with your plan, just ask. We can discuss who the right person is to weigh in on it.