NAU Supervisor’s Safety Checklist

This form is designed to help NAU Supervisors and Principal Investigators assure that the individuals they supervise have the knowledge and training they need in order to work safely and comply with applicable safety regulations at NAU. Visit the NAU Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Supervisor Safety webpage for links to resources.

Employee name:

Employee job description:

Employee job location:

Employee date of hire:

Supervisor name and department:

Check all conditions that apply for your employee and use checkboxes to track of the employee’s completion of associated training. (Note: Official training records must also be maintained.)

Employee will be working in a laboratory.

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If checked, employee will need:

Online Chemical Hygiene Training

Review of Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Review of site-specific SOPs

Site-specific training on chemical hazards, proper chemical storage, labeling systems and location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Employee could be exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals (ex: paints, cleaners, glazes, corrosive products) in a non-laboratory setting

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If checked, employee will need:

Online Hazard Communication Training

Review of site-specific SOPs

Site-specific training on chemical hazards,proper chemical storage,labeling systems and location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Employee could be exposed toblood or other potentially infectious materials.

If checked, employee will need:

InitialBloodborne Pathogens Training (contact biosafety staff to schedule)

Employee will be working with samples containing biological hazards (e.g. viruses, bacteria).

If checked, supervisor and employee will need to contact the NAU Biosafety Office for guidance.

Employee will be working with lasers, radioactive isotopes or x-ray equipment.

If checked, employee will need:

To contact NAU’s Radiation Safety Officer

Online Radiation Safety Training

Employee will be generating, storing, or disposing of potentially hazardous materials (eg. used cleaning/painting products, laboratory or biological waste).

If checked, employee will need:

Online Hazardous Waste Training

Employee will be working with sources of hazardous energy

If checked, employee will need:

Lockout/Tagout Training

Employee will be working in confined spaces

If checked, employee will need:

Confined Space Training

Employee will be working with known or assumed asbestos containing materials.

If checked, employee will need:

Asbestos Awareness Training

Employee will be driving his/her own vehicle OR a state vehicle for NAU business.

If checked, employee will need to:

Register as an Authorized Driver through LOUIE

Employee will be conducting fieldwork.

If checked, employee will need:

To participate in the NAU Field Safety Checklist for each project

Employee will be supervising employees and/or students.

If checked, employee will need:

Online Supervisor Safety Training

Employee will use the following hazard controls during the course of their work (check all that apply). Note: Supervisors must train employees in the proper use of hazard controls.

Splash goggles

Impact Safety Glasses

Chemically Protective Gloves

Lab coat

Steel-toed footwear

Traction devices for winter activities

Safe work practices with sharps (needles, glass, etc.)

Safe Lifting Techniques


Fume hood

Biosafety Cabinet

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Fall Protection Devices

Rigging Equipment

Hearing Protection


Describe any other job-specific safety considerations for this job description:

I have reviewed the potential hazards and necessary hazard controls associated with this job description:

Supervisor Signature/Date:

Employee Signature/Date:

Maintain a copy of this record and associated training documentation for the duration of employment.