General Questions:

  1. Know the Cadet Creed and how to perform 15 Count Manual of Arms.
  1. What is the Mission of JROTC? To motivate young people to be better citizens.
  1. What is the key to success in JROTC? The key to success in JROTC is TEAMWORK.

Cadet Rank Structure:

4. What rank is a cadet with ______?

Officer Ranks

Three DiamondsColonel

Two DiamondsLieutenant Colonel

One DiamondMajor

Three DisksCaptain

Two DisksFirst Lieutenant

One DiskSecond Lieutenant

Enlisted Ranks

Three Stripes Up/three down a star and a wreathCommand Sergeant Major

Three Stripes Up/three down and a starSergeant Major

Three Stripes Up/three down and a diamondFirst Sergeant

Three Stripes Up/three downMaster Sergeant

Three Stripes Up/two downSergeant First Class

Three Stripes Up/one downStaff Sergeant

Three StripesSergeant

Two StripesCorporal

One Stripe Up/one downPrivate First Class

One Stripe UpPrivate

4a. Name the cadet enlisted rank structure from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

A. Cadet Private, Cadet Private First Class, Cadet Corporal, Cadet Sergeant, Cadet Staff Sergeant, Cadet Sergeant First Class, Cadet Master Sergeant or Cadet First Sergeant, Cadet Sergeant Major, Cadet Command Sergeant Major.

4b. Name the Cadet Officer personnel rank structure from the lowest rank to the highest rank

A. Cadet Second Lieutenant, Cadet First Lieutenant, Cadet Captain, Cadet Major, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Cadet Colonel

First Aid:

  1. What is the Heimlich Maneuver used for? To clear a blocked airway.
  1. What is First Aid? The assistance someone provides to an injured person until trained medical personnel arrive.
  1. What is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation used for? To restore breathing

Map Reading:

  1. What are the five basic colors found on a military map and what do they represent?


Green Vegetation

BrownContour, Elevation and Relief

BlackManmade Objects

RedOther Manmade Objects and Densely Populated areas

  1. What instrument would you use to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field environment? Compass
  1. What instrument is used to determine grid azimuth on a map? Protractor
  1. What are the five major terrain features? Hilltop, Ridgeline, Saddle, Valley, Depression

Drill and Ceremony:

  1. How many inches in a normal step in marching? 30 inches
  1. Which foot can you give the command halt on? Either foot
  1. What position are you allowed to speak while in formation? The position of “REST”

U.S. Military History:

15. Who were the primary antagonists during World War II (who did the U.S. and its allies fight)? Germany, Italy and Japan

16. What happened on 7 December 1941 in Hawaii? The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

17. Who was the Commander of the Revolutionary Army? George Washington

18. What war was fought during the 1960’s and 1970’s? The Vietnam War

Citizenship and the Constitution:

19. What are the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution know as? The Bill of Rights

20. Which amendment grants the “Freedom of Speech”? The First Amendment

21. What age is a U.S. Citizen first allowed to vote? 18 years old

22. What are the two primary political parties? The Republican Party and the Democrat Party

Current Events

23. What happened in New York City and Washington DC. on 11 September 2001? Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

24. Which country did the U.S. attack initially in the "War on Terrorism"? Afghanistan

25. What military operation was initiated on 21 March 2003? Operation Iraqi Freedom

Classroom Management

26. What tools are being used in the classroom to assist in the presentation of the curriculum? Classroom Performance System (CPS), Walk & Talk Chalkboard, Smart Board, Laptop Computers, DVD player, and DVD’s.

27. What are the steps to the 4-Phase Lesson Plan? Inquire, Gather, Process, Apply

28. Identify two Thinking Maps: Brace Map, Bridge Map, Bubble Map, Circle Map, Double Bubble Map, Flow Map, Multi-Flow Map, and Tree Map.

Winning Colors

29. What are the four Winning Colors and what do they each represent?


Red Adventurer



30. What are Winning Colors used for? Determine strengths and potential weaknesses and how to conduct meetings and to capitalize on Strengths and Weaknesses of individuals in group planning.

Chain of Command

31. What is the name and rank of your cadet Battalion Commander?

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Peyton McGuigan

32. What is the name and rank of your cadet Battalion Sergeant Major?

Cadet Command Sergeant Christopher Staker

33. Who is your Senior Army Instructor (SAI?)

Major William Padjune

34. Who is your Army Instructor (AI?)

First Sergeant William Patterson

35. Who is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?

President or Honorable Barack Obama

36. Who is the Army Chief of Staff?

General Mark A. Milley

37. Who is the Secretary of Defense?

Honorable Ashton B. Carter

38. Who is the Secretary of the Army?

Honorable Patrick J. Murphy (acting Secretary)

39. Who is the Sergeant Major of the Army?

Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel A. Dailey

40. Who is the Commanding General of US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)? GeneralDavid G. Perkins

41. Who is the Commanding General of US Army Cadet Command?

Major General Peggy C. Combs

42. Who is the Director of U.S, Army JROTC?

Colonel Thomas G. Bell

43. Who is the Commander of US Army JROTC 6th Brigade?

Colonel Joe Pugliese
