JUNE 15, 2016


Present: J. Lechner; M. K. Schwab; E. Haak; J. Whitley; B. Stokes; R. Auerhahn; T. Kolb; B. Youngblood

Meeting called to order at 19:00 hours by President Kolb, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence.

Motion to Accept Meeting Minutes from May 18, 2016: Earl Haak

2nd: Jack Whitley

Motion Carried

President’s Report

The Exempt Club meeting on Wednesday, July 20 will be a Picnic Meeting, taking place in the meeting hall at Co. 1 beginning at 6pm. This Picnic Event is open to all Exempt Club members and their spouses/significant others. More details will be emailed soon, but for now, please save the date. There will be no co-pay for this event. Let’s plan on all getting together and enjoy this Summer Picnic!

President Kolb announced that the Exempt Club will be setting up a booth at the Chil-E Fest on Monday, July 4th to once again sell bottled water and canned pop. If you can volunteer even and hour or two for this event, it would be greatly appreciated. Set up time will be about 9am, and will begin selling around 10:30am. Last year, we sold beverages until the time we took down the booth, which was at 8:30pm. Secretary Youngblood will contact Mike Curley, from the Town of Chili Recreation Dept., to inform him of our desire to have a booth set up in front of Co. 1.

We will be repeating the Dinner Cruise on the Fairport Colonial Belle on Sunday, August 28. Please reserve this date, and a flyer will be mailed out soon, listing meal choices and co-pay information.

Vice President’s Report – No Report - Absent

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Auerhahan read the Treasurer’s Report from May 18, 2016 thru June 15, 2016.

Motion to Accept Treasurer’s Report from May 18 thru June 15: Jim Lechaner

2nd: Bill Stokes

Motion Carried

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Youngblood reminded the members of the next Shut-In Visit which will take place on Monday, June 20, leaving Co. 1 at 10am. If anyone is interested in participating in this visit or future ones, please contact her, or any other Club Officer. This visit will include Ray Bubel, Mary Grace Marshall, Louise Lammes, Barb Goeltz, Bob Kenyon, and June Connor. Greeting cards were brought to this meeting, for those in attendance to sign for the members to be visited. A card was included for Tom Free, who recently had outpatient surgery, to wish him well in his recovery.

A reminder to please consider participating in the preparation of a dinner at the Ronald McDonald House on Saturday, August 13. A group of 8-10 people would be ideal, so please contact Barb Youngblood as soon as possible, if you are interested in participating in this very worthwhile event. Arrival time at Ronald McDonald House will be about 1pm, and end time around 5:30pm. We can talk about arrangements to car pool, if there is an interest, by leaving Co. 1 to drive to the Westmoreland location (leaving abt. 12:30pm).

Thank you cards were read from the Auerhahn family, as well as the American Cancer Society, for donations made by the Exempt Club in memory of 2 of their family members. In addition, a note was read from Tom Free’s Mother, who gratefully thanked the Exempt Club members for the assistance and support given to the Free Family during the Memorial Service and Reception for Marion in May. She also made a generous monetary donation to our Club, which President Kolb has sent an acknowledgement for.

The bus trip on Saturday, June 11 was a fun time for all. Everything went smoothly, and it appeared everyone had a good time. Please be thinking of ideas for a possible Fall Bus trip in late September, or early October to discuss at our July meeting.

Jim Lechner shared details regarding a special NY Warrior Alliance event which took place on June 11, as well as Earl Haak shared his experience as one of the many veterans who went on an Honor Flight Mission recently.

A Lucky Number drawing was held for those in attendance at this evening’s meeting; congratulations to Mary Kay Schwab for having the Lucky Number, and winning a Wegmans gift card. These Lucky Number drawings will be held at each regular meeting; if you are there, you will receive a ticket!

With no other business to discuss, Motion to Adjourn at 19:50 hours: Jack Whitley

2nd: Earl Haak

Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted,

Barb Youngblood

CFD Exempt Club Secretary