7th July 2014, held at the Majors Retreat, Tormarton


/ Action
Shelagh Fishlock - Area Rep/Severn Vale
Gill Penberth – Chair
Jo Ricketts – Secretary/Bath RC
Emma Billett – Severn Vale
Janet Stares – Wessex Gold
Tam Thornton – Swindon District
Caron Roberts – Swindon District
Jude Matthews – VWH
Pip Thornton - VWH
Laura Watts – Wessex
Kate Nicholls – BDRC
Kim Evans – Saxon DG
Margaret Read – Kings Leaze
Jen Watkins – Bath
Chantelle Bucknell – Bath
Jo Webley – BDRC
Carolyn Taylor – SVRC
Daphne Smith – KLRC
Linda Knight – CHPRC
Jane Jones – VHPRC
Apologies – Frampton Family RC
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Minutes from last meeting

No matters arising
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Chair Report

Dressage To Music held on 7th June and ran very well by Kings Leaze at Burrows Court
Horse Trials held on 22nd June at West Wilts. This was a long but successful day but a few items need to be addressed for next year:
1)Helpers needs better coordinating to prevent people being sent home when they have volunteered to help. Times to be communicated earlier to helpers.
2)Some competitors put into incorrect section by West Wilts which created issues with scoring. Also swapping of teams caused issues so in future declarations must be made Thursday or day before times are allocated and only substitutes allowed on the day.
3)No tack checkers at any point. Area 9 to provide this next time.
Some issues that arose may have been due to West Wilts staff being under pressure having run an additional BE day 7 days before.
Dressage held on 29th June at Rabson Manor and successfully organised by Swindon. Elementary and Medium ran on the surface.
Next Event – 13th July Showjumping at Leyland Court. Less entries than last year. Style jumping will start at 9.30am not 9am.
3 / Future Competitions
Intermediate Winter Competitions being introduced this year.
Intermediate Dressage – 1 prelim, 2 novices and 1 elementary
Intermediate Showjumping – 95cm/1m
Championships to be held at Bury Farm first weekend in May.
Winter Novice Dressage will require restriction on entries as lack of daylight means 30 teams is very tight for time. Each club to be limited to 3 teams. Email organiser week before prelim entries to give indication of number of entries.
Rules need to be clarified for winter intermediate dressage but Bath RC will consider running it if they can find a suitable venue.
Frampton FRC will run Novice SJ at Summerhouse on 2nd November
Eventers Challenge – Shelagh has commenced negotiations with West Wilts. It needs to be financially viable and Area 18 feel its too far to come.
Combined Training – Wessex will run this even again in 2015 at Rabson.
Shelagh will ask Pam at Area 15 whether they would consider running intermediate showjumping at Cricklands.
2015 Summer competitions
Dressage To Music – Kings Leaze to run at Burrows Court
Dressage – Swindon to run at Rabson Manor
Showjumping – Severn Vale to run at Leyland Court
Horse Trials – West Wilts
No Windsor qualifiers in 2015.
4 / Treasurer Report
Treasurer still having issues with the bank access.
£2279.69 in the bank.
Wiltshire Springline and Ladysmith have not paid subs.
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Training grant to be separated from general account so we know how much is left to spend.
Carolyn Taylor is contacting Adrian House to organise sj course building training at West Wilts.
Riding Test/Style jumping training was very good and another is to be held next year.
Swindon are considering holding a Biomechanics training day and are awaiting price information.
Shelagh would like to run a half day or evening training session for committee members on how to enter competitions, health and safety, child protection etc
If any clubs have any ideas please email Carolyn.
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Area Rep Report

A new starter pack for clubs is being produced by head office and should be ready by the end of the year.
Rider magazine financials page being reinstated.
Lincoln 2015 will be first weekend in September, in 2016 will be second weekend in September
Officials Stewards training weekend in 2015 – Barbara from Frampton and Carolyn from SVRC would like to attend.
There is now a dedicated emergency telephone number at head office for use only during shows. Shelagh will have this number.
Head office representatives would like to attend Area AGM.
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SVRC have purchased electronic timing equipment for showjumping.
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Next Meeting

AGM – Monday 1st December, Plough Inn, Kington Langley