2017 Edition

Homework 1: Devolved Powers, pages 1-14

Describe, in detail two devolved powers to the Scottish Parliament (6 marks, SQA 2014)

Identify two devolved powers

For each power give an example of how that power has been used in Scotland

Homework 2: Representation, pages 15-31

Describe, in detail, two ways an MSP can represent us in the Scottish Parliament (4 marks)

Identify two ways MSPs can represent us

Give examples to illustrate these

Homework 3: Power of the Government, pages 32-37

Explain, in detail, three ways the Scottish Government uses its powers to run Scotland (8 marks)

Discuss the following:

  • Members of the cabinet and the work of ministers
  • Role of the First Minister and his/her duties
  • Passing new laws (legislation)

Use examples when discussing each of these ways government uses its powers

Homework 4: Work of Councils, pages 33-50

Describe, in detail, two ways local councillors represent our views in decision making (4 marks)

Consider things such as committees, voting, contacting services and other councillors

Use examples from your notes to illustrate each point.

Homework 5: Electoral Systems, pages 17-30, booklet 2

Explain, in detail, three advantages of the Additional Member System (8 marks, SQA 2016)


  • Fairness, proportionality
  • Level of choice
  • Numbers of women/ minorities elected
  • How well minority parties do

Use examples. Evidence from election results in your answer

Homework 6: Participation, pages 3-17, pages 31-55, booklet 2

  1. Describe. In detail, two ways political parties campaign in Scottish Parliament Elections

(4 marks, SQA 2016)

  • Consider leafleting, canvassing, media campaigns and remember to answer with examples
  1. Explain, in detail, two reasons why some people participate in one of the following:

Pressure Groups

Trade Unions

The Media.

  • Choose one and use real examples(6 marks, SQA 2015)
  1. Explain, in detail, two reasons why many people in Scotland choose to vote in elections.
  • Consider, similarities/ differences between parties, possible outcomes of elections, understanding of electoral system (6 marks, SQA, 2014)