April 2017 Form 1

Parachute Association of South Africa

Telephone and Fax:
021-553-3398 / P O Box 423
Melkbosstrand, 7437 / E-mail:

Monthly Activity and Deposit Report

To avoid a fine or suspension, this form must be submitted by the 10th each month. Regardless of NIL activities.
Give explanation under Comments.
Drop Zone or S.J.O.: / Month/Year:
Deposit summary:
Pay to:
Current account
1518019269 / First Jump Students trained: / R40 / * / = R
Display jumps applied for: / R150 / * / = R
Tandem passenger fee: / R15 / * / = R
Drop Zone annual affiliation fee: / R2000 / * / = R
Other (give details): / = R
Total Deposit for the month: = R
First Jump
Students trained:
Attach FJ register (Form 4) / Static Line / Other training:
Note: Not included in total at number of descents on left. / Conversion S/L to AFF
AFF / Passengers on aircraft
Total for month
Number of
Descents: / Static Line /
Number of
Incidents: / Static Line
Freefall Day / Freefall, Day
Note: 4 jumpers on
1 Display jump =
4 descents / Freefall Night / Freefall, Night
Display Jump descent / Display
Water Jump descents / Water
Tandem master +
Pax =1 descent / Tandem / Tandem
Total for month / Total for month
Total number of days jumped this month / NB: Submit Incident Reports to NSTO ASAP
Number of first jump students who have previously done a tandem skydive:
Classification of first jump students trained: / Non-PDI / PDI / Foreign / M / F
For the purposes of this document only, PDI will refer to SA citizens who are Black, Indian or Coloured persons and excludes individuals belonging to such communities from any other country. Non-PDI will refer to SA citizens who do not fall into the PDI category above and Foreign will refer to all individuals from any other country other than SA. PASA requires this information for demographic reporting to the Aero Club and SASCOC.
Demonstration Jumps performed this month:
No / RAASA Ref. /


/ Date / Descents
1 / RA-DJ
2 / RA-DJ
3 / RA-DJ
4 / RA-DJ
5 / RA-DJ
6 / RA-DJ
7 / RA-DJ
8 / RA-DJ
9 / RA-DJ
10 / RA-DJ
Comments: (e.g. Demonstration jumps cancelled etc.)
Report compiled by: / Date: